When it comes to the length and the quality of our lives, there is no plan of action that guarantees results. That being said, there are choices we can make that increase the chances for longer healthier lives.

When Babe Ruth picked up his first baseball bat he wasn’t a natural home run hitter. When Michael Jordan picked up his first basketball, he didn’t gracefully fly through the air scoring basket after basket.

As each of us goes through life and starts a new “adventure”, our lack of experience often reveals an awkward “clumsiness.” SUCCESS isn’t a birth right; it is mostly acquired through dedication and persistence.



The plate spinner is frenzied early on as he watches plate after plate fall and break




…and with practice, patients and persistence he overcomes the learning curve and enjoys the benefits of achieving successful results…


Our health is no different. We were not born with an innate skill to understand and follow a lifestyle designed to maximize the chances for longevity (and more importantly,) QUALITY.

The novice plate spinner doesn’t master his skill by relying solely on PASSIVE instructions of an accomplished plate spinner. Although these instructions may offer some assistance, the novice plate spinner will NEVER master the skill until he is willing to ACTIVELY participate. His desire to pursue and succeed (in the face of likely repetitive FAILURE,) provides the motivation and discipline necessary to master the skill of plate spinning.

This same CONCEPT applies to those striving for longevity and quality health.



These PASSIVE instructions provided by our doctors will NEVER (in and of themselves) provide a means of achieving GOOD HEALTH. This approach is designed to SUSTAIN sub par health for as long as possible.

In today’s medical model of chronic diseases, (ex. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, GI distress, autoimmunity, etc…) the patient is rarely (if ever) presented a PLAN OF ACTION to overcome and FIX their condition. Instead, these patients are provided more and more drugs to reduce their symptoms as their conditions worsen. This PASSIVE approach emphasizes the doctor’s role in CONTROLLING the outcome. It assumes the patient’s role and responsibility for his or her own health is minor and primarily based on PASSIVELY following the directions on the prescription bottle.

What if early in the doctor/patient relationship the following instructions were supplied to the patient prior to the onset of disease?


If these requirements were provided to the patient and followed up at future office visits, would it be possible to reduce the number of chronic conditions consumers face today? Would it be possible to minimize the need for prescription medications designed to sustain (not FIX) chronic diseases? Would it be possible to create a HEALTHIER population of people by getting them ACTIVELY involved in the process?

We have seen in this article that mastering the act of plate spinning requires motivation, discipline and the willingness to be persistent. We have seen that PASSIVE learning is not enough (by itself) to gain mastery of this skill. We have seen that repetitive FAILURE is a natural part of the learning experience that ultimately achieves desired results.

Is the pursuit of individual GOOD HEALTH and the opportunity and quality of life one can potentially achieve not worth a similar effort? Can you begin to see that conventional approaches to health and disease limits one’s ability to EVER achieve an honest and meaningful state of GOOD HEALTH. The mere fact of lifelong drug dependency clearly demonstrates an INFERIOR state of health?


Until the patient is willing to take back CONTROL of his or her life by balancing the various components that support healthier outcomes, (seen in the picture above) the chances for ever attaining GOOD HEALTH are slim to none.

Besides prescriptions, what ACTIVE responsibilities does your physician “prescribe” in between office visits to help you achieve GOOD HEALTH. Does it look like the following:


Does your physician threaten to release you from care if you refuse to comply with your ACTIVE responsibilities, or is he or she more concerned with your prescription drug compliance?

Are you and your physician strategizing to increase the need for more and more drugs over time, or pursuing a path that reduces the need and increases the chances for healthier FUNCTIONAL QUALITY living?

Do you really believe, “you’re doing well,” because your physician says so, or are you ready to face the TRUTH and take ACTION STEPS toward achieving what GOOD HEALTH really feels like?


  1. Hello! You said it well. I couldn’t agree more. “Until the patient is willing to control, the chances of good health are slim.”

    When a patient understands the power of “autosuggestion”, he/she is 90% in control of his/her life.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. True. We need to adopt perspectives on health that are more proactive

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you for taking the time to read and share your opinion.


