bug-eyedcroppedAs a physician who provided nutritional guidance for my patients, I learned over time what it took to help them succeed on their journey to weight loss. It was clear that those focusing predominantly on the scale would unlikely succeed at losing weight and/or MAINTAINING weight loss. I began noticing a pattern emerging that demonstrated those willing to LEARN and understand the BENEFITS of a chosen nutritional plan (rather than simply following the “step by step” instructions) achieved long term weight loss. Those willing to accept this approach to “dieting”, began viewing the role of food differently. Slowly they saw its impact on health (and disease) and the reality of improved FUNCTIONAL living. You see, FOOD was no longer seen or used as an emotional “release valve”; it was seen and used as a tool to achieving a better quality of life where weight loss became a natural END RESULT in this process.

Long term results were based on two important facts:

  1. Finding and (conceptually) understanding a nutrition plan designed to match one’s discipline and personality.

  2. Replacing addictive food behavior with newly discovered positive “things” or “experiences” which added quality and meaning to life.

What exactly is/are “things” or “experiences” that add quality and meaning to life? The following are a few of my personal examples:

  • Taking my beagle (Tucker) for long daily walks to clear my mind and reduce stress levels

  • exercising regularly to physically help my body achieve a state of relaxation while conditioning it for recreational athletic activities (senior softball, tennis, pickle ball, hiking, biking, etc…)

  • researching health topics to expand my knowledge and keep my brain active

  • blogging to help share my ideas to benefit lives from around the world

Your personal “things” and “experiences” should be seen as important aspects contributing to personal GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT; essential components providing motivation to remain focused while pursuing this approach to life.

In my opinion #2 (replacing addictive food behavior with newly discovered positive “things” or “experiences” which add quality and meaning to life) is the FIRST step required to overcoming the 95+% failure rate most people experience trying to lose weight.


If people do not have meaningful experiences to look forward to on a regular basis, they tend to make FOOD their PRIMARY meaningful “experience”. We’ve all heard the term “emotional eater.” When life’s trajectory  trends toward increasing levels of stress and turmoil (often caused by financial difficulties, relationships, work and family issues), food becomes the “release valve.” This REAL LIFE typical scenario places the individual in an unhealthy state of mind making ANY nutrition plan/diet unlikely to succeed in the long term?

healthy_mealAlthough the “professionals” won’t say it out loud, eating healthy (in general)


They’ll make claims like:


  • You can eat bacon, sausage, cheese, burgers, etc…. You can use alfredo, pesto, or hollandaise sauce. Although this may sound appealing to some, the foods that need to (basically) be excluded like pizza, ice cream, cake, pasta, potatoes, etc… doesn’t make this approach sustainable for the average person. People justify to themselves they are “capable” of “modifying” these plans and (since they don’t truly UNDERSTAND them) regain the weight and typically cause unhealthy outcomes as well.


  • You can eat lean white meat, fish, egg whites, soy, assorted vegetables, grains, beans, etc… In 20+ years in practice, I NEVER had patients telling me these were the types of foods they used for “stress relief”. In fact, people often became bored and ANGRY feeling like this nutritional style was more like a punishment (for being overweight or diagnosed with some other chronic disease). This lead to dietary abandonment and a return to previous lifestyle (eating) patterns responsible for the original weight gain.


  • This provides a compromise encompassing a greater variety of foods and desserts, however, doesn’t teach the individual to UNDERSTAND the purpose behind these meal designs. Without this knowledge, the individual is an “automated robot” eating without thinking or understanding WHY these meals are pre-selected for them. Once delivery is cancelled, the individual returns to previous patterns of behavior resulting once again in unwanted weight gain.


  • It’s all about POINTS. What’s missing… UNDERSTANDING what these points represent. It’s supposed to make it easier for the person to use. Easier, however, doesn’t translate into LONG TERM SUCCESS for the greater majority. Understanding POINTS is not the same thing as understanding FOOD and essential needs of the body. Once again, people “quit” these plans and regain the weight (in a majority of cases).

There are many more weight loss food plans I could discuss. The results, however, consistently show 95+% of the people FAILING to sustain long term beneficial results. Attempts to transition from “diet” plans to REALITY EATING simply doesn’t work for the average consumer.



Although a bit of an exaggeration, attempts like this to modify nutrition plans ultimately sabotage TEMPORARY results. This leads to the eventual reversal back to previous patterns of behavior!





This is not an abstract thought or nebulous concept. It is based on EMOTIONAL individual needs that add VALUE to life. It reinforces a desire to LIVE, GROW and EXPERIENCE life in a manner that makes the individual truly look forward to TOMORROW (and the next day and the next day, and the next day after that.)

