Prescription Medication: Weapons of Mass Deception

Truth-Drug-CompaniesWhat if….

  • I told you the most prestigious medical peer review journals in the world are known to use GHOST WRITERS (well educated and skilled writers paid to write “research” studies with preconceived and possibly fabricated conclusions) to write medical studies proving the safety and efficacy of drugs?

  • I told you the drug manufacturers solicit medical physicians paying them for the use of their names as authors on these studies even though they had nothing to do with writing them; a practice that adds publishing rights and prestige to the doctor and “scientific support” for the drug and manufacturer?

  • I told you that “checkbook science” is a common term describing a practice where drug manufacturers choose investigators (from academic institutions and government institutions) and (in many instances) help collate, interpret and report chosen data emphasizing the benefits while suppressing potential dangers to receive drug approval? Example- Vioxx which killed approximately 60,000 people while making Merck 10 Billion in sales minus approx. 5 Billion in law suits and settlements. It should also be noted that Merck’s stock ROSE nearly 4% after it announced the lawsuit settlement on a day the stockmarket was DOWN.

  • I told you the practice of pharmaceutical medicine has become such big business, the ADDICTION TO THE PROFITS has exceeded its indicated usage perpetuating the illusion for its need for survival and its grip over people’s lives?





  • Would it make you realize the power the drug companies have over your life?

  • Would it make you realize your value in life is based on insurance coverage and/or disposable liquid assets?

  • Would it make you realize perpetuating your health (regardless of quality) is essential to growing their profits?


We boast about our freedom in the United States of America , but we deceive ourselves by hiding from the realities of our own lives.

  • Do we freely choose to medicate our lives or have we been conditioned by the authoritative medical community and their skills as sales people to believe our lives and well being are dependent on these synthetic substances?

  • Do we freely choose to work long hours at unfulfilling jobs or are we fearful of unemployment and destitution?

  • Do we freely choose to live sedentary unhealthy lifestyles or are we so exhausted from the daily stresses of life, we seek refuge in the absence of LIVING LIFE?



Life can be so much more than what we have accepted. Simple EXISTENCE is NOT the same as LIVING. We must wake our MINDS and give them a chance to guide us forward in a new direction.

Our Emotions MUST become the catalyst for change!

Whether you wish to hit “rock bottom” first or choose TODAY, enough is enough, it is possible to take back CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE!

Talk with people that give a damn about YOU! Join these people and become part or their circles of STRENGTH and discover action steps to take to improve your health and happiness. The more you learn about your own abilities the greater your capability to stand on your own two feet.

Ironically, who will we thank for our transition to a happier and healthier life? It will be Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, etc… for showing us a world filled with deception and an ability to say,




  1. First, attaching doctors names to ghost written reports should be illegal. Hate to be a pessimist, but can we ever change Big Pharm? I am sure they are some of the biggest lobbyists in D.C.

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    1. donutsplace · · Reply

      We can change it if we demand it. How many people across the u.s.a., let alone the world?

      Many of these things I have read.

      Also…your veterinarian gets its medicatioms from Merck and Bayer and more….I’ve noticed the names there. Go for everyone and their pets too.
      It that doesn’t kill them or make them sicker, buy their food from another country.
      We better do something. What about your families?
      Time to say no. And no more money.
      When everything is being taken away from people, are you going to let them take away your food, your health? That will cause many to die.
      Where does It stop? Personally I like to eat what I want, when I want. And as natural as I want.
      Expose the lies.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. As much as I understand your emotions, we live in a world requiring flexibility to help ALL parties involved understand each others needs. Approaching this concern with “sword in hand” leads to dangerous outcomes. Approaching this concern with dialogue and communication may or may not achieve the desired goals, but it offers an opportunity for ALL parties to benefit.

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        1. donutsplace · · Reply

          Sorry, I didnt mean to come off as sounding “radical”.
          I’m not like that. I just get kind of upset when some people do things that know what they are doing and don’t really care. Maybe eventually someone will.
          Maybe not in my lifetime…

          Liked by 1 person

          1. No need to apologize. Health is an emotional subject and sharing ideas is what my site is all about. The older I get the more I realize that change (in general) is best achieved through ongoing dialogue. I was simply sharing this perspective. 🙂


    2. We don’t have to change them. We can avoid them by staying away from the products and/or services they provide that we determine are harmful or simply unwanted. The goal is NOT to harm them; it is to TEACH them a new way to view the consumer and to show them how to provide us with products and services we demand. This will help them to continue to build successful businesses in unison with the consumer rather at the consumer’s expense.

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  2. Sandhya · · Reply

    A very eye opening post, for sure !

    Liked by 4 people

    1. The big question becomes, “is it just eye opening,” or is it something that will elicit an emotional response causing the consumer to accept the idea for changing their beliefs and lifestyles? If people look at this and think to themselves, “interesting,” yet follow the same paths that result in self destructive outcomes, the words add little value to our lives. At some point in my life, I hope to see people sharing comments that reflect new lifestyle choices that all of us can benefit learning from.
      I really appreciate your comment. It helps continue the dialogue and spread the thoughts and ideas of our blogging community.


