
It’s the role of the government regulatory agency to make certain our tap water is SAFE to drink. Notice, I didn’t say HEALTHY, I said SAFE. You can’t use the term HEALTHY while consuming all the contaminants found in our water. The list (provided by the Environmental Protection Agency) is so extensive, I had to place a link for you to open!

It’s not important to read about each contaminant; the purpose of the link (in BLUE below) is to show how pervasive the contaminants are and the known diseases caused to the body.

Regulated Contaminants in Water

What ever happened to the concept of LIVING HEALTHY vs. LIVING WITHIN ACCEPTABLE SAFETY STANDARDS? These are very different concepts that result in very different outcomes.

What about UNREGULATED contaminants in our water? How are these handled? The following link in BLUE provides a description: At this site you will find the following quote:

UCMR provides EPA and others with scientifically valid data on the occurrence of these contaminants in drinking water. This permits assessment of the population being exposed and the levels of exposure.

This data set is one of the primary sources of occurrence and exposure information the Agency uses to develop regulatory decisions for emerging contaminants.

Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring of our Water

This means the agency PERMITS exposure to contaminants and waits to see how the consumer is affected BEFORE creating policy. Isn’t this exactly how LAB RATS are used? Rather than looking for “acceptable limits,” wouldn’t it make more sense to remove contaminants altogether? Since we are composed of 60-80% water and require it to survive, wouldn’t a HEALTHY source be more desirable than an “ACCEPTABLY CONTAMINATED SOURCE?”

Why are we accepting these standards? Is it because we don’t know or because we don’t care? Disease is clearly on the rise. We must begin taking REASONABLE steps to protect ourselves and our families.

Water filtration in our homes should be viewed as an ESSENTIAL expense rather than discretionary one. There are many different types, so don’t be fooled by the buzz word “FILTER.” Many simply improve taste without providing adequate PROTECTION. The most popular filtering methods include:

  1. pitcher style filters

  2. reverse osmosis filters

  3. ion exchange filters

  4. distillation filters

  5. granular carbon and carbon block filters

I’ll let you research and decide which type best suits your personal preferences. They are VERY DIFFERENT and offer VERY DIFFERENT levels of filtration and purification.

Questionable drinking water is obviously the focus of this article. I hope in addition to gaining a better understanding about these dangers, it clearly conveys how important it is to:

  1. Stop relying on the “TRUST” word so many people in authoritative positions like to use; it’s your health and well being at jeopardy.

  2. Accept greater “RESPONSIBILITY” for the ACTIONS you take on a daily basis regarding your health. Although “convenience” is a term we use for justifying decisions we make, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate our health and recognize our “short cuts” often lead to financially, emotionally and physically damaging outcomes. These create a “revolving door” to our doctor’s offices and our pharmacists; two professions appreciating the ONGOING compensation, YOU, the patient/customer provides.


So you think the glass of water on the right looks safer because it appears clearer, right? The glass on the right is just as TOXIC. You can’t judge the quality of water by APPEARANCE!





  1. safer ==== definition: won’t kill you outright …

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ironic, isn’t it!


  2. Reblogged this on Advocate for Mental and Invisible Illnesses and commented:
    This is something to think about. What are we drinking in our drinking water?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. maureenrose7 · · Reply

    omg so gross..I’m grossed out by it every day. i moved to where I am at 2 years ago and now have city water. You can not drink it without filtering. It tastes awful. My home before this for14 years I had well water and it tasted like heaven being friendly with the company that tested the area found it it was the cleanest water around then i moved here…i was so tempted to go back and fill up jugs every day hahaa! buying water concerns me too but I sometimes think its better I just don’t know. Even though yes i use a pitcher with a filter I still don’t feel that can be all that safe. I really am going to have to look into this further now that Im actually drinking only water I want to make sure its good for me! 🙂 thank you for the post this is really something I need to pay better attention to! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This topic isn’t discussed very often. Contaminated water is more subtle than the Flint, Michigan debacle. It is commonly clear, beautiful and tasteless, yet increases our risks for health complications.
      We are a society that relies on “sensing” danger. If things “seem safe,” we accept they are. This leads to complacency and apathy. This is why I shared this post. It doesn’t take rocket science to see a likely correlation between contaminants in water and potential health consequences resulting. It is simply an unnecessary risk we add to all the other things we do (or don’t do) that culminate in dysfunction and disease.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. maureenrose7 · · Reply

        and after going through some rough times with the fibro I really have started to look at all of the things that could have been making matters worse for me. ok so because I value your opinion and how great care you take of yourself you tell me do you ever buy water? and what kind? hahaa You are someone I trust to tell me what is really what! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I do not (generally) buy bottled water. I do filter my water, but am considering upgrading to a purifier. It will cost about $450.00-$500.00. I do not place filters on my plumbing to filter water for showers or dishwashers.

