
When it comes to medications, does anyone truly believe, “if a little is good, more is better?” Both patients and doctors clearly recognize this statement to be FALSE! So when it comes to our children, why do parents (assume) and doctors (support) the “more is better” belief? Whether you support or oppose the concept of vaccinations, the following chart shows the history of its expansion.


The first question one must ask is, “are our children more healthy today than they were in 1983 (or for that matter) 1962? This question does NOT determine whether vaccines are “good” or “bad,” but rather the relevance and need for the growing quantity of vaccines DEVELOPED and ADMINISTERED. Where is the evidence that the additional 48 doses of vaccines since 1983 have contributed to the outcome of a healthier child? Without this evidence, why are there over 271 NEW VACCINES in development. Are we saying and believing:



Who is addressing the growing levels of CHRONIC CHILDHOOD DISEASES our country faces today.

“43% of children in the United States have a chronic illness; a percentage that rises to 52% when obesity is included.” (REF: Bethell CD, Kogan MD, Strickland BB, Schor EL, Robertson J, Newacheck PW. A national and state profile of leading health problems and health care quality of US children: key insurance disparities and across-state variations. Acad Pediatr. 2011 May-Jun; 11(3 Suppl):S22-23)

Some of these chronic diseases are:

  1. food allergies

  2. inflammatory bowel disease

  3. neurodevelopmental illnesses

  4. auto immune diseases

  5. asthma

  6. obesity

Our growing vaccination program does not prevent or address ANY of these chronic diseases. These chronic health problems profoundly impact the quality of our children’s lives. How many “NEW MEDICAL TREATMENTS” are in the pipeline to correct these chronic conditions?


So I ask you, if vaccinations have not

  • created a lower mortality risk for 0-1 yr olds in the U.S.

  • reduced chronic diseases in children

  • improved the quality of health and life in developing children

is it possible a well intentioned program over time has grown out of balance based on the CHANGING NEEDS and current health maladies our children face today? Do you really believe 271 new vaccines will medically induce healthier children?

Are we NOW being told:


and BLINDLY expected to believe this? We are already the MOST vaccinated nation in the world. If vaccines are associated with better health:




Is it possible vaccinations play a smaller role in the overall health of our children than than we’d like to believe?

Maybe it’s time to focus on the teeter totter (in the picture above) and invest more of our resources into correcting these escalating chronic childhood diseases. Is there FEAR that LIFESTYLE rather than PHARMACEUTICALS may play a BIGGER ROLE in achieving this goal? Should we once again believe our physicians when they support 271 new possible vaccines as the “missing solutions” to our health concerns? If you believe the answer is YES, we need to change our paradigm to:




The real NON POLITICALLY CORRECT QUESTION to ask is, “are your convictions to vaccinate your child based on your doctor’s recommendations and PERSONAL BELIEFS or your INSURANCE COVERAGE?” What if you had to budget every vaccine as an “out of pocket expense” amounting to thousands of dollars per child? Would you be just as supportive and committed to following AND PAYING FOR this expanding vaccination program? Maybe it’s worth reconsidering the earlier question: “Have the additional 48 doses of vaccines produced healthier children since 1983?”

Do these posts and their details alter your confidence in the current health care system and make you want to see if better options exist? OR Is challenging traditional medical recommendations too distasteful a concept? Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you.


  1. Now I don’t live in US, but in Denmark, while my kids were kids and now in Spain. I don’t think, that all these vaccinations are for the good of the kids, but for the medical companies most of all.
    I thought a lot about this, while my kids were kids and there were vaccinations, as I said No thank you, to a lot of these vaccinations, to the doctors. They didn’t understand, but these are harming a lot and not necessary all of them. There have been testing to find out, if some of these vaccinations have been reason for many kids getting sicknesses like Autism, ADHD etc. and they have not proved this wrong yet.
    I find it very important to think twice, before just vaccinate your kids.


    1. I wouldn’t go as far as saying a definite NO to vaccinations. After all, they have wiped out diseases like polio, smallpox and tuberculosis.

      However, it is true and worrisome that some of the newer generations of vaccinations have had so many negative side effects. I live in Finland, which is relatively close to you. I don’t know how your system works. Not to mention other western countries with a more commercialized medical business.