  2. Reblogged this on MPB's Health Zone and commented:
    Until the patient is willing to take back CONTROL of his or her life by balancing the various components that support healthier outcomes, (seen in the picture above) the chances for ever attaining GOOD HEALTH are slim to none.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so informative. I like it. Ima on maintenance for blood sugar and high blood.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Have you ever asked your doctors what it would take to overcome these health imbalances and restore health to normal function WITHOUT synthetic drugs? “Maintaining” blood sugar and high blood pressure means you’ve given up on your body’s ability to RESTORE normal health and function. If you choose to rely on “medications” you will likely need more and more and more over time as the CAUSE of these problems remains unaddressed. Why not ask your doctor (or another doctor if yours is incapable of helping you) what it would take to overcome the need for prescription medications restoring NORMAL blood pressure and NORMAL blood sugar. Many doctors have been able to achieve these goals. Naturally, each case is separate and requires a thorough evaluation. Just because one doctor might say it can’t be done doesn’t mean he or she is correct.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My BP and blood sugar went back to normal when I had my last check-up with lab of course. Is there alternative cures for high BP and blood sugar without maintenance. I garden, but exercise is almost non-existent. Thank you for all these. Makes me hopeful to be normal again. By the way, my doctor told me that the maintenace meds are for life (?).

        Liked by 1 person

        1. There are alternative approaches to regulating blood pressure and blood sugar. Each person is different and requires a comprehensive analysis to determine where deficiencies exist causing abnormalities (ex. high blood pressure, high blood sugar)
          It requires active participation on the part of the patient. It’s not about simply adding chicken and subtracting cheese doodles. It requires a REALISTIC approach including all the various components designed for lifelong living. It requires a commitment from the patient for their own well being. Obviously based on your doctor telling you these medications will be taken as long as you live, he or she does not possess the skills to offer the potential options I’m saying may exist. I would encourage you to seek a “FUNCTIONAL DOCTOR” that includes all the essential components in a treatment protocol. See if his or her approach meets your confidence and needs for RESTORING better health to your body. Let me know if you have any other questions.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’m taking this to heart. Thank you so much for your good advice Doctor Jonathan. On my own though, I am taking initiative to avoid those food that increases blood sugar. I am feeling good so far. Haven’t been to the doctor since August of last year. Thanks again. God bless!

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Another great post! I can definitely improve in many of these areas. I eat a lot of veggies compared to many people I know but even at about 5 servings a day, it seems I should eat more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of the best ways to increase vegetable intake is to begin with BREAKFAST. So many people miss this opportunity never realizing breakfast need not exclude this valuable nutritional component. Changing patterns of behavior, however, requires a little more effort than many realize. It is very DOABLE, however. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I recently learned that.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. This was an inspiring and a good read, Doctor!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your opinion with all our readership. It means a great deal to me.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Every time you note that all these drugs are keeping a person at a sub-par level of health, it really strikes a chord with me. So few people seem to be saying it, and it’s just instinctively true as soon as you hear it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most people do NOT want to BELIEVE it. They want to believe the medication is “making them healthy” and most medical doctors support this fallacy by reinforcing this inaccurate message. If blood panels are within normal ranges, they typically tell their patients how “good” their health is. A blood panel is only 1 tool used in determining the “status” of a patient; it is not a stand alone definitive diagnostic procedure determining where a patient resides on the health spectrum scale. Unfortunately, the average patient doesn’t want to hear the truth. Doctors know this and want their patients returning for follow up visits. Providing this false sense of confidence to the patient keeps a health care practice more easily viable. As a doctor, I can personally say the ethical, moral and professional tradeoff can’t be justified.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. […] via ARE YOU IN CONTROL? — All About Healthy Choices […]


  8. just reblogged this Jonathan as your presentation style just keep improving, this is so well said and presented, if people cannot hear this then they must be comfortable putting another nail in their coffin, so to speak!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just found you in the spam folder. Please accept my apology. Thank you for sharing this with your readers. I love the picture you added to the post. 😀
      Hopefully my persistence (aka “nagging”) will ruffle some feathers and get people thinking about their own lives and the direction they’re currently pursuing. It’s never to late to apply changes to improve the outcomes (that is, prior to heading home permanently! 🙂 )

