
Pretend the people standing in camouflage represent CANCER CELLS. Pretend the people kneeling in orange represent HEALTHY CELLS. If a powerful bomb was positioned as in this photograph and allowed to detonate, there is a good chance many (if not all) of the cancer cells would be destroyed. There is also a good chance that many (if not all) of the healthy cells would be destroyed IN THIS PROCESS!




Pretend the people standing in  camouflage represent CANCER CELLS. Pretend the people kneeling in orange represent HEALTHY CELLS. If 9 sniper marksman were used as the picture represents to target the CANCER CELLS, what are the chances the cancer cells would be eliminated? In the process of eliminating these cancer cells, what are the chances the HEALTHY CELLS would survive this attack?



What is CHEMOTHERAPY? According to Wikipedia:

“Chemotherapy has come to connote the use of rather non-specific intracellular poisons.” “Chemotherapeutic agents are cytotoxic (toxic to ALL cells in the body.)” Many of the side effects of chemotherapy are caused by damage to NORMAL (HEALTHY) CELLS. The most common side-effect of chemotherapy is known as IMMUNOSUPPRESSION (a loss of function to the body’s defenses for combating disease.)


Why would we choose picture #1 as a FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE in a majority of cancer diagnoses if picture #2 offers a safer healthier option? If we have proven methods that SELECTIVELY attack CANCEROUS and other UNHEALTHY cells in the body while SPARING HEALTHY CELLS, why are these treatment options being excluded? Doctors are required to get consent for treatment prior to providing care. Part of this consent is providing the DIFFERENT OPTIONS AVAILABLE as well as the RISKS AND BENEFITS of these treatments. How often are these viable options being offered in addition to chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery?

After a person is traumatized by the diagnosis of cancer, it is nearly impossible for them to collect their thoughts and weigh the different options available. At that point, the patient is so terrified, they will typically comply with ANY treatment recommendation made by the doctor. Knowing that 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, it makes sense to PREPARE ahead of time.

While HEALTHY, one should seek out doctors with experience and successful track records that have helped their patients overcome this disease by STRENGTHENING their own bodies on a cellular level utilizing a SUPPORTIVE APPROACH that targets diseased cancer cells rather than ALL CELLS of the body. This approach spares the immune system the devastation of traditional chemotherapy.

There are certainly cases where chemotherapy may be necessary as part of a healthier treatment protocol. Often, these cases involve lower dosages and dramatically reduced side effects.

Picture #1 and Picture #2 will likely destroy the people representing CANCER CELLS. Picture #1, however, suffers catastrophic collateral damage. Picture #2 represents a more HUMANE HEALTH BASED APPROACH that ADDS “QUALITY LIVING” while STRENGTHENING the immune system and RESTORING HEALTH to the body.

With so many people destined to be diagnosed with cancer, NOW is the time to learn and PREPARE. Now is the time to find doctors you would turn to while learning what personal responsibilities you would be faced with. If you make the time NOW and are diagnosed with cancer in the future, you just might have the option LATER to decide which path you’d rather follow!






  1. Such an interesting post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed it!

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  2. Great post, Jonathan. I see radiation in a similar light, in that there is little control over what gets barbecued!

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    1. You’re correct. As focal and precise as the beam may be, healthy tissue is damaged in the process. Ironically, one of radiation’s known side effects is CANCER. Seems to me the smartest route is minimizing the risks that cause the body equilibrium disturbances in the first place.

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  3. Health Mastery Movement · · Reply

    Powerful! Haunting even… Those pictures really helped make your point!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those pictures represent REALITY. We are better off getting a glimpse while we experience the blessings of stable health than dare to face the mirror IF the diagnosis becomes our own reality.


  5. another wonderful post doc..

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    1. Since this diagnosis affects so many lives I wanted to make certain people had a VISUAL picture of CANCER and TREATMENT OPTIONS. Most people know the BIG 3 (chemo, radiation and surgery.) Most people have no idea that healthier viable options exist and have successfully restored health to the body WITHOUT causing all the collateral damage that traditional treatments do.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Couldn’t of picked a better group to represent cancer cells!

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    1. I thought these pictures would help people visualize traditional treatments vs treatments that achieve the same results WITHOUT destroying one’s quality of life.


  7. This is a subject that’s very close to my heart Dr. Jonathan. Both my parents’ (they had divorced for many many years) lives were taken by pancreatic cancer. My father passed when he was 72 and my mother passed at the age of 65. They both found out at the late stage of cancer and were both given 3 to 6 months to live – according to their doctors. They also both went for chemotherapy treatment. My father was treated in Taiwan and he was treated for around 8 months before he died. My mother was treated in Australia, and her treatment extended almost 20 months of her life.

    What I want to mention here is, cancer is really closer, frightening closer to us than most of us would have imagined.
    Thank you for this post.