      Maybe some regulations into extended testing should be introduced to avoid these kind of negative effects?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree with you and I didn’t say no to all, but to some of them.


      2. There are few situations in life where ALL or NOTHING is the best choice. Vaccinations (even those considered to have greater pros than cons) remain controversial and continue to be given WITHOUT proper informed consent. One important example (you listed) is the polio vaccine. Most people associate polio with paralysis. Why do you think that is? Did the research show polio victims overwhelmingly developed flaccid paralysis requiring Iron Lung machines for survival? Most people assume so. Below are some facts for you along with the reference source.
        1. Up to 72% of people contracting the polio virus experienced NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL. About 24% experienced minor symptoms including upset stomach, fever, sore throat and flu like symptoms. This means that:
        96% of all people contracting polio experienced NO SYMPTOMS or only MINOR SYMPTOMS without ANY VACCINATION.
        2. The percentage of people that become paralyzed was 1%. Of this 1%, half the patients with spinal polio recovered fully; one-quarter recovered with mild disability, and the remaining quarter were left with severe disability. (Source: Cuccurullo SJ (2004). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review. Demos Medical Publishing. ISBN 1-888799-45-5.)

        How many people do you think have had a chance to see these statistics prior to deciding whether to receive the polio vaccine? Do you think most medical doctors are aware of these numbers? In most cases, doctors truly believe in the integrity and honesty in their education and simply comply with their teachings. I completely understand this, however, believe that ALL DOCTORS have a responsibility to “NEVER DO HARM” as they swear in their oath.

        Our institutions FEAR that patients MIGHT choose to abstain from some or all vaccines if this information was well circulated. I have NEVER imposed my beliefs on my patients or my readers. I simply give them information to make better INFORMED DECISIONS and support their RIGHTS to their decisions. I am NOT anti vaccines; I am anti NON INFORMED CONSENT!

        Regulations will never be properly implemented. Lobbying interests and government regulatory agencies with Boards consisting of members with conflicting interests interferes with an honest approach to policy decisions. Long term safety studies on vaccines (as requested by the Independent well respected Cochrane Organization) have never been considered by the medical industry. Politics and financial interests have become a significant problem concerning this topic.

        You might want to You Tube Dr. Suzanne Humphries and her vaccine presentation. You might be surprised to see a side of the vaccine story and its history rarely exposed. She has spent a great many years researching this topic (as a medical doctor) and has reached conclusions based on the science rather than biased propaganda.

        Please excuse the long winded response. Health care decisions is an important subject to me. These decisions should be based on the VARIOUS OPTIONS available and not limited to western imposed medicine. It is an arrogant approach and BOTH ethically and morally wrong (in my opinion.)

        Thank you for taking the time to add your comment. I appreciate it and hope it stimulates additional dialogue to gain new perspectives as more readers view these posts.

        Liked by 4 people

    2. The most important concern for me is that parents are provided PROPER informed consent for EACH and every vaccine offered. As a physician it is NOT my responsibility to IMPOSE my opinion and judgement; it is my responsibility to provide accurate information PRIOR to any treatment given and receive PERMISSION for this treatment from my patient. The patient must accept responsibility for themselves and their family members for the decisions THEY MAKE!

      This is why I oppose legislative mandating of ANY health policy.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I do understand, what you mean and you do this very well.
        What I meant were more, that even our private doctors often are paid for using special brands etc., why I find it more difficult to trust them.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I can absolutely understand your concerns.

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  2. I don’t believe all these vaccines are for the better. I do believe some are helpful but when they keep adding vaccine after vaccine it makes you wonder.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. That’s the interesting part and the reason I post articles like this. People really DO NOT WONDER! They simply assume in the integrity of their doctors and believe these procedures are necessary to be healthy. My question is this: How many people would follow their doctors recommendations if they had to pay for these procedures ENTIRELY OUT OF POCKET? The answer to this question determines whether they TRULY believe it’s necessary or simply comply because someone else will pay for it (INSURANCE!) In this post, no one has answered this question, (yet.) Certainly food for thought!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. To be honest I would not be able to afford them at all. I don’t think anyone with an average income would be able too. If we had to pay the full office visit no one would probably go to the doctor either.

