ResizedWith all the choices and decisions we must make in life, I am adding one more to your list; the choice:



db64fae6ec5e29854f3ac5b079a0b47dMost people don’t realize this is a CONSCIOUS CHOICE we must make to reduce the frequency, intensity and durations of typical illnesses as well as life altering diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.What factors are associated with CHOOSING NOT TO BE SICK?

  1. CHOOSING REAL FOODS over fast foods and processed foods filled with chemicals and harmful residues.

  2. CHOOSING ACTIVE LIVING over inactive sedentary living.

  3. CHOOSING BOTTLES filled with life sustaining WATER over bottles filled with harmful sodas (diet and regular) and artificially flavored fruit drinks.

  4. CHOOSING to take responsibility for personal health over passing the responsibility to your doctor.

  5. CHOOSING to learn to incorporate stress reducing techniques into your life over living day to day in a state of agitation and high anxiety.

  6. CHOOSING to search and find the POSITIVE aspects of life over complaining about all the NEGATIVE aspects surrounding you.

  7. CHOOSING to think about the welfare of OTHERS over viewing the world with tunnel vision in search of personal gratification (often at the expense of others.)

  8. CHOOSING an attitude of tolerance and acceptance over disdain and contempt for those with differing views.

  9. CHOOSING a life OF PASSION filled with PURPOSE and MEANING over a DIRECTIONLESS life as a meandering NON-ENTITY.


31290916ff5b955b573f5751e22fc659Choosing NOT TO BE SICK requires work! It requires a true “grown up” attitude that recognizes (and willingly accepts) the choice to sacrifice temptations in favor of better health and greater opportunities for quality living.

Choosing NOT TO BE SICK is consistent with the physiology and performance of the body that inherently maintains an equilibrium favoring HEALTH over DISEASE.


In simpler times, unhealthy options and alternatives were significantly less available. We didn’t need guidance to help us CHOOSE NOT TO BE SICK. Today, the average person is less likely to know how to develop a game plan incorporating the various NECESSARY COMPONENTS to achieving and maintaining GOOD HEALTH.



  1. Certified Lifestyle Coach– providing comprehensive game plans and tailoring them to meet the individual’s specific needs.

  2. Certified Trainer– providing REALISTIC exercise routines to improve the ratio of muscle to fat and improve cardiovascular function while increasing overall energy.

  3. Certified Holistic Functional Physician– seeking to RESTORE FUNCTION and HEALTH where various imbalances may currently exist. This doctor could be a Chiropractic, Medical, or Naturopathic Physician.

  4. Certified Counselor– providing clarity of issues that may be interfering with or sabotaging an individual’s attempt to improve his or her life.


“Dr. Colter, I’m not independently wealthy!”


To begin with, these sources of guidance are ONLY USED to the point where the individual has CONTROL over his or her comprehensive game plan. The more the individual is willing to learn and take responsibility, the fewer hours of paid guidance are needed. This approach views YOUR HEALTH as an INVESTMENT! Taking it seriously, costs less money, provides better opportunities in life (which would likely have remained hidden,)  while helping the individual discover HOW TO:


Please take 3 MINUTES of your time to watch this trailer to the documentary FOOD MATTERS. This video provides a small “taste” of reality and may just add the incentive needed to take CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.


  1. I just hit the doctor today and my blood pressure hasn’t been this good in many years!! You and Lynn have both helped. Thanks.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Beautiful. Becoming more involved in your own health and making better choices provides better outcomes. Keep up the good work!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I have just added the documentary Food Matters to my watch list. Jonathan, this is such a passionate and caring cry out to people to take charge of their lives and health. It is uplifting, encouraging and a privilege to read. I mean that from my heart.

    Thank you, again and again, for all this important work you are doing! God bless you, my friend.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you again, Tanya. I appreciate your support and encouragement to continue sharing information. I hope my mission to elevate awareness and provide meaningful solutions makes its way to people searching for answers.
      Friendships like yours helps fuel the energy needed to continue to speak out against questionable mainstream practices that frequently collide with potentially better and healthier alternative choices.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow an interesting post! That is so true we can chose to be healthy and make choices that help us to get there! I like how you put it here!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Lyn. Sometimes people simply need some guidance to get over the difficult humps when pursuing a new path to follow. Letting people know they have more POWER in the decision making process sometimes encourages better self performance.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very enlightening as I never thought of this in the way you said it!


  4. Love this post….says it like it is…healthy, positive choices….nothing better than treating yourself the best you can….thanks for the wonderful post….my cousin has been reading your post on Facebook and it created an entire evening of conversation about diabetes….you are making a difference in lves of people you have never met…..thanks….kat

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I appreciate your feedback, Kat, and hope my words reach as many people searching for better and healthier alternative approaches as possible.


