Publication1cropped400Ask your doctor if he or she believe the basis of good health is achieved by:

  1. eating healthy

  2. exercising

  3. attaining restful sleep of adequate duration

  4. balancing stress

  5. consuming adequate hydration

Now ask them, “if these components are crucial in obtaining good health, why are these topics not covered in detail during the office visit?” Do you think it’s possible the answer is based on a lack of training and education in these topics?


How much academic and clinical training do you think your doctor gets in:

  1. nutrition

  2. exercise

  3. causes of sleeping disorders

  4. stress management

  5. adequate hydration for quality health

Let’s review the MEDICAL literature and other referenced sources to objectively answer this question?

1. Doctors and NUTRITION:

“Modern medicine maintains the importance of proper nutrition, yet on average, U.S. medical schools only offer 19.6 hours of nutrition education across four years of medical education, according to the perspective authors.” “This corresponds to less than 1 percent of estimated total lecture hours,” they wrote. Moreover, the majority of this educational content relates to biochemistry, not diets or practical, food-related decision making.” (REFERENCE: American Medical Association: The Current State Of Nutrition In Medical Education)

2. Doctors and EXERCISE:

“The majority of institutions did not offer any physical activity education-related courses. When offered, they were rarely required.” “Over half of the physicians trained in the United States in 2013 received no formal education in physical activity and may, therefore, be ill-prepared to assist their patients in a manner consistent with Healthy People 2020″ (REFERENCE: Journal Of Physical Activity And Health: If Exercise is Medicine®, Where is Exercise in Medicine? Review of U.S. Medical Education Curricula for Physical Activity-Related Content


Google this topic and you will see an overwhelming number of articles teaching doctors how to manage their own stress rather than their patient’s stress. Interestingly, these recommendations for self management include exercise, nutrition, yoga, meditation, etc…whereas the “gold standard” for patient management is anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications. Why is there a double standard for managing stress when it comes to the physician versus the patient? Since there is no formal course curriculum in medical school addressing this topic, industry standards have been designed from a business model prescribing medications to 1 in 6 people today. (REFERENCE: Scientific American: 1 in 6 Americans Takes a Psychiatric Drug)


“Primary sleep disorders constitute a significant health problem because of their relatively high prevalence and their potential to adversely affect the morbidity, mortality, and quality of life of those who suffer from them. Given the impact that sleep disorders have on the health and well-being of a significant portion of society, it is remarkable that so little structured, didactic time is given to these topics in the medical school curriculum.” (REFERENCE: American Medical Association Journal Of Ethics: Lack of Training in Sleep and Sleep Disorders

5. Doctors and WATER HYDRATION:

“As undoubtedly the most important nutrient and the only one whose absence will be lethal within days, understanding water measurement and requirements are very important. The effects of water on short and long-term health are quite clear.        … this review has attempted to provide some sense of the importance of water to our health, its role in relationship to the rapid increases of obesity and other related diseases…(REFERENCE: NIH (National Institute Of Health) Water, Hydration and Health)

When the medical literature and other referenced sources show the importance of these 5 components in preventing disease and achieving quality health, while simultaneously divulging the gross inadequacy in education and training our doctors undergo in these essential areas, the consumer must begin to re-examine his or her doctor’s supporting role in achieving and maintaining their HEALTH.


The medical physician is best utilized to overcome infections and life threatening conditions. Whether these occur from traumatic injury (ex. car accidents, house fires, slips and falls, etc…) or foreign substances overwhelming the immune system (ex bacterial infections,) the medical doctor is provided a first rate education both academically and clinically.

When it comes to avoiding and or overcoming chronic diseases (ex. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, obesity and cancer) the medical education and clinical training has proven grossly inadequate.


Reversing the growing trend of chronic diseases starts with investing more research dollars in the 5 components discussed in this post including, (1) nutrition, (2) exercise, (3) attaining restful sleep, (4) managing stress and (5) drinking adequate amounts of quality water. The problem is most research dollars comes from the pharmaceutical industry. Why would ANY industry (let alone the pharmaceutical industry) invest money in research resulting in reduced revenue? The pharmaceutical industry is NOT an evil empire; they are an industry based on a growing consumer demand for their drugs to sustain diseases consumers have imposed on themselves (in many cases) through lifestyle choices. Until we awaken to this reality, we will continue to suffer the increasing rates of preventable diseases and death we experience today. Our doctors are simply not equipped with the academic and clinical training in these FIVE areas necessary to provide and sustain quality health.

…but don’t take my word for it…..


if the facts stated in this post accurately describe their education and clinical training in the basic FIVE foundations of HEALTH?



  1. Such posts may get few or no comment because men they pierce…They pierce all the stakes…I will limit myself to the consumer stake because am one. Let MDs and PCs etc look themselves in the mirror. I hardly asked the doctor those questions because I didn’t know I could. I also didn’t know the doctor should know, and finally albeit very honestly: I wanted to get miracle solutions to any ailments and not some gospel on prevention. Today, having learned tough and well, I know much better and don’t even care to ask my doctor…I spare them mumbles and take any prescription with a pinch of salt and another plan…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve never strived to be the most “popular” doctor; my innate approach to investigate treatment options often makes me a “thorn” in conventional thinking. My goal is simply to AWAKEN sleeping minds to different REALITIES. Those who care about their own HEALTH would be wise to listen. The information provides a perspective many are never exposed to. This doesn’t mean people need to heed this advice, but rather to use it as each person deems appropriate for their individual needs. Ignoring it, however, limits important options that can affect the quality and duration of people’s lives. Still, I leave it to the individual to decide.


