Tag Archives: DNA alterations


I was so moved by this documentary, I needed to share it (FOR FREE) with my wordpress, facebook, twitter and linkedin community. Here you will see professionals in the field of healthcare and science discuss the realities of our future. This viewing will be available for ONLY ONE WEEK. It is a 90 minute presentation […]

The HUMAN Lab Rat Experiment

Cigarettes were first commercially produced in 1865. In 1881 the first cigarette machine was invented creating the opportunity to massively distribute this product.  In 1964 the Surgeon General of the U.S. (the chief doctor for the country) wrote a report about the dangers of cigarette smoking. He said that the nicotine and tar in cigarettes […]

The Business Side Of The Hypodermic Needle

What do you think would happen if our government created a law just for the auto industry providing blanket liability protection from any lawsuit for any injury caused by a motor vehicle? Do you think the auto industry might reduce costly safety standards in pursuit of increased profits? If this was to occur, do you think this might […]

FEAR Is Not A Viable Choice

Initially, when I thought about the word “FEAR” the image that came to mind was an individual withdrawing from a situation that elicited this emotion. It was a personal emotion which resided in the mind and caused this response. As the days go by and the stories spread throughout the United States about the various doctors […]


The following article was written by April McCarthy and can be found on PreventDisease.com. It clearly explains the problems with various food products and provides SOLUTIONS for the consumer. I hope you enjoy it. Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. […]


When we think of food, we think of: calories, fat, protein and carbs. restaurants breakfast, lunch, dinner favorite tastes desserts Although food certainly relates to these various terms, we are learning that food actually provides our body with very TECHNICAL INFORMATION. Without going into the details about genetic expression, mitochondria health, ATP formation, hormones, cell membranes, intestinal microbiome […]

Hawaii Voices Opinion On GMO Products

With all the controversy over GMO (genetically modified organism) products, Mayor Billy Kenoi has signed into law bill 113 which states that biotech companies are now prohibited from operating on the “Big Island” and that ALL FARMERS are banned from growing any new genetically altered crops. So, how do we determine for ourselves if GMO […]