      1. Sandhya · · Reply

        So far I have been able to say no to medications and opt for an alternative that I feel is healthier. An example for me is- practicing yoga has helped me with my knee pain, rather than taking prescription pain meds.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That is wonderful. It is important that you were willing to share this comment. People need to see “real people” choosing effective HEALTHY alternative options to improving the quality of their lives. Thank you so much for sharing.

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  3. donutsplace · · Reply

    FYI Dr….
    I found a interesting site. You probably heard of the herbs. But the info on there was interesting. 🙂

    List of Herbs for Making Herbal Teas

    They have some nice recipes for some teas. And I was surprised I have most of the Ingredients. Lol. I might have to get a few…
    I love my health food store. We have a good one here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great suggestion. Thank you for sending it as a link so other readers can benefit as well.

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  4. camcoogan · · Reply

    Sadly, your post, Dr. Jonathan, makes me realize that, yes, I am freely choosing to medicate my life with Prozac/fluoxetine to make it through the day. And the fear of unemployment and destitution plus the past financial mistakes that landed me in debt are the reason I am forced to work long hours at unfulfilling jobs- have to pay the bills. Finally, to answer your last question, I am so exhausted from the daily stresses of life that I do seek refuge in the absence of living life. I have given control of my life to my employer and, to cope with that, I look to big pharma. Some of us have fallen into a deep well, so deep that it is almost impossible to see the light at the top.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your honest and emotional response. As difficult as life may be, the first hurdle people need to overcome to move beyond this downward spiraling is RECOGNIZING their situation and honestly deciding whether one wishes to turn it around or continue on the current path. This is NOT a statement of judgement, but rather a decision EACH person must make for themselves. For those seeking a more fulfilling direction, SMALL steps need to be taken to gain a better sense of self accomplishment. These recurring accomplishments have the synergistic potential to create a sense of greater self value and self worth. This MINDFUL change in thinking can place anyone on a new path with better opportunities.
      This is one approach that makes “seeing the light” more achievable. I wish you well in choosing a path that brings you as much joy and happiness as you wish for.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. camcoogan · · Reply

        Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ve posted a comment on your blog 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I do know that drug companies woo our local doctors in private practice here with seminars. I prefer to take older more stable drugs. Ha ha let it be tried and tested first.

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    1. Smart! We are the ultimate “guinea pigs” anyway. I am willing to “bet the house” that the dangers in GMO foods (which remain hidden from most consumers) will be discovered over time while fabrications about their safety will continue to be expressed. Uncertainty about altering DNA in foods as well as the uncertainty about their affects on our own DNA through consumption and metabolic activity is a dangerous experiment. The color of money seems to impede our pre-frontal cortex (also known as the center of critical thinking!)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Agree!! All this will come to no good as it harms us ultimately. I give credit to my “smartness” to Prof Fong Kok Yong, Chairman Division of Medicine at Singapore General. He was also the Chief Physician to the late founding father of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Prof Fong is my rheumatologist and autoimmune specialist. I also learnt a lot of Dr Oon Chong Teik who was hailed the father of tropical diseases here. He was great at dengue haemmoragic fever and malaria. Good friends😊

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        1. Very interesting past history!

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      2. donutsplace · · Reply

        Very true Jonathan!
        They like hiding the truth. And at our expense.

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        1. donutsplace · · Reply

          Sorry about the name brain is asleep still. 😉

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  6. […] Prescription Medication: Weapons of Mass Deception […]

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  7. It is shameful, but a very real practice. I guess, knowledge is power. Spread the word in any way you can. Nothing is gained by giving up. ❤
    I take homepathic/herbal medicine only. It has treated my family for a few years now, where doctors and their medicine couldn’t.
    I speak with my voice to anyone who will listen that I know, and simply do not buy any if it.
    Don’t knock it til you try it…many won’t though. You can lead a human to knowledge, but you can’t MAKE them think.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I appreciate your comment and would love to welcome you to my site. My mission (as a doctor) is to share my experiences and knowledge with those willing to open their minds to the possibilities and willingness to experience a healthier and happier self. This is NOT to say that “my way” is the method all should follow. I simply reveal approaches to health and disease that people can challenge and/or accept into their lives to see if they too can benefit. Each person must decide for themselves which aspects of life are out of BALANCE that needs addressing.
      Your final sentence in your comment is OUTSTANDING! I would love to use it in the future (with your permission.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sure! Whatever helps us each grow. 😊

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  8. I am applauding you on this post. We can make the choice to take back our lives. I don’t want to live longer, i want to live better.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Placing this idea in people’s minds so they can reflect on their lives and the quality of their lives is a good starting point. We must begin to recognize the need (if so desired) to learn HOW TO LIVE HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER LIVES BEFORE Symptoms manifest and before we turn to drugs to quell them. The absence of symptoms and/or disease is NOT THE SAME as being HEALTHY!