      1. You are definitely someone’s Guardian Angel. You are doing right, good and graceful and I am happy to be a dedicated follower of your blog. Thank you very much for all you do

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ours is blessed relationship. You bring much LIGHT to this world of ours even as you continue to find balance in life. It takes heart and courage to follow the path you’ve chosen. I’m truly in awe!


          1. Oh doc, thank you. By some Amazing Incredible Grace, I have got those in reasonable proportions. I continue to seek balance with remarkable and motivating results in the meantime. You are a torchbearer too, at an age when some would have chose to cruise the world in merit of two decades and more of active and great service to mankind. God bless and Grace you always Sir

            Liked by 1 person

  2. What an outstanding post Jonathan, one that resonates with me personally. My mom is currently having a horrible time with insomnia. I’ve been trying to guide her towards more natural methods with melatonin, keeping the room pitch black dar, quitting caffeine after 2pm and not using her tablet at night. Because the melatonin stopped working she’s basically given up on everything else and now taking prescription drugs her doctor prescribed with no questions asked. It drives me nuts that this is the first thing her doctor went for because those dugs are pretty powerful and can cause serious problems. Of course, that’s all he knows….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Our doctors (in many cases) think unilaterally. They use one perspective to determine nearly every treatment recommendation. This, by definitition, is limiting and exclusionary. It takes greater awareness by the consumer to willingly LEARN from various sources to obtain the best information to help direct treatment options. Until the individual determines their HEALTH is worth the effort, the medical establishment will continue to benefit from this business model they’ve created for their industry.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. As ever, Jonathon, you are right on the button. Best wishes for the Holy Season, Ken 🙃

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Ken. I’m glad my explanation made good sense to you. I hope more people are willing to be open minded and realize the TRUTHS I share.

      Have a very healthy and happy holiday season!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. We need more people like you who are ready to make a positive change in this sector that was meant to “better lives”

    We always overlook these simple things which ultimately lead to a better quality of life.

    Thank you for opening our eyes once again. I couldn’t agree more with your words

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My philosophy experiences great resistance from BOTH the laymen and the professional. The laymen doesn’t necessarily want to assume greater personal responsibilities in life and the professional can’t control outcomes nearly as easily if the consumer is encouraged to THINK MORE before accepting traditional approaches to life. Although I believe BOTH the laymen and professional can benefit from change, the natural tendency is to resist it using every ounce of strength possible.

      This is why each generation must produce people willing to take the “baton” from the previous generation and carry it forward. I see you as one of those capable and willing to accept this great responsibility for your generation. I hope my impression of you is accurate. I believe you can become a great asset for your generation and generations to follow.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Change is never fully welcomed especially when it requires a complete 360° turn from a previous lifestyle. Truth faces stronger resistance than lies but it always prevails.

        I’m glad you see me in a positive light. I’m only trying to find my feet in this world and I’m grateful for the right kind of guidance.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You will be provided good and bad advice. BOTH are important. It helps delineate between future paths by having more experience understanding both sides of the equation. Something tells me you’re a fast learner and will not need to “walk into the same wall twice” before recognizing the need to change direction. Have a healthy and joyful New Year. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I will keep this in mind. Happy new year Doctor Jonathan

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  5. As you know, I’m a big believer that exercise has huge benefits to our health and our quality of life. Are there certain credentials that we can look for in a Dr. to show that they have had more training in the areas you mention Doctor Jonathan?
    Thank you for the post, it’s a great topic!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Although there are many certification classifications, a doctor that “lives and reads” the life and/or has a network of nutritionists and exercise physiologists/personal certified trainers would be a good starting point. Avoiding generalizations that simply don’t work (ex. eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more, reduce stress, etc…) is a good starting point. A doctor that is willing to provide the time to help design a comprehensive approach to health, OR is willing to refer to specialists in the different fields is more likely to achieve better HEALTH results with their patients. It’s important to remember, however, that credentials alone do not mean the individual is a good communicator or motivator of these ideas. Showing people they truly MATTER is a big part in attaining qualitative outcomes.

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  6. I have to say, that sometimes this most important conversation is misses because, well lets be honest, the MD’s are always on a very tight schedule!! They book to many people at one time and the ones they can skim over quickly they do…goodness don’t go in with a list of questions, that really screws up their entire schedule…I am lucky that my husband and I have found MD’s that treat us with time and show love and caring for our health….we are very lucky…I say don’t put up with a MD that doesn’t share, care or make you feel like he/she is behind your health!! Our MD had stopped and pulled up good ole Web MD to help find answers if they don’t know it…Keep looking until you find the right fit….I do meet and greets with MDs, pay for the time to interview and hear his/hers views on how they care for their clients…I will get off the soap box….xxkat

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great comment to share. People need to understand they have the right to choose quality doctors that meet their needs. Choosing a doctor because they participate in a network doesn’t mean the doctor’s approach to health matches the consumer’s needs. Paying potentially “less” for a lesser service or quality of care is no bargain. I understand how costly health care can be and that is why I encourage consumers to accept greater responsibility. Those willing to learn what it takes to support healthier outcomes tend to spend LESS on “disease” care. Those willing to IMPLEMENT what they’ve learned generally experience (as they age) better function and quality of life.

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  7. […] via ASK YOUR DOCTOR — All About Healthy Choices […]

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    1. I appreciate you attaching this article to your site for your readers. Hopefully it helps spread a message that enhances the quality of people’s lives.


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