

Who would have thought choosing a preference between two sets of doors could potentially explain the paths in life we’re following? Let’s see if you agree.


These set of doors have withstood the test of time. They’ve provided boundaries, while making it clear that guests are welcomed. Their simplicity in appearance and use gives them a more functional (rather than aesthetically appealing) purpose.

The saloon door personality weathers the test of time. It welcomes new people while providing boundaries for those choosing not to enter or participate. This personality is comfortable displaying a simple uncomplicated appearance revealing its vulnerabilities without compromising its strengths. It provides greater flexibility based on design (both sides open and close) encouraging independent choice. This personality displays greater trust and confidence in people, because its barriers can easily be compromised. The willingness to expose oneself to a variety of temperaments without concern only adds to the natural beauty of this simple structure.



block party 2012 2


This custom designed door displays elegance without sacrificing security. It displays two doors, but only one side is functional. Its natural wood is treated for aesthetic appearances while the design of its windows partially obstruct the outsider’s view. The outsider is provided access ONLY if the resident CHOOSES. This creates a defining boundary that limits the outsider from knowing the content {including the person(s)} that may be found inside.

The residential door personality prioritizes security and confidentiality. This personality places great value on personal appearance. It may possess a greater need to control situations based on a need for lock and key. Although the structure remains physically strong over time, the weathering effect causes this personality to (emotionally) need remodeling to recognize self beauty. Appearance plays a vital role in perceived HAPPINESS. Although penetrating this structure is physically challenging, it is much easier to penetrate the insecurity behind the personality behind the door. The physical barrier (intended to provide security,) does so at the expense of limited sensory experiences. The air, the sound, the light, the human touch all remain largely outside its boundaries.



Each of these doors possess benefits and weaknesses. It is for the reader to decide which set of doors satisfy the greatest quantity of personal needs in a manner that enhances one’s CHOSEN PATH in life.

Why not take a moment to determine which set of doors best represent your personality? It may reveal more about who you are and where you’re headed than you realize.


  1. I used to be saloon doors, but now adays – it’s the residential.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. As we go through various stages of life, I’ll bet the doors we choose change as well. I always find it interesting how people perceive themselves.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I would rather be at a saloon door party any day than a stuffy residential one. At the saloon party the invite of both doors flung open is more welcoming and accepting than a wooden glass door that embodies stiffness and fragility of a character.  Whatever this may reveal about me does not a bit concern me.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. This is not meant as an exercise in judgement, but rather an exercise in how we view our own lives. I too am a saloon door personality. I laugh because I am judged (incorrectly) more frequently than most people would believe. The “Disciplined Doctor” carries an inaccurate stigma. It doesn’t bother me, however, because the “saloon doors” give me twice the access to leave those unwanted, unfriendly people behind. 🙂

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  3. Dr. J., this is a hard questions to answer. It’s not easy to figure out which set of doors satisfy the greatest quantity of personal need. I’m retired and a full time writer! I’m headed on a well thought out path after years of block parties fancy dinners, some doors with windows and some solid wood. Interesting to think in terms of a chosen path in life though. Thanks! 🎼 Christine

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The beauty in this exercise is that it provides a blank slate for us to start with. We see a picture of two sets of doors which begins our mind’s journey creating images and personal feelings about likes, dislikes, fears, concerns, opportunities, lifestyles, etc… It concludes with self reflection providing two possible CHOICES. We can continue on a given path because of conviction, fear desire or satisfaction, or choose to discover a new one potentially satisfying greater needs and wants. I think it’s amazing how much we can discover about ourselves by simply viewing two sets of doors and letting our minds wander.

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  4. This is a fun-the door is a metaphor for the way we live. I’d like to say that I am a saloon door. And at times I am. But at other times I need my privacy and security and go with the more elegant window door. I’m an introvert at times, so the saloon doors would not work for me full time.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think most of us would appreciate some combination of the two especially as we age. Recognizing the prevalence of one set of doors over the other, however, would likely give better insight into our foundational beliefs.


  5. When I was young it was saloon doors but now it is residential. I think I turned into my Grandma Bishop, lol.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Different times require different needs. Grandma Bishop is likely smiling at your response. 🙂

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  6. I think I am in between the two I’m neither completely open nor am I willing to hide behind a close door.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I would guess most of us share your belief combining the two sets of doors. Pushing beyond comfortable boundaries could reveal a preferential set of doors. It requires a little introspection that might reveal some surprising personal needs that most of us never take the time to consider.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. nice ‘different’ take, like it … I am definitely saloon doors 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. As a more weighted saloon door guy, I probably could have guessed that. 😀

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      1. I even dream of saloon doors … maybe one day i will get some 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sweet lady! 🙂


  9. The Joy Factor · · Reply

    Hey great post. That’s got me thinking – I am definitely a Saloon-Door type of gal!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Saloon door you say…. No wonder you know so much about selfies!! 😀
      Thank you for reading the post and commenting. I have been enjoying your wit and humor as I read your posts.


  10. That was a fascinating read. I think I lean more to the Saloon doors but still with some Residential tendencies.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Most people probably have some combination within their personalities. Those who identify more with one or the other better understand their true personalities.

      Glad you enjoyed the article. Keeping the subject of HEALTH an “interesting read” can be quite a challenge. It is my passion and therefore a “chore” I look so very much forward to.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. A fun, yet insightful post. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of my goals is to simply get people to THINK. If people are going to find reasons to improve their lives, THINKING becomes an essential component. Discovering interesting creative ways to achieve this goal is a large part of my mission in life.
      Thank you for being part of it and sharing your thoughts.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Great post. I really enjoyed this. I’m definitely a Saloon door soul:)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I usually equate Saloon Door with “down to earth” type of personality. These people usually find it easier living with themselves. They care little about impressing and more about finding enjoyment in living.

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      1. That’s exactly who I am!!!! 🙂

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  13. Hmmmmm is there a door in between? I am a bit saloon, and a bit residential, but certainly not a stuffed shirt, or nose in the air type of thing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am a chameleon. I can socialize with both types of personalities, but usually enjoy socializing more with the saloon door people. I like it when people don’t feel the need to compare themselves with the “Joneses.”


  14. Sandhya · · Reply

    What a fascinating post! I am definitely a saloon door type of personality but sometimes feel I should have the front door personality with some people.
    But then again I don’t want them to define me, either 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The way you responded shows you truly gave the concept some thought. I agree with your sentiments; never let others define you! You don’t have to impose yourself on others, but can share your REALITY in a meaningful way that will attract some and repel some. Those attracted become TRUE FRIENDS.


  15. Wow! An interesting read! I think I tend to the residential door personality in many ways. I don’t open up easily and I value security above all else. Haha!

    Nice post doc!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pretty amazing how a set of doors can tell a lot about a person and a person’s needs. Like you, I’m more introverted although people often think I’m an extrovert. I like to think my ability to LISTEN comes from the “introvert” and my desire to outwardly help people comes from the extrovert.


  16. now you have left me thinking…..always a good thing…great post….xxkat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just a fun little post (that still requires a little thinking) to break up the serious tone of many articles I publish on wordpress.

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