img_77874367656848How often do we look at the size of prescription medication and mentally reduce the potential dangers based on its size? How often do we look at unhealthy processed foods and justify their consumption based on ingesting small amounts? We have created a false sense of security based on the QUANTITY and SIZE of “things.” This is a critical point because it relates to dangerous practices in life.

  1. At what point does a “small” quantity of unhealthy foods or unhealthy habits create DISEASE? The answer is unknown.

  2. At what point does a “small” amount of exposure to multiple environmental carcinogens (cancer causing agents) cause health to deteriorate? The answer is unknown.

The medical field seems to flip flop when questions like this are posed. Here is my PROOF.

They claim that the QUANTITY of Formaldehyde, Aluminum and Thimerosol (chemicals and heavy metals) found in medical treatments are safe because the QUANTITY falls below dangerous limits. This answer relies on the belief that ALL BODIES RESPOND THE SAME TO ALL SUBSTANCES. Here is my question based on this belief. How many peanuts is it safe to eat in one sitting? For the average person, multiple servings can be consumed without any complications. What about the person with the peanut sensitivity? Can 1 peanut potentially lead to DEATH? The answer is YES.

It is important to understand that each person can respond differently to different substances in different quantities. Why do you think there are so many different side effects listed on the various pharmaceutical products? One person didn’t experience all those side effects. Different people had different negative side effects and reported them.

Heavy metals and formaldehyde are substances unhealthy to the body. ALL DOCTORS AGREE that the body must process these substances and ultimately excrete them from the body because accumulation would eventually pose a serious health danger including death. Just like the peanut, why doesn’t the medical field recognize that individuals can have this same type of sensitivity causing adverse reactions to these heavy metals and chemicals? Are they going to hold on to the fact that the quantities are small? Isn’t the 1 peanut a small quantity?

In today’s world, we must turn to multiple sources (including independent sources without “skin in the game.”) to learn the truth. EVERY pharmaceutical agent DOES produce ADVERSE REACTIONS! This does NOT mean that all pharmaceuticals are bad. It means they need to be used MORE CAREFULLY and MORE HONESTLY.

The next time you hear the phrase “small quantity,” don’t assume it is safe. Whether it’s the size of a pill, the quantity of an unhealthy substance injected into the body or simply a peanut, realize the size and quantity do not guarantee its safety. Vicodin is a tiny pill that falls under the classification of opiates that have been over prescribed resulting in more fatalities than car accidents in the United States. The cause of death is respiratory and heart failure. When was the last time your doctors discussed the potential DANGEROUS side effects these “little” pills are capable of producing? Too many people have suffered permanent brain damage or have outright died as a result of believing that the size of “things”  or the small quantity of “things” are safe.

Learn from their mistakes


  1. Linda Lee · · Reply

    This made me think.

    Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Just saw a site you might find interesting. You can see it at:

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I would rather teach people to view habits and beliefs from the perspective of those that have sacrificed their lives than to waste my writing and information on those next in line willing to repeat the same mistakes and perish. We have to break the cycle that causes the same mistakes to be repeated over and over. I know I have alternative solutions. All I ask is that people listen, open their minds and follow their hearts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just keep getting more it seems without the side effect discussion. I used to read the whole thing and found I was some sort of hypochondriac and develop things that weren’t necessarily there. So Now I wait and see unless I have been told to look for something specific.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Medication is certainly beneficial when truly indicated. It needs to be evaluated on a case by case development rather than a one size fits all. People also need to be ready to accept greater responsibility with their bodies. If they are not willing or capable, medications may be needed to act like a crutch. In some cases where the body is so far out of balance, medication is typically used to maintain a chronic state of ill health. Sometimes this is the only option.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s crazy how pills will help with one but hinder another. I used to take so many in a day I would rattle if shaken. I now have it down to the ones that I have to take since surgery and one other lot that so far have offered no real problems after many years.
    I am so glad I am no longer a slave to the drug companies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Healthier living can actually cause medications to be detrimental. As the body begins to regulate itself, the medications continue to attempt to cause their intended effects. Medication doesn’t have the intelligence to see an individual’s needs may have changed. A good doctor will carefully monitor a patient that has committed to a healthier lifestyle to determine how and when to ween a patient from unneeded medications. In my history, I had many patients that were ultimately removed from ALL medications. It helps reinforce the message of personal achievement and reinforces the confidence the patient has with their new healthy bodies.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I am certainly in agreement with that. I have noticed I rely on my medications a great deal less and less since the weight has come off. I think the next trick is to get me completely med free and firing on all 12 cylinders!
        Bring it on!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Absolutely true. Quality and quantity are important with regard to eating well, exercising properly and giving thought to the substances we ingest. I see commercials now for prescription medications to treat the side-effects of other medications! Where does it end?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I can tell you where it ends. When the consumer is ready to stand up to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry and demand better choices. As the price for health insurance continues to skyrocket, I believe consumers will become financially motivated to take new actions in new directions. I believe the bottom line is, people will move in a healthier direction because the healthcare industry will force them to do so! If I am right, this will truly be an ironic outcome.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Smaller pill, bigger concentration. would it be a good warning? Pharmaceuticals and ethics, I love the topic, but too complex for a comment, doesn´t it? I really enjoyed your article.


