HEALING: Seeing The Reality

This post will VERY BRIEFLY and in as SIMPLE TERMS AS POSSIBLE explain the natural healing process. There is a PURPOSE for this explanation so please don’t skip reading it.

d8c437dbf7fd611a985f8cd80ef3c234After a person cuts him or herself, there are basically three phases in natural healing (defined as letting the body heal without outside assistance.)

The inflammatory phase requires blood vessels to contract allowing a blood clot to form. Once the areas blood loss is controlled the blood vessels dilate bringing immune cells, antibodies, nutrients and other necessary agents to the area to combat cellular debris. This interaction creates a “walled off area” of necessary inflammation to protect uninjured tissue in the area of the wound.

Once the “battle” is fought and won by the immune system, the proliferation phase begins. In this phase “scaffolding” is created to lay down the foundation for scar tissue based on the type and size of the wound as well as healthy elastic tissue to replace the rest of the wound area.

The final phase is known as the maturation phase where collagen (healthy tissue) undergoes remodeling and a reduction in excessive blood flow (needed during the inflammatory and proliferation phases) to provide the essential needs to maintain the new healthy tissue.

To the average person this entire process is taken for granted. We expect our minor wounds to heal “on their own.” We make it sound like a simple act and one requiring zero attention. Healing is NOT PASSIVE. Although we may not require our cognitive brain to participate in this process, the complexity and preciseness required is both DYNAMIC and ACTIVE! Without this coordinated SYSTEM RESPONSE, the outcome would be DEATH. Knowing this,

can you imagine we take this process for granted anyway?

Healing is an everyday process. Although we may not be aware, our bodies undergo a rigorous work schedule 24/7, 365 days a year. With this new awareness, maybe we can rethink how we treat this amazing mass of structure and function and begin to ACTIVELY support it physically, mentally and emotionally. Maybe this new found understanding of how it works will create increased pride and motivate a new attitude with accompanying change in behavior.

We must begin identifying self destructive patterns and stop lying to ourselves these behaviors don’t matter. If someone you cared about not only took you for granted but actually made your life more difficult to LIVE, how long would it take for you to “stop working” and let the relationship “DIE?




  1. Nice post. You boke it down in the simplest terms,. I find the challenge is trying to convince others of their destructive patterns (two alcoholic friends and my daughter who eats unhealthy).

    Liked by 5 people

    1. By approaching the topic from various angles, I’m hoping to find the different “buttons” that resonate in different people. It is challenging when people don’t care about their own health as much as I care about their health. I want to buy them all a V8 so I can (gently,respectfully and FIGURATIVELY) slap them upside their heads to help “rattle” their thinking! 😀

      Liked by 8 people

  2. The body is an amazing gift that none of us should take for granted. Great information. I had my blood test on Friday. 🙂 I am very grateful for my health. Have a wonderful weekend Jonathan.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Will keep my fingers crossed for good values! Glad you decided to remove this from the “to do” list. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Although the sciences is not my area of expertise, I have observed this. When someone gets cut, they don’t reflect and try and figure out how to heal the wound, the body just does it. But to heal our minds spiritually and emotionally requires self reflection, self development and resolve. One would only know that healing is required by first doing some deep introspection. Without this you can live aimlessly in life with the equivalent of an permanent open wound with no immune system to fight it. As always, great post!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I love your thought process. Emotional and spiritual balance is a critical component to well-being.
      Although people don’t think about the healing of a physical wound, the belief that it “heals itself” is one I would like the world to view differently. The body “adapts” to its situation. The body only heals when we give it the tools necessary to heal properly. I would like people to understand that HEALING is an ACTIVE process requiring participation even if we are not cognitively responsible for the physical and chemical process. I classify cardiac disease and all other states of physical imbalance as “WOUNDS.” Our bodies have greater ability to restore and maintain GOOD HEALTH if we are willing to view “wounds” in this manner.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Very informative post! Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you find this information useful. My goal is to make sure my articles are not curing insomnia! 😀 Have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

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  5. This was very thought provoking, Jonathan!

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    1. Helping people realize that ACTIVE participation is essential in restoring and maintaining GOOD HEALTH is so important. It is difficult to help people let go of beliefs that do themselves serious harm.
      I appreciate you sharing your time with me.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. We are an intricate miracle. And it’s time to view outselves holistically. Thank you for a great post.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m hoping as more people recognize the value of ACTIVE participation, the better the chances for behavioral modifications.
      Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You too! Recovery and healing are a journey. Everyone takes one step at a time.

        Liked by 3 people

  7. I agree with you. One of the problems is many are unclear about the meaning of holistic health. Providing information on a level people can relate to is my goal. Approaching this topic from various angles will hopefully resonate with larger numbers of people helping them recognize the need to modify their lifestyles.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. pettlepop1 · · Reply

    Great post, holistic is healthier for sure

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to see you’re in the camp of self responsibility and a natural approach to health. Feel free to share your opinions whenever your feel so inclined. Thank you very much.


  9. ACTIVELY participating in my own recovery today, thanks to great blog posts and encouragers like yourself. Thanks for reminding us all how important a process this is. My biggest hurdle: sugary stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you see the relevance of ACTIVELY creating change for yourself. Sugar is the nemesis of a large percentage of our population. You’re in good company!