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lol exactly and you’re preaching to the converted here but I know people need to hear your messages loud and clear 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. This is as always interestingly true…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading and taking the time to add your feelings. I appreciate your support more than you probably realize. It can be quite frustrating writing so many well intentioned articles often met a great deal of resistance. I wish more people cared about their own well being as much as I care for them!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Super advice thanks I’m on meds for bp and apparent CHF. I feel I should be able to improve through the actions suggested but am nervous. Perhaps I will try both and as the test results improve the need for reduction in meds should be obvious to a caring doctor … caring being key word 🙂 Rare one who bothers to tell patients how to improve rather than just maintain present state of health.
    Kudos to you. Your patients are lucky.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your approach is wise. You need not be nervous because you are wise enough to understand follow up evaluation is important to determine whether positive changes are occurring. Remember, lab values matter, but so does actual FEELINGS. Providing the body its essential needs supports healthier outcomes. Finding the right BALANCE needed achieves the best results possible.
      Do some homework. View your diagnoses from various perspectives (how would a naturopath approach these conditions, how would a nutritionist approach these conditions, how would a chiropractor approach these conditions, etc…) Based on your personality and needs, see what combination of approaches makes the most sense to you. Working with a (or multiple) licensed professionals, place yourself in the role as “General Contractor.” Coordinate a plan of action these professionals agree make sense and re-evaluate your progress in a pre-determined amount of time. (ex. 6-8 weeks.) Be prepared to modify and adjust these approaches based on objective diagnostic testing (ex. lab work) AND your Body and Mind’s response. Life is dynamic which means achieving a healthy BALANCE requires ongoing adjustments (just like living off a retirement portfolio requires ongoing adjustments since the market is also dynamic.)

      If you need any assistance in pursuing this concept, feel free to contact me. I will gladly provide an outside (unbiased) opinion to more clearly explain the options available as well as their pro’s and con’s. As a retired doctor, I do NOT ask for any compensation; I only ask for the individual to be committed to their own well being and the responsibility it takes to achieving the best health status within reason.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh dear … I was away from my site for some time and lost a couple of weeks of ‘action’ I could have taken towards improved health.
        I loved your comment below to lynne hoareau :“Without quality health how can one expect to live a quality life?”.
        Sincerely, I am amazed at the depth of concern and caring .. the time you have taken to reply in great detail each comment.
        I really would like to impose on your kindness because there truly are no caring doctors around anymore. The heart specialist I see is good – excellent in his skills – but unfortunately not proactive and ‘relational’ in the sense of being concerned for overall health goals or improvement other than through medication.
        The medical profession in my country seems to be as sick as their patients. Doctors go on strike even when they have been educated absolutely free on government account. Its a rare Doctor who genuinely puts his patients long term health as his primary goal.
        You are a shining beacon. Would you mind if I send your post to the local papers on the chance that they would print it ??
        My very best wishes to you Dr. Jonathan …and prayerful thoughts that we will be blessed with many more doctors like you.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I appreciate your kind comment very much. You are more than welcomed to share this article with ANYONE you feel could benefit from its content.


  11. Great post as always. Great read as always. I like your approach Jonathan. There needs to be more doctors out there like you. I am in control, thank goodness. Your method to better health is the first step. It is easy, is not expensive and guarantees positive results.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Lynne. In my opinion it comes down to a simple question each of us must ask ourselves? “Without quality health how can one expect to live a quality life?”

      Liked by 2 people

  12. I love this post…really makes it simple and straight forward to understand….thanks for all you do for us…..xxxkat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes straight forward avoids the chances of misunderstanding. Of course, some claim straight forward can be too direct. I choose to care less what people think and more what people of capable of becoming. Seeing the potential in people makes the slow and challenging resistance easier to overcome.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love straight forward, but I can beat around the bush with the best of them….also I am the QUEEN of excuses!!!! lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Consider giving up your CROWN in favor of achieving results you truly desire. Results always seem more rewarding than excuses! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. you are so true, its a hard habit to break but I am working on it daily….easier for me to deal with one day at a time still having a goal to reach, but making it step by step instead of seeing the entire goal at one time……thanks for encouragement and guidance always appreciated….xxkat

            Liked by 1 person

  13. Excellent post, Doc! You are effecting great opportunities for so many to make choices for themselves, which only stand to improve upon their lives! I, for one, am grateful for the positive way you have enlightened me to consider alternate methods at achieving the health-goals I have made for myself. Hugs n’ blessings to you for continuing to encourage so many to make better and more informed choices!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your ongoing support is so very much appreciated. Each of us has a different role or function capable of making our world a better place to live. I am simply following a path I was guided to and fulfilling my PURPOSE in life.


  14. Reblogged this on Ramblin' Rose and commented:
    I believe anyone who is on medication or seeing a Dr. needs to read this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing this message with your readers.


      1. Thank YOU for the post – It is a message that needs to be shared 🙂

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  15. […] Read the full post here …    All About Healthy Choices […]

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    1. Thank you for sharing this post with your readers.


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