If you want to lose weight, learning to enjoy LIFE FIRST makes the undertaking more achievable. Mastering this need removes addictive unhealthy foods from the equation because their “purpose” no longer exists. Food no longer becomes the primary tool used to temporarily overcome emotional “stress”. Positive healthier choices (you’ve discovered through meaningful life experiences) are used PRODUCTIVELY replacing the need of “junk” food and “junk” meals.


So, now that you’ve discovered a successful method for weight loss, what will you choose as your FIRST step:

  • The next diet plan promising weight loss?


  • Personal discovery of “things” and “experiences” that add quality to life BEFORE choosing a nutritional strategy?




  1. Spot on. Instead of doing a diet, it should become a lifestyle…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Making FOOD a WORTHWHILE COMPONENT in an improved QUALITY OF LIFE makes this goal truly achievable for the long term. Food is no longer used as the resource for stress, anger, resentment, frustration, etc… Finding REAL solutions that quell these emotions productively help the individual regain CONTROL over their lives.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Personal discovery of “thingrs” and “experiences” that add quality to life BEFORE choosing a nutritional strategy? This works no joke. Since 2013 when I put the cape on my personal discovery of things and experience first, nutritional strategy fell in place. Seriously, it is part of the fun of loving life. Mixing stuffs like cucumbers with avocado and tomatoes and beet, and once in a while for a treat some chocolate ice cream and enjoying the thrilling life, learning and sharing and being not just pulling… ah I eat to live and not the other way round. And this is why to an extreme, I can even stop eating 12 hours a day and still be merry and bouncy and healthy. Thanks for this one again doc, needless to say I had tried a few of those ‘loser’plans before the great aha…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I “take my hat off” to you for so much self discovery. Most of the population lives a lifetime without learning half the concepts you share with all of us. If a greater percentage of people were willing to become more SELF AWARE, our world would be a healthier and happier place to live.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Maybe because Self Awareness is a full time job without any immediate financial remuneration, it is not appealing. Then you have the possibility that health care is there to care for you if you miss something – and sadly that is when you’ll realize health care is a ‘fake’ appellation…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. To realize that healthcare is a “resource” and not a “solution” to counter self destructive lifestyle patterns is a concept most are not willing to accept or understand.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. You make a very good point here. I found since retirement not only is it easier to put on weight but one tends to get lethargic. I’ve noticed when I’m busy on some project I totally forget to eat at all (don’t even feel hungry) but when life hits a lul I get bored and eating becomes an activity rather than a necessity. lol!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I hope many people read your comment. This is a very important concept for people to understand.

      Thank you so much for contributing your personal situation with all of us. Comments like yours are RELATABLE to other readers, making it more possible to help them understand the necessary modifications to lifestyle behaviors.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this way of looking at the situation.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I wish more people had your opinion. It would make life for THEM easier and healthier!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Very true! Otherwise, the weight will come right back on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is the recurring pattern over and over again. Unfortunately, most people do NOT learn from their failed attempts. They simply repeat them over and over again under a different “name.” (ex. Atkins, Paleo, Mediterranean, South Beach, etc…)

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The breakfast/lunch/dinner graphic is a hilarious exagerration of things I’ve seen people do, such as having cottage cheese for lunch and then eating a whole box of crackers in late afternoon.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Creating some humor is my attempt to add some incentive to read these these articles I write. It removes a little of the “clinical” aspect and makes the messages more relatable (I hope)!

      I think we all know people that have “bastardized” nutritional plans attempting to reconfigure them to satisfy their “wants.” Even though intentions may be good, they rarely produce desired outcomes. Grief (and ultimately) resentment often triggers the individual to relapse into previously problematic lifestyle behaviors. I believe a large component of the problem is we’re NOT properly educated at a young enough age to successfully implement a realistic approach to lifestyle needs.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Another great post. kat

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Kat 🙂


  8. This is so good Jonathan. Thank you!
    A healthy lifestyle should be the food for successful weight loss.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Saw the article and commented on it. It provided several good ideas!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. davidyochim · · Reply

    That was a great read. Weight Watchers is a great plan that I use, but you are quite correct in that so many do not understand anything beyond points. I find it sad so many lack a clear understanding of nutrition and the importance of a meaningful life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to see you’ve found a program that provides the quality of life you seek. Stay with what works well for you and keep enjoying the life you choose to live!


  10. This granny started her new lifestyle just last week. And I feel so much better. Even my arthritis feels better…lol…healthy for life!


  11. Saqajaan · · Reply

    Working out should be everyone’s lifestyle. It is never to take action and try to go get back in shape. Also, eating healthy is part of it as well. Check this out for 6 simple weight loss diet


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