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  10. A very informative post Johnathan. Our bodies are so important, and it frustrates me when others just take their bodies for granted. Thanks for always giving us ‘a wake up call’ to take charge !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can relate. Taking care of patients for as many years as I have has exposed me to many people with little regard for their own health. I can’t help those who don’t care; I can help those who don’t know!

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  11. Thank you for explaining the healing process in terms easily understood. I’ve often wondered exactly what is going on that the eye cannot see but as you indicate I’ve also taken most of this for granted.

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    1. I outlined the physical process of a physical wound. Can you imagine the complexity when including emotional “wounds?” ACTIVE participation relates to ALL components needed to be healthy. This includes, physical, mental, emotional and for many, spiritual. As we learn to identify the various needs of the body, we come to appreciate and welcome the active roles needed to restore and maintain good health.

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      1. Thinking on emotional wounds boggles the mind and for many do they really heal or is it more a matter of adapting to the pain? This is a very good post and the third one I came across yesterday that spoke to the total being.

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  12. Recently I took some time to focus on my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and I feel great! I am trying to treat my body holistically and not neglect one element for another. I was so focused on the physical before that I was really letting my mental and emotional health suffer, which are equally important components to overall wellness. I can’t be healthy physically if I don’t take care of other components of my life, too.

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Like most things in life, fixing the PROCESS rather than simply focusing on one component in life provides a better outcome with LONG TERM RESULTS.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. Very interesting post Dr. Jonathan! You never think of what your body goes to through to heal even the smallest cuts. I love the quote!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was hoping people would take away from this article that healing is an ACTIVE process whether or not we physically engage in the process. If we view health PASSIVELY we will unlikely provide our bodies the tools it needs to sustain itself. Recognizing this concept changes our mental views; the first step needed in changing and improving behavior.

      Thank you for sharing your comment on this article.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very true, great post 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Yet again, U have found striking graphics that grab attention and reinforce the msg.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I always appreciate your constructive comments.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. So well put!!! I love this post…your were right, simple but very effective…and yes I know I have taken my body for granted for way to many years…..thank you….kat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you found relevance in the message.
      Many people take their bodies for granted over a long period of time. The big fork in the road is seen where some choose to alter this behavior while others let it lead them down an ongoing path of self destruction. I like the path you have chosen!


      1. thanks…I am trying!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  16. So totally true Dr J.
    We all need to be aware of what our bodies are doing and how best we help them because otherwise there will be no healing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely. I have often said it really is only necessary to put effort into marriage, work and health if you don’t want ALL three to “go away.”

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Sandhya · · Reply

    Very thought provoking article! It makes me reflect on my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. When readers use words such as “reflect” or “introspect” I know they truly care and value their lives. I appreciate you and all the value you bring to this blogging community.


  19. I couldn’t resist commenting. Well written!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so glad you let your emotions prompt you to comment. My articles are designed to address the physical, mental and emotional components necessary for achieving BALANCE and GOOD HEALTH. I hope you find future postings as interesting. I welcome all thoughts on these subjects. Interaction among readers helps create new ideas and ways of looking at various issues.
      Thank you for taking your time and reading my article.


  20. This is the bomb Dr J! 😍
    I do not need to be sold on the miracle that is known as the human body. I study health and healing for enjoyment. It fascinates me! I’ve worked with a particularly wonderful surgeon (prof paed urology) running his practice for over 5 years. He even operated on babies in utero!
    I truly believe you would have reached a good deal of others and opened their minds to your invaluable food for thought as it’s presented here. Love what you do here and your passion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hopefully, my messages will reach those in need for new ideas and new paths to follow. The words come from my heart and a lifetime of seeing so many struggling in pursuit of happiness and quality living. The answers are not simple, but anyone willing to open their minds, hearts and souls can find answers to help achieve a more purposeful, meaningful life filled with passion, joy and GOOD HEALTH.

      Thank you for sharing your encouraging words.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If they wish for help (cry out to the universe, as I say; intentionally or otherwise) in any way shape or form…I believe they’ll be guided to your door…just as I was ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are both kind and sweet.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. Can you recommend any books that help show the vitamins needed for healthy living and the best foods to obtain them from? (Please refer me to your blog if you have something helpful in this regard…I’m slowly going through it) at the moment juggling ice packs in winter due to my painful shingles! To help alleviate my intense burning/ itching and a temp that comes and goes (clearly my body is busy fighting it!)

        Liked by 1 person

  21. Look up Andrew Saul, Phd. He is a great resource to use for vitamins. Foods are a little more controversial. Organic fruits and vegetables are at the top of the list. I like people to use various spices that help activate and enhance bioavailability. I personally use a small amount of grains in my diet (ex quinoa) and beans (ex. lentils) but some claim these sources of nutrients create microbiome issues. I like BOTH vegetable and animal/fish sources of Protein, but consume smaller amounts of red meats.
    If you need more to start with, just let me know.
    Shingles is quite an uncomfortable condition. I wish you a speedy recovery as your body challenges the viral intruder!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Thanks. Will look him up. And ask if I need help further. 😊

    I’ve had shingles before, but quite a long time ago and not anywhere near so severe. It’s on most of my face, neck and chest and so is quite uncomfortable. I just received some news about a topic (adult children/grandchildren related, which was beyond my control) of significant stress that seems to be looking positive; so, hopefully, will reduce my stress levels somewhat! I’m trying to make the most of the “rest” of sorts 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Take it easy. I know how painful shingles can be. You have a great attitude. Most people would simply complain and moan. You have a terrific head on those shoulders.

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