CompromiseAs a doctor that believes solutions must be created taking into account the REAL WORLD and the likelihood for people to REALISTICALLY apply the changes suggested, this article intends to inform its readers about foods often believed to be healthy that might be interfering with weight loss as well as causing inflammatory dangers and disease within the body. Even though these foods are unnecessary and potentially damaging, the average consumer wants to consume and enjoy them. It is my opinion these foods can still be consumed in smaller quantities in most cases. As long as they do not interfere with the quality of life, do not create damaging lab values, and are NOT used as staples in meal planning, they can be enjoyed in the same capacity as any other non nutritious product we consume. So, what are these three products that make up 67% of the typical persons diet? According to Mike Geary, a certified nutrition specialist and author of, “The Fat Burning Kitchen” the three products are, CORN, SOY, and WHEAT (and their derivatives.)

inflammationWhen we consume unhealthy products, they cause irritation to the cells of our body, blood vessels and organs. In small amounts these irritations cause minor damage that the body heals the same way it heals minor scratches and cuts to our skin. If we continue to chronically irritate a “minor” scratch on the skin’s surface, it would develop into a more serious and difficult wound to heal. It would also create a much larger scar and leave the skin less resilient in the process. Internally, this same response occurs when we consume large amounts of damaging foods on a regular basis.


Hard Decision

Everyone knows that cake, candy, ice cream, french fries, pizza, hotdogs and fast food hamburgers are the type of foods we should consume in much smaller quantities than we currently consume. Most of us, however, believe that  corn, soy and wheat are healthy products that provide healthy substitutions for our list of less nutritious products. Today’s science is showing that these products (mostly resulting from the way they are processed) are causing health problems new to our understanding. How do these products cause damage? Mr. Geary provides the following examples and explanations:

  • Skews the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats in our diet to as high as 30:1, when a natural ratio of 1:1 to 2:1 in our ancestral human diet is considered healthy.  This imbalance causes massive inflammation in your body, which is a leading cause of many diseases, cancer, and even weight gain.

  • Increasing problems with gluten intolerance — related to heavy wheat consumption that is rampant these days, combined with foreign gluten proteins that have been formed from hybridization of wheat crops.

  • Problems with weight gain, blood-sugar swings, and reduced insulin sensitivity (and progression of diabetes) due to excessive refined corn and wheat flours, as well as excess HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) in the average person’s diet.  Important Note:  the starch in wheat (yes, even so-called “whole wheat”) is a unique and problematic type of carbohydrate called Amylopectin-A which has been shown in blood sugar testing to skyrocket your blood sugar even HIGHER than pure table sugar… and this can cause hormone imbalances, cravings, prediabetes, and weight gain.

  • Soy and corn are the most genetically modified crops (which also allows more pesticides and herbicides to be used, which act as “xenoestrogens” (estrogen like substances,) causing hormone disruption in women, “man boobs” in some cases in men, and what’s been termed “stubborn belly fat” in both sexes

  • Soy products and soy derivatives contain a double-whammy of xenoestrogens as well as phytoestrogens ( estrogen naturally produced in plants…) again creating an environment in your body for fat storage as well as carcinogenic effects.

This science would suggest we return to ancestral patterns of eating that would include meats, fish, farm vegetables, nuts and seeds. This would change our current recommended pattern of eating from a lower fat to a higher fat diet. Although some may benefit from this, I disagree with these suggestions for most individuals.


I started this article using the term REAL world and REALISTIC changes. It is my opinion today’s science will show flaws and misrepresentations the same way the science of yesterday has. There will always be missing pieces that become discovered disproving the latest science available. It is also my opinion that REALISTICALLY, the average person will not be willing to make LIFE LONG COMMITMENTS to “healthy” high fat, high protein diets absent of sugary desserts, pastas and other processed foods (all part of the wheat, soy and corn debacle.) In an attempt to maintain an “ancestral” style of nutrition by modifying its guidelines in favor of consuming unhealthy carbohydrates, I am concerned the average “confused” consumer may wind up damaging their health to an even greater extent than they currently are. A high fat, high protein diet mishandled by the consumer can create even more serious health problems than many other types of diets.

I believe the best solution takes HUMAN NATURE and ACCEPTABLE MODERATION into account. We need to understand unhealthy choices and make realistic concessions by consuming them less frequently and in smaller quantities. We must begin to understand that certain food types MUST BECOME STAPLES whether they please our palates or not. Our world has become much more complicated as technology and big business has begun controlling more of our lives. It has created a profitable environment unfortunately at the consumer’s expense. Rather than pointing fingers and blame at government and big business, we need to use our time and energy more effectively to retain as much control over our lives as possible. The products that “enter our mouths” are still under our personal control. We need to make more conscious decisions  to consume “REAL FOODS” 80%-90% of the time primarily consisting of some combination of the following:

  1. HEALTHY RAISED MEATS AND POULTRY/EGGS (which means their sources of food should be based on their natural diet consisting of grass, leaves, twigs, bark from bushes and trees bugs, wild seeds, green plants, earthworms, etc… Don’t be fooled if you see vegetarian diet on animal packaging because this may consist of corn and other unnatural foods that fatten and reduce the health of the animal at a reduced expense for the farmer, yet increase the cost to the consumer in price AND REDUCED NUTRITIONAL VALUE when consumed.)