          Each person has to take it to the level they are comfortable with and willing to maintain. I have made ongoing changes in my life over the last 25 years. They are gradual and consistent with my philosophy, “don’t start something you can’t maintain for the rest of your life.” I do NOT impose my way on others. Ironically, other people frequently pass judgement on my approach to my life. As groups of people laugh, I just smile and think, “I am so thankful for all I’ve learned and been able to apply to my life.” While they laugh, I look at these people with arthritis, diabetes, blood pressure issues, etc… required to take medications the rest of their life…with physical, emotional and financial limitations that minimize their options… and smile back while thinking, “thank you for sharing with me the damaging lifestyles you live so I could learn to avoid your outcomes and live a life of my CHOOSING instead.” All this, with a SMILE. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Great article! Our water should be better regulated, but so should our food and air. Keep up the info.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. When we place politicians and big business in charge of regulating safety standards, it is unlikely the consumer’s best interest will be the main focus. We must become our own advocates and take greater responsibility for our own decisions. It’s NOT about “US against THEM;” it’s about “US for US.” No one will ever care more about ANY individual life than the individual him or herself. If we give up that sense of caring, we deserve whatever outcome awaits.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you for taking your time to read this article. I reviewed your site as well and appreciate the effort you put in spreading your message.


  5. Meiji Zapico · · Reply

    Woahhh. I have never thought about water like I do now. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this information with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure. Health is a complicated topic. I try to simplify it in an interesting manner to motivate people to take back control of their lives.
      Thank you for taking the time to read and share your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Meiji Zapico · · Reply

        You’re welcome, and thank you for motivating us. I think people are with me when I say that we are totally grateful.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So very much appreciated!


  6. I have filtered my water for ages, don’t like the additives govt puts in. Heard about the water issue in Flint? I blogged about that ages ago. Foul polluted water there and people are getting seriously ill! So never think ‘safe’ is good enough.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When the “rubber hits the metal,” cost usually produces MINIMAL safety standards. We value dollars more than people. Until we “strike an emotional chord,” apathy remains one of our biggest “crimes.”
      Most people associate “SAFE” in a positive manner. People need to learn to understand “SAFE” and “HEALTHY” are NOT SYNONYMOUS!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. In the case of Flint it sounds like US just doesn’t value human life … ah but then it is a poor black area?!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. When it comes to greed, I do not believe there is prejudice. I believe those striving for unlimited monetary wealth and/or material possessions (at any cost) would be just as happy to obtain their “treasures” from the rich as they would the poor.

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow! Shades of Thomas Jefferson: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Seems eternal vigilance is also the price of living healthy. Thanks for this thought provoking post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tony. This is a topic that rarely makes the news unless a catastrophe occurs like Flint, Michigan. People simply assume our water is safe; they don’t think twice to consider whether it’s HEALTHY!


  8. I don’t know if my tap water is safe to drink or not, but it takes like bleach – so I drink bottled spring water from central FL.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Much of the bottled water contains these contaminants. In addition the lining of these plastic bottles contain a substance called Bisphenol A which also produces health risks. I would encourage you to consider checking out the filters listed in the post. The two best are reverse osmosis and carbon block. Pitcher filters are more about taste than health.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. great post….shared will all my buddies on Facebook…..thank you Jonathan….kat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.
      If your friends ever have any questions, feel free to tell them they are more than welcomed to contact me using the blog site. Sometimes people need further clarifications.


      1. LOL I just did that. yesterday…she was telling me at how interesting your post was…I told her to go in and look around and write you at the end of the post…also told her you were pretty wonderful!!! LOl kat

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Since I’m originally from NY, we will have to down play my character from “wonderful” to just “OK.” This is still a step up from the “damn yankee” status I continue to retain after living in NC for 23 years. 🙂
          Have a great upcoming weekend!


  10. Excellent post! My husband and I were just talking yesterday in fact about how we should be using filtered water for our coffee pot rather than filling it up at the sink with tap water. Thank you for information! – Lindsey

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am in the process of switching to a water purifier rather than a water filter. There are so many contaminants in our water supply, it is worth it to me to make the investment. I drink between 125-150oz./day. Why do something important for your health only to “damage it” because of the source you can’t control.

      As consumers take greater control and responsibility for their lives, they will be exposed to fewer health risks. The typical person experiences these risks often without even realizing it.

      Food and water are basic essentials for life. For me, it’s not about life’s longevity, but rather life’s quality. Since I eat and drink 7 days/week, 365 days a year, it makes sense (to me) to control what enters my mouth. I truly believe from all the research I have done throughout my career as a physician, degeneration and disease is greatly affected by the contaminants in our food and water and the ACTIVE vs. PASSIVE lifestyles we live.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for all of the extra information! I am looking forward to sharing it with my husband as your reasoning is quite sound (and you have the facts to back it up). We greatly appreciate it!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Always a pleasure.

          Liked by 1 person

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