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      1. Thank you for being so honest.

        This, however, places in perspective the value of BOTH the treatment (vaccine) and the doctor. In most cases even if people could afford it, they would CHOOSE to spend their money on different things. In my opinion this reinforces the belief that vaccinations are not as important to people as they are a source of revenue to the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry. If third party payers didn’t pick up the tab, the rate of vaccine compliance would dramatically reduce. Therefore, how relevant are vaccines to healthy outcome in the average person’s mind. If they truly believed they were ESSENTIAL they would figure a way to pay for them.

        It is DANGEROUS to follow ANY policy where a third party will pay without FULLY considering the benefits and risks. Our society likes the concept of “free.” How many things in life, however, are TRULY “FREE?”


  4. I am from a developing country. Vaccines are not any deal here. The few typical ones of those years still tolerated are TB, Yellow Fever and Polio sometimes. But it’s not a hidden stat that our health could have been much better if our overall standard of living were better… Not an increase in vaccines or meds. Thanks for this post Dr

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your awareness is refreshing. Realizing that poor health is more easily corrected by implementing lifestyle changes promoting healthy outcomes is an important first step. Whether a country is considered “developed” or “developing” an overlapping commonality is revealed when we recognize their is no such thing as a “PHARMACEUTICAL DEFICIENCY” preventing people from attaining GOOD HEALTH.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. YES! We are made to feel symptoms are enigmatic and mysterious whereas it’s just the body saying hey I’m not getting something I need. If our cells have all the nutrients we need viruses and genes are a moot point because they are deactivated and “switched off.” The hardest thing is the lifestyle/emotional change and compliance. (I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir.) Fear generates billions of dollars and keeps us trapped in illusion. For me, I’m reversing the myriad of symptoms associated with the label “ME/CFS.” I think it should be called Cellular Nutrient Deficiency or something like that. That’s a lot less scary – and we are empowered to heal! 😉 You go Doctor Jonathan! Let’s shift the paradigm!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Love your approach and your PASSION. You are spot on in your thinking and understanding of health imbalances. Autoimmune conditions (rather than diseases) are slowly becoming recognized by Functional Practitioners as simple deficiencies rather than genetically predetermined conditions without resolution. Giving our bodies a chance to heal by utilizing approaches that support GOOD HEALTH rather than treating symptomatic disturbances is the FUTURE IN HEALTH CARE.

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  5. It’s sad how physicians often only treat the symptoms of chronic conditions but don’t get to the root cause. Another issue is running too many unnecessary tests. Of course, not every doctor is like this, but our current healthcare system can definitely use some improvement.

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    1. This is their training. They are incredible at handling emergency situations and acute illnesses. Their expertise is found in STABILIZING BAD HEALTH, not achieving GOOD HEALTH. This is an important contribution to society. Unfortunately, they seem to want to impose their beliefs across the entire health spectrum. This is where they have failed their patients. Chronic diseases are simply maintained by them without ANY focus on HEALTH RESTORATION. Their lives center on pharmaceutical solutions even when this method offers NO POSSIBLE CORRECTION.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. That is very true. I very much appreciate their contribution to society in that respect. I do wish doctors receive more training in the health restoration aspect though.

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        1. The problem with the “health restoration model” is that it requires TIME and isn’t reimbursed. It doesn’t fit the “business model” or the ability to generate substantial revenue. Until patients begin “VALUING” their own health, they will unlikely be willing to pay for it. It is a service they would like to receive, but not a service they value enough to pay for.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. You’re absolutely right about that. Unfortunately, people often don’t value what they have until they lose it.

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            1. This is a difficult dilemma to overcome.

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    2. It is precisely for this reason that I sought the help of a Functional Medicine doctor at the Cleveland Clinic. I was so tired of going to my own local doc and simply being handed a prescription. She would get upset with me when I declined meds. I had one doctor actually yell at me when we declined my daughter’s HPV vaccine. Her emotional response confirmed to me that she either a.) got money on the line over this or b.) someone breathing down herback to meet “goals” of the practice or c.) both. Within one visit to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, they uncovered my celiac disease and within a month, I felt like a new person. It’s really not rocket science, but if you’re under the thumb of Big Pharma, perhaps it is. All I know for sure is that ** I ** am now in the drivers seat of my own health.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I appreciate your comments more than you realize. As well intentioned as my messages are, consumer’s “real life” experiences validate and add tremendous credibility. Consumers listen to eachother’s stories for additional guidance. Your story proves the traditional medical model DOESN’T hold the only answers to better health.

