smallerWhether a person is overweight, obese or morbidly obese, what is the FIRST identifiable “problem” noticed by most people? You guessed it, WEIGHT. Based on society’s aesthetic standards, excessive weight is the primary problem. Secondary problems develop from stereotypes associated with individuals carrying extra weight. They include laziness, self centeredness, ambitionless, impulsiveness, compulsiveness, lack of discipline and depression. These labels are hurtful and harmful adding to their existing difficulties. Mounting societal pressures co-mingled with feelings of self doubt ultimately lead to acts of desperation to reduce that terrifying “NUMBER” on the weight scale.



Are we really surprised a “mechanical solution” (DIET AND EXERCISE) to this emotionally devastating problem hasn’t worked?


This traumatic existence has caused so much harm (heightened by society’s insensitive response and attitude) it has resulted in a willingness to subject one’s life to even greater self harm to achieve a “NUMBER” on the scale. These desperate repetitive attempts (encouraged my marketing and advertising companies) are pursued under false pretenses believing the “NUMBER” (in and of itself) will improve self image and change society’s opinion of them.

In all my years in practice, I NEVER had a patient with weight management problems seek assistance identifying their emotional underlying issues contributing to their weight problems. They NEVER sought SLOW GRADUAL CHANGE to avoid complications from significant weight loss to create a HEALTHY LONG TERM “FIX.” They NEVER looked forward to the PROCESS and NEVER viewed the JOURNEY in a positive manner. They NEVER considered benefits of personal growth and development resulting in greater self confidence and self worth.

With great consistence, they typically focused on:

  1. A “jump start” for quick results to help “motivate” them

  2. Appetite suppressants

  3. A regimented plan to follow (typically a meal plan for each day of the week)

  4. Exclusion of exercise if possible

What they wanted was a plan of action RESPONSIBLE for successful weight loss rather than a plan of action offering GUIDANCE requiring SELF COMMITMENT to achieving successful weight loss. Sometimes (subconsciously) they even wanted to fail using professionals (doctors, nutritionists, exercise trainers, etc…) to prove success was IMPOSSIBLE. This provided reassurance their failed attempts weren’t REALLY their fault. They WANTED everything EXCEPT the TRUTH!  They NEEDED a PLAN OF ACTION using a COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO ACHIEVING:







There will always be a few that achieve optimal results QUICKLY (without health compromises.) Many overweight people will point to these EXCEPTIONS believing this path is achievable for them too. It’s not (in 98+% of the cases.)

The LONG TERM SOLUTION isn’t discovered 3 months prior to a high school class reunion or 6 months prior to a wedding. The SOLUTION is discovered when a person is prepared to step outside their comfort zone motivated by an understanding that GOOD HEALTH is the FOUNDATION and ESSENTIAL BASIS for all LONG TERM POSITIVE walks in life. We have all heard the phrase, “practice makes perfect.” Practicing a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE makes achieving GOOD HEALTH possible and LIKELY. Until we accept this principle and are willing to substitute our current behaviors and lifestyles, it doesn’t make sense to make another failing attempt. If you know you can’t do it by yourself, seek professional guidance willing to LISTEN and understand YOU. If the plan of action designed is REALISTIC and one that can be maintained a LIFETIME, GO FOR IT! If it requires injections and pills and minimizes your role in a successful outcome, it will likely FAIL LONG TERM!

How do I know my approach will work any better without ever having met you? I have greater confidence in you, than you have in yourself. Why? Because I believe every person on this planet has a purpose for being here. You can’t accomplish your ultimate purpose following a path of destruction. Share in my confidence by focusing on achieving GOOD HEALTH. You will not only reach the “NUMBER” you seek on the scale, YOU WILL HAVE CREATED A LIFESTYLE TO MAINTAIN IT?




  1. Love this post! I was on the diet yo-yo myself. While never considered “heavy” I would swing 25 lbs back and forth regularly. I knew that this was not the healthy way to manage my weight so I committed myself to making long-lasting sustainable changes to my diet, exercise and attitude.

    I strongly believe that to be able to commit to these changes, you need to dig deep and figure out why you want to do it. To your point, getting ready for a wedding or reunion is not going to inspire you to make meaningful change. These are singular events. You need long term motivation to achieve long lasting results.

    For me, it turned out to be very simple but extremely powerful. I wanted to be around and active for my kids as they grow up and be able to have an active retirement with my wife. Whenever I slip up with my healthy choices (and believe me, I do!), I reset by reminding myself why I need to stay focused on healthy living.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is obvious you understand the need for LONG TERM MOTIVATION in order to achieve LONG TERM RESULTS. It’s NOT about finding perfection and living it; it’s about finding BALANCE and living it!