    1. I agree. It’s a very complicated topic, but one that needs to be discussed on a recurring basis to expose people to multiple experiences in order for change to become a reality. Thank you for checking the article out and adding your comment. I have learned that bloggers comments are more responsible for positive lifestyle changes than ANY article I may write. People reading about “real people’s experiences” is a huge motivator for change. Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Linda Lee · · Reply

    I appreciate the link, thanks.

    Here is a link that you may find interesting:

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Linda Lee · · Reply

    And this link:

    As ‏@CelticCurse posted on Twitter: “Docs have no incentive to diagnose #hemochromatosis: no pills to sell, no surgery to fix. And failure to treat can lead to big billings.”

    It’s hard for me to believe that medical professionals would put profits ahead of people’s lives! But… actions speak much louder than words.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The system is broken far greater than most people realize. Most people aren’t concerned about a system; they are concerned about their individual needs. A blind eye is turned to others. I truly don’t blame most doctors. They are part of a system (corporation) that dictates their responsibilities. They are basically employees following instructions. We, the people, are choosing to accept the current structure. Sure, we complain, but that is primarily where it ends. If a government can mandate health insurance and get away with it, why can’t people stand up, organize and say NO! We have that right which we don’t utilize. Who can we blame but ourselves.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you for the two links. I will investigate them.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. pixieannie · · Reply

    A most interesting and thought provoking piece. One of my favourite words, iatragenic is so often misunderstood by individuals who take one thing to deal with pain or symptoms from an unknown cause, only to find they end having to take another pill to deal with the new side effects from the first pill….and so on. I purchased a very interesting book today, when I have read more, I’ll be posting in relation to topics that I think you will find most interesting.


    1. I hope people take a second look at how they view drugs and unhealthy foods. The truth is, their lives just may depend on it. Look forward to seeing your future post on this subject.


  11. Good information Jonathan. As you have discovered over the years, taking a little pill regardless of it’s potency, seems far easier to most people than creating disciplines and commitments towards their health. Encouraging people to question these drugs and to help them find simple alternatives, is imperative to improving our health system.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you so much for your insightful comments. I hope this information creates a new understanding and a new outlook on what it takes to experience good health.


  13. I often feel like I’m late to the party on your site, Jonathan, which might initially seem like a bummer, but is not. The comments I read here, along with your response to them, was almost as interesting as your post. Almost! 😉 I learn so much over here. Thanks, again, for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. First, I want you to realize how much I appreciate you taking your time to read my blog site. If I can provide any information a personal can find beneficial in improving their life choices or simply to expand their knowledge on a subject of health or personal growth, I have accomplished my goals. You can never be too late to read my articles. Those who do read them and provide comments have greatly helped me understand what their health concerns and questions are. In addition, the readers have learned from each other. Their comments validate the reality and the difficulties so many people experience when it comes to good quality health.


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