        Always excited to see a patient that has gained the confidence to sit in the “driver’s seat.” Doctors would be wise to recognize that different (credible) answers are found in many different approaches throughout the many different disciplines. The “right” answer has to match the patient’s personality and needs.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Brilliant post. You make some excellent points. Much food for thought.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s the goal. I simply want people to open their minds to new ideas to help them formulate THEIR OWN opinions and decisions in life. Much of the material I share is not readily exposed to the public. How can anyone make an intelligent health decision if they are only presented with “1 side of the story?”

      The difficult part is getting people to lower their defenses when challenging their long term beliefs. Part of my success in doing so is showing I have “no skin in the game.” I do NOT benefit whether they accept or refuse the information presented. This adds credibility to my words and reduces the skepticism in people’s minds.

      Of course the health care institutions, government agencies, big pharma and big agribusinesses are not very supportive of the information I share. The interesting thing is, I believe ALL of these businesses have GREAT VALUE. It is the approach used and the priority placing the $ FIRST that creates much of the dilemma.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Direct and to the point! I am with you that I don’t believe that all of these vaccines are helpful (except to the pharmaceutical companines).

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    1. Sometimes we simply need to step back and use a little common sense with the information available. If we already receive more vaccinations than any country in the world, (and are ranked between 15th and 20th for childhood mortality,) how would adding even more vaccines improve this ranking? It would be similar to a person standing in front of a wall trying to move forward. How many times would this person have to walk into this wall before concluding a new direction is needed to get any further?

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I believe that some of these vaccines are the results to what the government has done to us, the pollution they put in the air, the products that they produce that are in our homes….I had to vaccinate my children or they couldn’t go to public school….at least it was only a handful…I really feel for the children today……great article…..kat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe the law that congress passed to indemnify the pharmaceutical manufacturers from ALL federally approved vaccines has become the MOTIVATING factor to the develop so many new vaccines. Can you imagine BLANKET IMMUNITY from ANY and ALL law suits? Where will it stop?


      1. I am not sure, but it must stop…..

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  9. Eye-opening post. I remember reading an article by a former Center for Disease Control rep saying the CDC is essentially a vaccine sales company.

    What gets me about the vaccine debate is the back and white, cognitive dissonance nature of it all. If one vaccine is good than all of them are. Your vaccine dosage schedule chart really brings to life how out of control it’s gotten.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are absolutely correct. Our fed gov’t buys vaccines and sells them to the states. This is a “FOR PROFIT” business. Many sitting on the board of regulatory agencies have clear conflicts of interest, yet do not recuse themselves from voting on these issues.
      You are the FIRST to voice an opinion about vaccine dosages. This says a lot about our public’s general lack of concern. I’m sure if they had to “pay out of pocket” concern would magically appear. Overcoming complacency is a difficult challenge. Hopefully as my overlapping messages are restated, repetition will create more critical thinking from the public.


      1. You know Doctor, what gets me most about vaccines is how pervasive the black-and-white thinking about it is. It’s an all-or-nothing subject for such a chunk of the population. If one vaccine is good then all of them must be, and if you are against one vaccine then you get labeled “anti-vax” pretty quickly. It’s as if cognitive dissonance is the default mode of thought on this.

        Keep up the good work Doc. Hopefully the tipping point on awareness isn’t too far off.

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        1. The media has created a lot of distaste regarding this subject. They use less than credible sources to convey opposition to certain vaccinations and follow this with credentialed medical and government personal to provide the “factual truth.” This is purposefully done to support the industry contributing massive amounts of advertising dollars to their networks. How many people do you think really know the original polio vaccine KILLED over 100,000 people? How many people do you think really know that over 3 BILLION dollars has been awarded to vaccine injured families? I’m pretty sure the major networks haven’t mentioned these facts.


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