Publication7cropped400How would you feel knowing your Pediatrician’s paycheck is supplemented by an incentive based vaccination program offered by insurance companies? Is the vaccine recommendation by your child’s doctor in your child’s best interest or your doctor’s best interest?

Are you willing to rely on your doctor’s recommendation when a financial conflict of interest clearly exists? Need proof?

If pediatricians can provide 63% of children in their practices (by the age of 2) with the following 24 or 25 vaccines:

• (4) DTaP* vaccinations
• (3) IPV* vaccinations
• (1) MMR vaccination
• (1) VZV vaccination
• (3) HiB* vaccinations
• (3) Hepatitis B vaccinations
• (4) PCV* vaccinations
• (1) HepA vaccination
• (2 or 3) RV* vaccinations
• (2) Influenza** vaccinations

these doctors are awarded incentive pay of

$400.00 PER CHILD.



(REFERENCE: Blue Cross Blue Shield Doctor Incentive Program (2016) Page 15)


The average Pediatrician has 1546 patients.

(REFERENCE: Journal Of The American Medical Association: Size and Age-Sex Distribution of Pediatric Practice)

Since financial incentives begin when 63% of the eligible children are vaccinated (according to the insurance guidelines,) this would equal 974 children in the average size pediatric practice. If we multiply 974 children by the $400.00 incentive, it would equal an additional $389,600.00 on top of these Pediatrician’s existing salaries. Remember, this is based on the MINIMAL percentage of patients (63%) complying in an AVERAGE size pediatric practice. This awarded bonus of pay could easily surpass $500,000.00 in larger practices.


If doctors believe that these vaccines are necessary to prevent childhood diseases, why would an insurance company feel compelled to offer additional financial incentives increasing these doctors annual earnings by hundreds of thousands of dollars? Wouldn’t these doctors be ethically, morally and professionally bound to make certain their patients comply with the vaccine program without these incentives?

In addition, does it make any sense for parents to resist complying with medical procedures that doctor’s claim are “safe”, inexpensive and prevent “life threatening” childhood diseases. Why then did our government feel the need to pass laws MANDATING parent compliance?


If the vaccine program and schedule was “safe”, “inexpensive”, and prevented “life threatening” childhood diseases why would:

  1. our Government need to “FORCE” parents to comply?

  2. our insurance companies need to offer large financial incentives to doctors to simply “do their job?”

Could a doctor in good faith base their vaccine recommendation to families on personal financial incentives received? If yes, how ethical and professional are these licensed health care providers offering advice based on compensation rather than scientific research and personal integrity? If no, why would insurance companies foolishly payout large financial incentives to doctors resulting in reduced revenue for their own companies?

Does It Make Sense To Ignore These Facts?

Now that we’ve exceeded 4 BILLION DOLLARS (in tax payer’s money) for financial restitution to vaccine injured children


is it time for society to “put on the brakes” and begin getting some answers to these policies before proceeding forward?





  1. Excellent post!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great post! As someone with a child who has been injured by vaccines (and someone who almost died from one myself), I keep praying that our country will start seeing this scam for what it is. I am not anti-vaccines, but I am anti-bad science and poor practices. They are not analyzing the long-term effects of these vaccines nor are they appropriately considering pre-existing conditions or contraindications. There needs to be more medical research instead of sticking our heads in the sand and doing things the way we’ve always done them. Thank you for exposing this. If we keep speaking up, we will be heard.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You reveal many truths regarding vaccines. There are many questions left unanswered that require answering. What started as an approach to prevent diseases has manifested into a financial monopoly that has prioritized revenue over welfare. It is the consumer’s responsibility, however, to become aware of the various TRUTHS and to ACTIVELY participate in deciding what substances shall be injected into their bodies.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. For once I am speechless at the sheer power of big companies … Merry Christmas Dr J.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Carol….Speechless…. I think not! I’m convinced Big Business moved you to your retirement dream life so they wouldn’t have to contend with your strength and willingness to stand up against unethical behavior. 😀

      Seriously, what’s even more interesting is that people will read this reality and continue to follow the herd anyway because they have been told to do so. It requires (metaphorically) “repeated slaps to the face” before people are willing to say, “NO MORE!” This is unfortunately, a sad, but true commentary.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dr J…I am shocked what quiet, shy reserved little me!…Haha… Unfortunately, it will take quite a few slaps for some..so much complacency by so many until it happens to them or theirs…I hope you and your family have the best Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year x

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Right back at ya!!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes one word is enough to describe feelings and realities of a situation. I agree with you, completely.