      Actively participating in a healthy LIFESTYLE offers a much better chance for GOOD HEALTH and QUALITY LIVING!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Run for President. I will vote for you. Best message for our country.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Apparently only those with tremendous UNFAVORABLE ratings run for President! I would, however, love to see people get greater exposure to the important and necessary steps to take to make their lives healthier and happier. Then, I would love to see them rise from their chairs and ACTIVELY pursue these lifestyle changes. Of course, it is up to each person to decide for themselves.

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  9. […] Prescription Medication: Weapons of Mass Deception […]


  10. As always, a compassionate, enlightening, and transformative offering…this message is so important and I believe every word…and, I especially appreciate the theme that being symptom-free is not the same as being healthy…it is so true that we have to engage in critical thinking, and I want to thank you, again, for giving us vital information that allows us to make more informed decisions…sadly, in so many contexts, money really is the root of all evil–and, it has been used to define quality of life…as in, the more money–the better the life…and, this is not at all true…in fact, for so many, it continues to be used to exploit and divide and harm and rob us of our best selves…yet, so many pursue it as if it is the holy grail…the be-all-end-all…a panacea…but, in reality, it is a placebo….fortunately, love is stronger than corrupted power, and greed, and lies….thank you for being so committed to being a source of light and hope and knowledge. As long as each of us who “get it” do what we can to contribute to the good in the world, the (collective) triumph of the human spirit will win the war 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are always so kind. Thank you with your well thought out response. I agree with your sentiments.
      We will ultimately “win the war” because people are worth fighting for. Plenty of emotional scars will be experienced during this battle. In the end, our planet and its inhabitants will be so much better off. Thank you for all your support.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always, my friend 🙂

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  11. Excellent blog with jaw dropping stats as it relates to causes of death in the US!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I want people to realize the truth and become aware it is their responsibility to take care of their own bodies. Pharmaceuticals have a role in health care, but they have taken too much control of people’s lives. Dropping a pill in one’s mouth is easy; living with the consequences of self medicating a large part of one’s life is not. The problem is NOT just the pill. The problem develops from a passive sedentary lifestyle IN PLACE OF FIXING the purpose of taking the “pill.” The belief that the pill is the “easy way out” destroys many lives in the long run.

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  12. Great post – wrote another poem a decade ago about ‘pushers’ meaning pharma companies! They claim a huge death toll here also but the blindness and amputations, etc that come from long-term prescribed use also impacts gravely on quality of life.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So true. Many don’t realize the effects these drugs take on the body over the years. For example, people don’t realize that cortisone (with frequent usage or in combination with NSAIDS) damage joints and lead to OSTEOPOROSIS. It also plays havoc with diabetics and the regulation of healthy blood sugar levels. These details are frequently left undisclosed to patients.

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  13. Always something to think about Jonathan, thanks for raising our awareness!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I appreciate you as a reader and someone interested in sharing ideas that help people live happier, healthier lives.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much!


  14. Love this post…..after working in the medical field for over 30 years…I was privy in the very beginning that we should never believe what you read, especially the author of some of the papers….I was hired out to do research for MD’s and put it together for them, they would take my notes and give it to a professional writer to put together to read like a scholar wrote it and then sign there name to it, of course they would correct and add and delete what they wanted to it, but over half of the papers were my research information….not directly from them…..I didn’t think of them as scams, but really that’s what they were….manufactured papers with small input from them…LOL when I research for medical information now on the internet, I visit bookoo sites and do comparison reading on all topics….and then ask wonderful, knowledgeable people like yourself, as I know your not going to lie….makes a difference….for sure… glad your making everyone think twice about the medical world…..kat

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great comment Kat. You are proof of what goes on in medical research. Thank you for sharing this important information.
      Thank you as well for your very kind words.


      1. amazing what one learns in the thick of jobs….LOL

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  15. Great read!!! I’m sharing

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I appreciate your willingness to help share the message.
      I have a great deal of respect for your mission as well. Keep up the good work.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I appreciate you sharing this message. Thank you for taking your time to come visit my blog site.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Welcome Doctor Jonathan .. because it’s nice to reading your articles and interesting about health.. Godbless!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you for your kind words. Wishing you all the best in life.


  16. It’s nice reading Reblog

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much.


  17. I could not refrain from commenting. Exceptionally well written!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No need to refrain. I welcome an open dialogue with readers to benefit all of us. The more we share ideas, the more we grow and develop as individuals. Thank you so much for taking your time and participating.


  18. Here is a prescription drug that has been responsible for 22 deaths in the past year just in Australia!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. According to the article, these deaths were due to accidental overdose. The conditions these medications are prescribed for deal with inflammatory complications. One must question whether the doctors who prescribed these medications also prescribed an anti-inflammatory diet to facilitate the diagnoses.


  19. […] Prescription Medication: Weapons of Mass Deception […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this important message!


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