depressed-woman-looking-out-window-500Many of us have seen the acronym S.A.D. As you’re reading this you probably have already thought about a phrase of words this acronym represents. What I’ll bet you didn’t realize is there are HUNDREDS of different phrases in health and other fields associated with S.A.D. Does you BRAIN take you down the path of one of these eight choices?

  1. Standard American Diet

  2. Seasonal Affective Disorder

  3. Social Anxiety Disorder

  4. Separation Anxiety Disorder

  5. Schizoaffective Disorder

  6. Substance Abuse Deaths

  7. Systemic Autoimmune Disease

  8. Specific Antibody Deficiency




but ONLY if your brain CHOOSES a NEGATIVE PATHWAY. You see, S.A.D. also stands for:

  1. Stand and Deliver

  2. Special Assistance for the Disabled

  3. Student Academic Development

  4. Science for Action and Development

  5. School of Architecture and Design

  6. Spacial Analysis Design

  7. Social Affairs Department

We rarely consider our thinking patterns and behaviors. We may view ourselves as OPTIMISTS or PESSIMISTS, but we rarely consider how we arrived at our conclusion.



Is your initial reflexive response CONSTRUCTIVE or DESTRUCTIVE? Answering this question might reveal a missing piece of the puzzle explaining difficulties faced overcoming obstacles interfering with achieving personal goals.

If your MIND has developed inadvertently to work in opposition to your REALISTIC HUMAN NEEDS AND ACTIONS, your ability to achieve LONG TERM RESULTS is highly unlikely. We have a tendency to mistakenly blame our FAILURE on the specific TASK, rather than the ACTION PLAN created by the MIND that designed it.

Example: You can’t lose weight and maintain a healthier weight LONG TERM giving up dessert and only eating salads for lunch everyday. Our realistic human needs will NEVER accept our brain’s action plan (designed in this case to cause EXTREME SELF SACRIFICE and DEPRIVATION) as a method for achieving LONG TERM weight loss and maintenance.

By implementing SMALL GRADUAL ACHIEVABLE changes designed to reinforce a model of REPETITIVE SUCCESS, the individual begins aligning the MIND (and its ACTION PLAN) with the NEEDS of the body. This approach removes the “tug of war” obstacle between MIND and BODY creating unification and an acceptable COMPROMISE (ex. incorporating unhealthy foods within a healthy nutrition plan.) The NEGATIVE feelings of deprivation and anxiety are replaced with POSITIVE accolades reinforcing an awareness of greater SELF CONTROL. Although our example deals with food and weight loss, it can be applied to any situation where the mind competes with human wants, needs and desires.


If you don’t know the answer to this, start with a simple question? When you hear the acronym S.A.D., what pathway will you DIRECT YOUR BRAIN TO FOLLOW?






    1. Thank you so much again for sharing this message with you readers. I hope it gives them a chance to introspect to determine if the path they’re following is the one that will help them achieve the life they choose.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ha, that was a cute ending! Serious post though with lots of good advice as usual. I suffer from anxiety and depression and my thoughts/feelings play such a large role in how I read to both of them. I like the positive pathways you’ve listed for S.A.D. and will try and keep them in mind.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. We have a tendency to gravitate toward learned behavior and thinking. Recognizing these patterns and determining if they satisfy our needs in a productive positive manner requires a concerted effort. Through repetition, we can successfully learn new patterns of thinking and behavior that improves our new natural instinctive responses. This “lightens the stress load” and gives us more energy to enjoy life.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the twist at the end! Hahaha! In all seriousness, great post, great message!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Ms. Sassy! Sometimes getting people to think about their views on health and life ignites a spark that stimulates a chain of reactions that alters future behavior. I’m not trying to tell people what to do or how to think; I’m trying to help them simply understand what they do and challenge their thinking about why they do it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I find myself wondering which part of the post came first. Ha! Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I like to disprove the theory that doctors have no sense of humor. Even in a serious post you can make a person smile. I hoped people would appreciate the surprise ending.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the ending Jonathan, good to smile 🙂 and of course a brilliant post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Just goes to prove important content can be delivered in a manner that doesn’t conflict with adding a smile to people’s faces. Thank you so much, Lynne.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. WOW, this is amazing. I had no idea there were so many acronyms for S.A.D. Often people will gravitate to the ones that might affect them such as what is common in a Canadian winter is Seasonal Affective Disorder.

    The post really got me thinking about optimism and pessimism and how we get there. And I want train my brain to follow a more positive path.

    Thanks for sharing. As always extremely well presented!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Carl. We get so busy in life, we sometimes need to be reminded to step back and make certain the path we’re following is our INTENDED path in life. Part of this process is making certain our BRAIN directs us in a POSITIVE direction even when cognitive clarity is absent.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. good end
    thank you for sharink and have a nice week

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Always wonderful seeing your lovely comments. Wishing you a nice week ahead as well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thank you so much dear

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Always great advice!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I appreciate your time as always.


  9. I”m with everyone else – not the expected ending, though it cracked me up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When people say doctors are boring and lack the skill to combine content with humor, I say nay nay! 🙂
      Glad I was able to bring a smile to your face.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Your posts are always so enlightening! I appreciated discovering the numerous acronyms and most especially your encouragement to discover for ourselves which path do we tend to travel on in our everyday thoughts. I too often fail to recognize ‘others’ may not be on the same positive-path that I navigate on, which has the potential for unintentional misunderstandings. I appreciate the opportunity to pause and consider another’s chosen path for the benefit of understanding & acceptance! Hugs to you for keeping us all healthy…body, mind, and spirit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Dawn Marie for such a thoughtful and kind comment. Everyone of us has the ability to make contributions to enrich eachother’s lives. I choose to pursue this through topics on healthy living. It is no more or less important than any subject wordpress writers (and other blog sites) spend their time on sharing their messages with fellow readers. In a world filled with distortions and other destructive “noises” this writing world helps to create a BALANCE to help people find a happier more purposeful place to live. It is people like you that add a real sense of warmth to your heart felt responses that creates so much joy in this world.

      Stay healthy and happy! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Only because of the picture of someone who looked depressed by the title did my mind go to the negative side…..but in all honesty my next thought was..S.A.D. sappy and dappy….LOL some of those did run through my mind, didn’t know them all, good post…I try to always look for the positive side in life…its not always easy, especially if your with a person who is negative….but another one of those post that leaves you thinking….best kind my friend…..xxkat

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Was sure you would have thought the ending had a surprising comical twist. Not many people saw “Single, Available and Desperate coming!

    Glad you enjoyed it.


  13. maureenrose7 · · Reply

    hahahaha! You got me at the end! Was not expecting that! 😀 The post speaks the truth and that is just my favorite thing about you! So when I think S.A.D. Im gona think Single, Adorable, and Determined! hows that sound? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for turning my negative surprise ending into a healthier positive ACTION PLAN! 🙂 Losing count on how many times you’ve placed a smile on my face!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. maureenrose7 · · Reply

        Awww nice! I love placing smiles! haha see now youve just placed a really big one on my face tew! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Great advice. It is really so important to choose, how to view life and if we choose to think and act positive, life become so much more easy 🙂
    I have been there years ago, but after that time I decided to change lifestyle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I couldn’t agree more. Glad to see you found a better path to follow!

      Liked by 1 person

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