  2. […] 通过HELP!我不想失去过高的状况。我的意思体重超标-所有关于健康选择 […]

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  4. When it comes to weight loss people are always looking for the easy way out (pills, diet fads, and nutrional shakes). None of these solutions provide LONG TERM weight loss. Until a person learns to eat write and exercise regularly then will not see long term results.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First, people need to get their MINDS prepared to pursue a path toward healthy living. Without achieving this, exercise and diet will remain short term success stories.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. How many things worth having in life are easy? Not many – if any.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Sounded like me, and not only did I never think to get to the root of my obesity,, but no medical MD or diet sources, like WW, or Jenny Craig offer to help change my mind set and seek inner help…not until I ventured out to OA (with the help of a family member)….it helped tremendously as it helped me walk through the underlying issues I wasn’t dealing with, don’t get me wrong…I still love to eat…and can make up excuse to do so, but at least I know why I am doing it…fighting the urges ae difficult but the results are wonderful….great post….pretty sure it touched a lot of people….kat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OA reaches beyond the calories and exercise components. It is a wonderful organization that offers real support to help people overcome their food addictions (defined as CONTROLLED EATING)


      1. yes, I think it was what finally helped me get through some BS that was weighing me down, literally…LOL the 12 step program helped me….I actually did several of the workbooks and had a great sponsor, we are still in contact…good people for sure and I would recommend it to anyone who is struggling with control issues over food….hope your having a good week…kat

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are also proof that OA can be a “stepping stone” to returning to life (albeit with ongoing concerns for addictive behavior relapse) with LONG TERM improvement.


          1. yes, I can definitely say its helped put the finger on the issues, but like all other addictions, it is a daily struggle in some cases..relapse is always a fear…..kat

            Liked by 1 person

            1. A very legitimate concern.


  7. Kallmann.C · · Reply

    I think the society has set on a rigid standard of beauty as to how a person should look like, or what defines ‘good looking’, leading to extreme diets being introduced to reach these benchmarks, like the Atkins or Vegan’s diet. Health impact aside, these diets aren’t necessarily balanced from the nutrition standpoint, even though they might induce weight loss in a relative short time frame. Which means, it’s not likely going to work for some if not most people in a long run(speaking from first hand experience). My conclusion might sound cliche, but it stands true: Moderation is the KEY of life. However at the end of the day, the choice is still subjected to individual preference.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree that moderation is a key, but we must DEFINE moderation to create a starting point to help those with weight management issues


  8. You make some really important points in this post, Jonathan. For me, sustained healthy weight has come as a result of redefining my purpose from skinny to healthy. Interestingly, I fit into smaller sizes on “healthy” than I ever achieved working toward “skinny”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As you have learned from personal experience, shifting the focus from skinny to healthy has created a lifestyle effectively altering your size. It is challenging to redirect an overweight person’s mind process away from focusing on calories and food. Your comment may just tip the scale in accomplishing this task. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I have excessive weight to lose. I am considered obese. Today my son and I went to the bank ATM. I said drive-thru he wanted me to walk in. I said no I am lazy. He said at least you can admit it. I admit to all here. Part of my problem is pure laziness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Finding a purpose in life that supersedes an acknowledged limitation (laziness) is an important step in overcoming this situation.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t found that purpose. This new antidepressant is helping. Hope it continues and then perhaps I will feel like doing something other than sleeping or binging on NCIS.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Always wishing you much success.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thank you for your best wishes.

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. A great post! It is true that with the extra weight comes extra pressure from society making it so much harder!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is why it is so crucial to create small ACHIEVABLE INCREMENTAL steps along the entire process. SUCCESS keeps people positive reinforcing self motivation making action steps eventual patterns of new behavior.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Brilliant Jonathan. It is all about ‘the mind’. If the mindset is right, there is hope and it is achievable, not necessarily easy, but certainly achievable. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you COMPLETELY! Without clearly creating a MINDSET willing to accomplish a HEALTHY, FULFILLING LIFE, the process typically chosen experiences (at best) SHORT TERM RESULTS.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Just finished this carousel with my doctor. End result, I am not going to be adding a medication to lose the 30 extra pounds I still carry. Need to work on reducing stress and getting proper exercise – both manageable (to some state) by me.
    You know, if you could clone yourself and send the duplicate to Denver it would be a major help…
    Thanks for caring enough to share these valuable pieces of truth, Doctor.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Once again, you have made the decision to accept personal responsibility in place of relying on a pill to “do the job for you.” The pill CAN’T “FIX” the underlying problem and maintain a healthy weight for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. You are smart enough to realize this. Most people are so desperate, they will simply follow the doctor’s drug recommendation and FAIL in the LONG TERM 95+% of the time.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Wonderful post. It is unfortunate that the majority of society still has these views regarding weight loss. For anyone trying to lose weight, it is important to have a positive mental attitude about oneself and to couple that with a healthy way of getting to the size one is comfortable with.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well stated, Bea. I try to approach health and weight management from various angles. Different people have different “triggers.” I’m hoping my approach “humanizes” this dilemma and makes people realize that people (including perfect strangers like myself) truly care about their well being.


  14. This was a very informative post. I will come back again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you liked it Bob. I look forward to seeing you again and hearing your thoughts on the subjects discussed. Have a great upcoming weekend!


  15. This is my story! Even though I’m only five weeks into this, I’ve already begun to dig beneath the surface and start doing the work that really matters… unpacking the emotional baggage that created and maintained my unhealthy lifestyle. That’s why the title of my own blog has been focused on the evolution of my thought pattern over the years. I started by focusing on the pounds I need to lose, but I’m not focused on my forever. Thank you for sharing this post. Very moving for me. Here’s to the journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You sound like your head is in the right place. This is ESSENTIAL to make the journey productive and ENJOYABLE.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Definitely. Love your blog.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I appreciate your kind words.

          Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing this message with your readers.


  17. I too have just started on on path of cutting my flab. Follow me on and give me motivation to keep working on it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I sent you a note stating I couldn’t provide motivation, but I can provide inspiration. Motivation comes from WITHIN the individual. If you want inspiration, you need to read about my mentor, Jack LaLanne. Here is a link for you:


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