    Vivienne X

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry for the losses in your life. For many people, the story isn’t “real” until they themselves are diagnosed. I hope this article wakes people up to the realization that preparation (IN ADVANCE) is an important strategy to combating this disease. Without knowledge and experienced professionals with VARYING SKILLS a large majority of people will continue to treat this disease by poisoning, burning and/or cutting their disease. People need to be awakened to the concept that GOOD HEALTH can be restored with CONSTRUCTIVE means rather than DESTRUCTIVE ones.

      Disease is caused by insufficiency and imbalance. Poisoning, burning and cutting the body DOESN”T FIX the insufficiencies or imbalances; it often complicates them in the long run.

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      1. I came here because getting more and more “healthy health” conscious, I will rather prepare in advance than get there and go desperate and hasten my own demise. Thank you so much doc. Wow and sad coincidence, just learning from a friend her breast cancer diagnosis and some side effects with lips drying off etc. So quick like 7 days ago lump, surgery last Monday, put on treatment and … Let me read other posts now

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Learning PRIOR to any possible diagnosis gives the consumer an arsenal of viable options the average person lacks. You are wise to investigate. Most people prefer to HIDE from this information choosing to believe “it will never happen to them.”

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          1. Doctor, I am currently at an Epilepsy conference, learning and learning and oh had I known all this before…now I Want to take some courses so I can help others more and sure myself. I just realized my second son had some health issues at birth which caused some mini seizures and asthmatic problems. We relied then completely on what ever doctors said or did, which gladly included changing and monitoring his diet (he still loves carrots so much yuppie) and he is fine now. I have lost a few family and relations to cancer and Hypertension and diabetes to know am no exception. I would have been dead now had I successfully driven a knife through. Now I know much more about mental health issues and what to do and etc. I told a friend with a schizophrenia diagnosis that we should draw up a coping and rescue plan now before a crisis and actually work on avoiding a crisis in the first place. So in sum, learning about cancer and etc keeps me proactive and well am sure to be better reactive if it ever becomes me on that sick bed. Thank you

            Liked by 1 person

            1. It is difficult to get people to invest time in preventative health measures. Your suggestion about creating a game plan PRIOR to the need of implementation, is well advised. This is the most productive approach to maintaining quality levels of health. Those lives that appear to follow a sinus wave form rarely experience quality health long enough to appreciate it. Unfortunately, until people “fall into the valley” without a clear path of recovery, they are unwilling to VALUE themselves enough to prevent this outcome.

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  8. I took the path of radical surgery and refused chemo and radiotherapy! That is a point you missed, we all have the right to refuse treatment.

    Medical professionals have a saviour complex and throw everything possible at CA, we all have the right to say NO. They use fear just as our politicians do to ensure we abide by their wishes. Make sure you are very well informed then make your own choices. This is really empowering and that also helps with your healing process!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are correct. We all have the right to refuse treatment. For most people, however, the health care industry applies so much pressure to follow conventional treatments that FEAR directs their ultimate actions. It takes a special personality and character to face a “death sentence” (a message many doctors reinforce) and say, “thank you, but I CHOOSE alternative methods to restore health to my body.”

      You will notice I discussed the importance of advanced preparation. It is easier to follow a predetermined plan of action in times of “crisis,” than to first plan one with clarity and lucidity once it “strikes.” Many without knowledge and planning will simply follow the path prescribed by their physician.

      The RIGHT ANSWER for the BEST TREATMENT comes from the heart and mind of those diagnosed with this disease who are willing to learn, listen and determine the course that best suits their individual needs. We are all going to die. It seems to me to make more sense to CHOOSE how we are going to LIVE.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Very well said!

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  9. Scary !!! cancer is all around ! Frightening stats !!! Thanks for the post Jonathan.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s really only “scary” IF we are willing address whether or not we’re prepared for this type of diagnosis. If we are not willing to become aware of the different approaches and different physicians that offer these services the FEAR is not REAL. In fact, it is actually DENIAL. For most people, the diagnosis of cancer means our lives are no longer our responsibility. We turn our bodies over to the doctors and blindly follow their treatment protocols regardless of the pain and suffering we will endure. Their primary GOAL is SURVIVAL. Their magic numbers are 5 years and 10 years. How often do you hear them talk about life in terms of QUALITY?

      FEAR makes us turn our heads away from this reality. Those seeking QUALITY must learn to be part of the solution. Quality is EARNED. If people learn to understand this TRUTH they stand a much better chance empowering themselves to make decisions from their heart and mind that meets their individual needs. The BEST course of care is the one the individual CHOOSES; not necessarily the one the doctor INSISTS upon.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. This is a mind-opening post…very informative read! I’ve also chosen you for the “Real Neat Blog Award” 🙂 Click for details… https://huntsclubhouse.wordpress.com/2016/10/18/real-neat-blogger-award/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I want to thank you so much for choosing me for this award. In the past, I have had some people feel pressured as I passed these nominations forward to comply with the award format. Since I am trying to help people rather than add stress to their lives, I have chosen to no longer participate in the award process. This, in no way, minimizes how honored I am with your nomination. Thank you again for this humbling experience.