  4. You never cease to amaze me with your wealth of information. I hold fast to my opinions no matter what, that my child has been vaccinated enough, but to know about this incentive program infuriates me (I feel I was ‘tricked’ into the hep B shot just hours after AJ was born). I’m also infuriated about how the CDC directs everything that comes out of my doctor’s mouth. Pneumonia shot, flu shot for all, HPV shot for AJ… doesn’t matter that I say “never ask me about that again,” doctors are puppets for the CDC. Sorry. No offense meant, and rant over. ☺

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The average consumer doesn’t view medicine as a BUSINESS. Many people would prefer to accept doctor recommendations as gospel than accept the fact that health care is designed to promulgate a model of chronic disease. A doctor is considered successful if they can “help” the patient maintain these diseases over their lifetime rather than help them restore HEALTH and balance to their bodies. The consumer accepts this as a legitimate approach to disease because the alternative would require personal education, self commitment and changes in attitude requiring effort they are unwilling to invest.

      You are wise to question the validity of your child’s physician and his or her recommendations regarding additional vaccinations. They are more likely following medical protocol than offering advice based on THEIR research and understanding of the controversy surrounding these treatments.


  5. Wow! This is interesting and definitely something to think about.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The decision to vaccinate is so much more complex than assuming it’s a safe, effective treatment option against known diseases. Ingredients within vaccines are not disclosed to consumers to improve awareness and provide honest cost/benefit analysis prior to treatments. “Dumbing Down” the consumer makes it easier to gain compliance. Although this is true, it is not ethical or moral.

      I would love to know how many parents were aware of this financial incentive offered by the insurance companies prior to me posting this article showing the referenced sources. I’ll be the percentage would be less than 1%!

      This fact by itself doesn’t make vaccines inappropriate options; it does, however, raise legitimate conflicts of interest regarding the physician’s recommendations to vaccinate.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can tell you, my husband and I were not made aware of the financial incentive. Although, I am curious to know if my son’s pediatrician at the time was offered it.

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        1. Those willing to wear many different “hats” in life will likely have greater control of outcomes. It is a difficult undertaking, but well worth the effort. If we become more willing to LEARN the basics in different areas of life, (ex. health, finances, spiritual/religious needs, etc…) and use the experts to guide us rather than CONTROL US, we would likely be happier, healthier more productive and a better balanced society.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Tom Marion · · Reply

    You left out the biggest part of the money trail. That is the pharmaceutical company lobbyists who bribe Congress to pass these laws that are favorable to them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I try to keep my posts as factual as possible. Although bribes are a likely part of government business, I do not have any current proof. Common sense, however, would lead one to believe that campaign contributions by Big Businesses (including Big Pharma) are not “charitable gifts” to congressman. There is likely an agenda at stake and these contributions likely influence that agenda. Unfortunately, the average consumer continues to keep their head buried DEEP in the sand to avoid confrontation with the medical field. Doctors and patients would benefit from MORE HONEST DIALOGUE. We physicians should be working to help our patients achieve the goals THEY set for themselves. It is not our place to IMPOSE our education and philosophy on our patients. If we feel we can’t help our patients because of constraints they place on US, we should refer them to other physicians willing to work within the guidelines our patient’s establish. The patient will either realize their boundaries make the goals impossible or will find doctors using less traditional approaches able to achieve these desired outcomes.