  2. HEALTHY WILD SOURCES OF FISH (not farm raised fish!)

  3. ORGANIC SOURCES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (free of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc…)



  6. FERMENTED SOURCES OF FOODS (Sauerkraut, Pickles, Raw Cheese, Yogurt, Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha.)


All other food choices must be recognized and consumed in a new REALISTIC manner. If health and quality living is going to take priority in one’s life certain compromises must be accepted. If 10%-20% of one’s dietary consumption consists of potentially harmful foods offering less nutrition, I believe the body (in most cases) will be able to handle the damage similar to a superficial scratch to the surface of the skin. This SATISFIES the need to eat ANY product one enjoys while achieving a HEALTHIER AND STRONGER BODY. There will NEVER be a pill or product that permits uncontrolled behavior with a healthy outcome. Why not seriously consider this option of REASONABLE, REALISTIC compromise. As my friend, Cameron stated, making the same poor choices will lead to the same poor outcomes. What will it take to realize without good health:







Why not contribute your time and effort and enjoy the experience of being part of your own solution. You don’t have to go it alone. There are plenty of professionals willing to provide guidance and support to help you achieve your goals. All you have to do……IS ASK!




  1. A few months before finding your blog I read The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Your first point reminded me of this book. It doesn’t seem right that our government has permitted this shift of having our food source (livestock) fed in unnatural ways. I find this highly disturbing. Good post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The best means we have as individuals to show our dissatisfaction with our food suppliers and health care providers is to respectfully voice our concerns followed by action steps to change outcomes. Suppliers/Manufacturers/Farmers and Health Care Professionals are in business to earn a living. They will modify there approaches if we begin to purchase most of our products and services from those offering the types we truly desire. In the beginning, it will likely cost a little more for these products and services, but market competition will ultimately bring these costs in line so we can begin enjoying the products and services we are entitled to.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You made me laugh with this response. An Economist, too? You are right, the public could change the market by making wise choices.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m agreeing with the lonely author. I pay attention to what my fish, poultry and beef eats before buying. In fact, I favour less of all of that. I like to touch the ingredients I’m going to put in a meal. At times, ready processed ingredients are unavoidable (canned/packaged fruit or beans). Even the kitchens I eat at have organically raised produce. There is room for the healthier choices. Great article, as usual. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I write these articles believing most people are unaware of these realities. Most people assume:
      (1) food is food.
      (2) health is passive and based on genes
      (3) our choices in life are limited
      I hope exposing new perspectives about old “realities” will awaken a new energy within people to move forward in life with greater purpose and meaning. My focus comes from a health perspective, but the concepts can easily be applied to life around us.
      Thank you for sharing your approach to food. I’m certain some people will be surprised as well as curious. This curiosity starts the wheels turning in the brain and often leads to behavioral modifications; an essential step to improved lifestyle outcomes.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Quite an in your face “Get with the Program” post…..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are all different types of readers. Some require diplomacy, some require a more direct approach. I try to incorporate both styles to reach and motivate both types of personalities. Sometimes the “ugly truth” is necessary. It’s nice to be liked, but I am willing to compromise how people may feel about me personally if I can help them feel better about their feelings about themselves.


      1. Don’t worry, I still like you 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. love the visuals….sometimes that is what hits home quicker than anything else….I believe it should be illegal to sell food that is bad for your body….wish it was easier to make better choices….it shouldn’t be this hard…..Happy Sunday to you……kat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kat. In many cases, I believe people are unaware of the facts I reveal and simply want to give them as much information to make the best decisions for THEMSELVES as possible.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Eep! I drink soy milk on occasion, but mostly because I thought it was better for me. I am crossing it off my list right now! I’ve been considering gluten-free for awhile now and making my own bread and you’ve inspired me to do so this week. I am also surprised about beans as they are a good source of protein for vegetarians…and I use them on meatless days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I use soy milk (organic only!) and organic lentil beans. I do not necessarily believe that the “authorities” always get the story 100% correct. I follow the “moderate” lifestyle I write about. I do believe these products are natural and REAL. (very little processing.) They are not large parts of my nutrition, but I do incorporate them. I have yet to find an authority that has scientifically proven those who eat a diet in moderation and maintain a healthy overall lifestyle suffer the same consequences including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, leaky gut syndrome, etc… compared with those on a ketogenic or paleo diet.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Very well said, loved the pics too at the end! 😉 And you’re so right, the science is always changing, that’s kind of built in to its meaning. Moderation is key and eating and excersizing in ways that work best for you is the way to go.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. If I was forced to sum up Good Health in one word it would be BALANCE. Achieving and maintaining balance in life would create more smiles and a sense of completeness than almost anything else I can think of. Moderation (as you mentioned) is an important key in achieving balance.


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