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  11. As I’ve seen family and friends get diagnosed with cancer, I’ve noticed a particular difference in how those who are doctors or have a close family member who is a doctor go about treating it. Those who don’t have doctors around tend to go with the “do whatever it takes to get rid of it” while those who have doctors around attempt to find the best method to deal with it (say, finding a targeted treatment as the initial method of dealing with it rather than a broad spectrum method). I think they’re also better at knowing when it’s time to stop worrying about the problem and enjoy life, rather than kill themselves trying to fight off something that will kill them either way.

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  12. In a documentary I saw, approximately 84% of the oncologists interviewed stated they would NEVER subject their family or friends to the chemo they infuse their patients with. How sad a commentary is that. How do you introduce poison into a patient as a REGULAR PROTOCOL knowing you oppose this approach for people you care about? ANSWER: It’s their job! If they didn’t do it, the next oncologist would. This is barbaric and inhumane. The BIG 3 procedures (chemo, radiation and surgery) have their place; using them EXCLUSIVELY and compromising a patient’s quality of LIFE’S NEEDS, however, is unacceptable. People need to be better informed about viable CREDIBLE protocols that help the body overcome this cancer diagnosis. Many of these protocols give patients a chance to LIVE THEIR LIVES rather than simply FIGHT THEIR DISEASE.

    Thank you for sharing your comment. People need to READ these realities so they understand it is NOT BASED on doctor biases.

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  13. My darling mother developed colon cancer in her late 70’s. She had an excellent surgeon who removed the obvious cancerous tumor. But I believe her doctors thought she would die anyway from the cancer, and didn’t suggest radiation or chemo. Mom made some positive lifestyle changes and lived to be over 90, and finally died of complications from Hypertension.
    I agree Dr. Jonathon, we can beat this thing called cancer, even before it manifests, and stand a good chance of beating it if it does. Love your blog by the way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Comments like yours are as valuable for ALL READERS to see as anything I write and share. People need to see REAL LIFE situations rather than simply reading “academic” information supplied by a doctor. These REAL LIFE SITUATIONS help incentivize people to make necessary changes to improve the quality of their lives.

      Thank you, as well, for your kind words of support.


  14. Unfortunately most people plays the ostriches. Close the eyes and follow the rat race… stress all day, spend time in traffic, eat fried chicken in buckets in the evening . Not sure what would take people to care about their physical and mental health

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    1. The two things that motivate people are PAIN or PLEASURE. Restoring health and maintaining it is extremely PLEASURABLE. Unfortunately, most people seem to choose PAIN and compromised health before considering altering their destructive lifestyle patterns.

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  15. Modifiable risk factors are just that. I truly believe that we all have our destiny. We do the best we can with the choices that we have available at the time. After that, to quote my father, “there is a Plan.”

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  16. I’m not sure we truly do the best we can. Whether we’re overwhelmed or simply prefer listening to one doctor’s opinion, we seem to base our choices/decisions on convenience. When our lives are at stake, you would think people might find the time to thoroughly investigate their options. There is so much access to credible resources, yet many still rely exclusively on western medicine.

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  17. I wa diagnosed with pre cancer !! Luckily I’m fine today! Just the thought of having cancer was super scary! Imagine!! 5 years of loving and i would of been dead!

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  18. So glad everything worked out well for you.


  19. Very interesting. Truly. My mom has colon cancer.

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    1. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope her course of care helps restore her to a state of GOOD HEALTH. Wishing you and your family only the best.

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  20. Thanks very much

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  21. My dad also has prostrate cancer for some years now but he refused chemo and radiation. Underwent a surgery, actually two as of now, but he is a healthy living conscious man I now see the genes. We had fruits and veggies a lot growing up and he is now also diabetic so a lot of his regime has changed. However, he has one more year to the 5 year mark and I saw him recently living happily in the village. I never feared the names if diseases before maybe that’s why my brother being diagnosed with epilepsy and bipolar disorder didn’t ring any bells in my head until two months before his demise. I loathed he was in the US and there wasn’t much we could do he’d resigned to the system and was a ‘near veggie’ by then. So when dad told me in 2013 he’d been diagnosed, we talked about what he could do to supplement the treatment he accepted from the hospital. He thus takes a few meds but the natural regime is a no joke with him.

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    1. Several forms of prostate cancer can be slow growing where individuals succumb to other causes of natural death before the cancer itself.

      Much of cancer could be reduced if people accepted greater responsibility for their own health. NOTHING is 100% avoidable, but a great majority of health issues are self induced. We then, unfortunately, turn to doctors to “cure us!” How can a doctor “cure” an individual from THEIR OWN BEHAVIORS?

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      1. That is the summary I get: accepting greater responsibility for your own health. It is like parents being told to accept greater responsibility for their children’s holistic education and not abdicate that to the schools and TV and Gadgets and Nannies. These all take sacrifices or preparation to bear the consequences. Am truly so grateful to see all this much better now and not later. Thank you

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Spot on. Live the life you understand and you will reap the rewards!


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