      For some reason we believe western medicine is the only “legitimate” approach to health. In reality, our system is designed to MAINTAIN CHRONIC DISEASE than help the patient RESTORE HEALTH and BALANCE to the body. How ironic to call this “HEALTH CARE!”


  7. Wishing you and your whole family a very happy New Year 2018, Doc! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wishing you all the best in 2018 (and beyond) as well! 🙂


  8. I think doctors tend to have a lot of overhead and there also is malpractice insurance. Maybe recommending vaccines isn’t that bad, maybe it is just a fair payback which doesn’t cost the parents of children who (I believe in, as a past preschool teacher, sixth grade teacher, daycare provider and mother) need them to keep them safe from diseases.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I must respectfully disagree with your opinion.

      First, if vaccines were “healthy”, why would insurance companies feel the need to offer doctors financial incentives to perform “healthy procedures” to their patients? Doesn’t a doctor have a moral and professional responsibility to do what’s in the patient’s best interest? How would a doctor justify refusing to safeguard children from harmful diseases unless incentive pay was offered? If vaccination compliance was equivalent with or without incentive pay, do you think insurance companies would choose to give their money away to doctors rather than keep it for themselves?

      Secondly, if the focus is on PREVENTING childhood DISEASES, what medical treatments are being offered today to children to protect them from type 2 diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases, autism, A.D.D, A.D.H.D and cancer? Many more children (in increasing numbers) are developing these conditions than those that vaccinations are designed to address. How has the medical model addressed these threatening conditions our children face today? Just because pharmaceuticals don’t provide qualitative answers to these conditions, doesn’t remove the physician’s responsibility to make certain their patients are following ESSENTIAL LIFESTYLE habits that reduce the chances for developing these different health problems.

      Incentive pay to do one’s moral and professional job in the healthcare field should throw up red flags. The cost of malpractice is part of the cost of doing business. Why not offer incentive pay when a patient’s health is RESTORED without the need of lifetime medications. What other profession is provided incentive pay to sustain a less than desirable outcome? Why simply maintain a chronic disease when solutions are available to RESTORE quality health to the body and mind?

      I thought these would be interesting points to share with you to provide a perspective that challenges conventional thinking. I hope you are willing to objectively consider their validity.

      Thank you for taking the time to read a few of my posts. I hope to see your comments (supporting or opposing) my views in the future. Dialogue provides information we can ALL learn from.

      Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy New Year!


  9. Wow, that is extremely enlightening and extremely disturbing, wish I could say I was surprised (well I actually was even knowing how shady a lot of medical practice is nowadays).

    Really good of you to share this, I’ve all ready passsed it along, and will continue to. Have a friend whose house I’m going to tomorrow with a newborn born this past June, I’ll have to show him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My goal is to share information relevant to making personal informed decisions. As a physician, it is NOT my job (ethically or professionally) to tell people “right” from “wrong” as much as it is to make certain they have as much credible information to make the best intelligent decisions for themselves.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Imagine that! You’re in the minority I assume by doing that, a throwback to Hippocrates and Mayo brothers. I know they’re not all bad, but the “pill for every ill,” approach is truly disgusting. Sadly, most nowadays are unable to make an intelligent independent decision, and blindly follow advice without ruminating on it, but maybe it’s a necesary form of Darwinism.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Change is slow and requires time and patience. People resist change until the resistance typically impacts their lives. Hopefully, some will recognize a failing approach before symptoms degrade into clinical pathologies. I share this information to help others. If people choose to ignore it, my quality of life remains untarnished. People have the right to do whatever they choose to; I have the right to live by my methods that have achieved the results I desire. When people decide they want more out of life but are short on resources regarding necessary changes, they are more than welcome to read my articles and see if these concepts offer any benefit.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. No doubt, I couldn’t agree more! The “Be the change you wish to see in the world” seems the best philosphy. Great content as always!

            Liked by 1 person

  10. Tamara Robinson · · Reply

    It’s actually a great and helpful piece of information. I am satisfied that you simply shared this helpful information with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I hope you find future articles beneficial as well.


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