      1. I believe they are, at least in my corner of the world, my uncle lives in Caracas and he enjoys your post and my cousin is here in California, and my brother and sister in Washington state… so that’s quite a reach from my family…LOL and I know there is a whole bunch more on my Facebook page that likes your post….kat


        1. Thank you so much. I feel like one of the family! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  5. SO SO SO true this title !!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad you enjoyed it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always … Ehe 😉 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Very interesting post! And so true! I had someone tell me the other week in response to knowing I’m vegan, “We’re all going to die, you know.” I certainly know I’m going to die, but my aim is to live well while I’m here. I’d also like to stay off the operating table and out of the doctor’s office as much as possible. I’m planning to watch Food Matters! Thanks for the information about it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Unfortunately, many people confuse the concept living a life of quality with trying to live forever. Taking responsibility for one’s health demonstrates personal value and self worth. This provides a foundation to grow and develop into the type of person we choose to become. Better than 70% of our population doesn’t understand or follow this approach to life. These same people, unfortunately, become future statistics revealing an ongoing destructive pattern and decreased quality of life. I commend you for the path you follow and believe it offers better opportunities to live the life you choose.
      Thank you for taking the time to comment on this post. You share an important view on health.
      Side Note: I think you will really enjoy Food Matters. Have a great weekend and upcoming 4th of July!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great post! It is so true about the choices you make and that you are in control of those choices.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you for the encouragment to say YES to what is best for us…physically, emotionally, and let’s not forget spiritually too! (However, we personally define this.) I can attest to the powers of all three as a med-free fibromyalgic who many, many moons ago struggled to get out of bed! I applaud your site and the caring efforts you take to educate so many of us on the life-changing benefits of living a life focused on better choices for ourselves! Hugs to you!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Comments like yours is so important. People with Fibro need to see that answers do exist and that quality life can be found again. Thank you so much for being part of this dialogue.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ahhh my son sounds just like you.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. […] For a dear fellow-blogger, Dr. Jonathan Neal Colter, who reminded me today we have a personal CHOICE to make in the way we ‘care for’ our […]


  11. Good post. Enjoyed the video. I am one who used to complain about the cost of eating healthy, but it is less costly than paying for being sick.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You have become wise in your post surgical years young grasshopper. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Excellent ! Brilliant post – I could not agree more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Lynne.


  13. Very meaningful, am going to repost on my blog … let’s hope I can work out how to do that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for passing this message along to your readers. Have a wonderful weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. […] Source: “CHOOSING NOT TO BE SICK!” […]


  15. This is not an appropriate post for people who have genetically inherited illnesses such as schizophrenia. They can do many things to help their help but they have NO CHOICE about being chronically ill.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I appreciate your comment and respect your opinion. It is almost always possible for people to participate (on some level) in their health during their ongoing treatments to rebalance their deficiencies. There are many components to good health with mental health being one component. There will always be conditions and situations that will never respond in a positive manner. Taking this statement into account and recognizing the “bigger picture” this post was intending to address, I remain comfortable with the message and intent of this post.
      I appreciate your comment and believe differing views are important to read and hear to help everyone see the various perspectives on these topics. Thank you again for sharing yours.

      Liked by 2 people

  16. I do appreciate that patients can contribute to their health in a positive way and that has been my experience when working with patients with psychosis. The element of choice still concerns me but I like your good common sense approach to the majority of people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you again for responding and adding your constructive criticism. I certainly do not have all the answers and listen closely to those with experience in areas I don’t have extensive clinical training or expertise.
      I’d like to visit your blog to gain insight regarding your experiences with patients suffering mental health imbalances. I’m certain it would provide a learning experience for me.
      By the way, I like the name chattykerry! Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I would be delighted for you to visit my site. I mostly write funny anecdotes and travelogues but you might like this one
        https://chattykerry.wordpress.com/2016/04/29/i-cant-participate/. Like many who work in mental health I have my own genetically inherited illness that I battle with common sense, diet, exercise and medication until I become really ill. I have recovered from that bad episode.

        Liked by 1 person

  17. very insightful post. sickness can ultimately be a choice. wouldn’t life be so different for so many (including myself) if we looked at health that way.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The beautiful thing is the ONLY THING stopping us from viewing HEALTH in this manner is our own FEAR of SELF RESPONSIBILITY. Knowing there are perfect strangers in this world willing to share their knowledge for the sole purpose of helping people improve the quality of their lives should add comfort to their fears. When we TRULY begin valuing our lives (rather than taking them for granted) we achieve a greater understanding and willingness to change. The alternative is waiting for a diagnosis of disease and maintaining it for the rest of our lives. Is this truly a viable option worth considering?

      Liked by 1 person

  18. In addition to your expertise, I love the quotes….and the video is so powerful…your blog is brilliant and such a gift….your holistic approach is the best of all worlds….thank you!!!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much. In life, the best answers are often found in a “melting pot” of solutions. Western medicine’s (often) dogmatic approach to “one rightful method,” reduces its credibility undermining its legitimacy in many circumstances. Recognizing the many wonderful HEALTHFUL approaches that exist in this world gives us greater OPTIONS to choose from aimed to satisfy our INDIVIDUAL needs. I believe most people would rather follow a path that meets their needs than a path designed to satisfy a health care industry’s needs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes….an ethnocentric approach to anything is inherently-flawed from the get-go. You passion and wisdom–as well as your experience and education–serves humanity so well….I know you are humble, but I really hope you enjoy the confidence of knowing that you are such a game-changer….we are so blessed to benefit from all that you share…thank you for caring so much. Also, seeing how you blog has transformed, I am going to start exploring the possibility of finding someone who can help me revamp mine. Yours is so pleasing to the eye and it is so easy to navigate. Kudos 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I spent a week trying to figure how to set up my blog site. I knew what I wanted, however, I did not possess the skill to create this vision. After parting with some discretionary savings (for a professional with experience,) the outcome was achieved. I consider myself a pretty good doctor; I consider myself a computer challenged baby boomer!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thank you for passing on the secret to getting around a lack of technological know-how….I am going to go that route as soon as I can find a pro… 🙂 And, good for you for trying for a week…I’d rather walk on hot coals…trying to figure out technological stuff hurt my brain 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  19. Such good advice. Thanks 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So glad you stopped by to read this article. Glad you found the information helpful.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Great post! Love love love the information you share.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. I welcome your opinion and willingness to participate in constructive dialogue to help many realize the reality they are not alone on their journey in life.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. My friends are actively researching GMOs and their impacts. We watching documentaries on a weekly basis together and have discussions. It’s great to be inspiring change with my loved ones. It’s true that food is either medicine or poison.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Health can be a pretty exciting topic. Sounds like a friend of mine named Scarlet has found a new passion to add to her already existing list! Good for you.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Great topic! Our minds can be our best friends or our worse enemies and some people have what I see as a defeatist mindset “I can’t” “I am” and let others have responsibility for their health. Looking forward to watching more of the “Food Matters” documentary. I have only recently really begun to understand that food IS medicine!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely. When each person realizes they CAN take back CONTROL of their LIFE and their HEALTH it reduces a great deal of stress. It provides more time to focus on the POSITIVE aspects we experience in life. This helps us look forward to the many opportunities each day offers rather than “just getting by,” hoping to make it through another day.


  23. I, too, believe that while some things are out of our control, there are many things that we can do to improve our lifestyle, health, existence, etc.

    On our blog http://www.answersforangelsblog.com we write about holistic means of treatment in cancer. While it’s hard to say that you can completely prevent or cure cancer based on your lifestyle choices, you can most certainly help improve it. Answers for Angels helps people afford holistic means of treatment. Neat, right?

    I appreciate this post! It’s important to instill a sense of responsibility in those faced with sickness and disease, and even in those who aren’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s nice to see we share a philosophy to help people HELP THEMSELVES. There are no guarantees in healing whether naturally or through synthetic options, but the choice of credible options should ALWAYS be available to the patient. As a physician, it is NOT my role or responsibility to IMPOSE my beliefs on my patients. It is my job to offer options in the most compassionate manner possible; to help people achieve the best possible outcomes without compromising their trust or confidence.

      I look forward to reviewing your blog site.


  24. Fantastic video. Unfortunately for so many it will go in one ear and out the other and that’s saying if they take the time to listen at all. I’ve been a long time subscriber to Dr. Mercola and for many years I had wondered why he posts the same types of articles time and time again…I believe I answered my own question. I suppose we can only hope that one day it will click. The thing that worries me most is what’s happening to our soil, water, and air. I as one person can only do so much. Huge manufacturers still do what they do. Big companies still do what they do. Sad to see that they care little about what they have done and are continuing to do. Thank you for sharing. I will pass the video on…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for passing it forward. Environmental groups will continue to lobby and pressure our leaders for change. Consumers can contribute by purchasing healthier foods and telling the farmers we are no longer willing to eat “treated” agriculture.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. A huge reason why I grow as many things on my own. I know I’m lucky I can do this. I worry about the future of our food…..

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You have good reason to worry!!

          Liked by 1 person

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