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How often do we hear statements like:


“I want my child to have a better life than I had growing up.”



“Our children are our future.”


We’d like to believe our heartfelt sentiments are more than just words, but do our ACTIONS reflect these emotions?



We already know the sedentary lifestyle our children live and the poor nutritional choices they’re provided in school and at home (to a large extent) are MAJOR factors contributing to the escalating rate of Type 2 Diabetes they face. Yet we still verbally express:

“I want my child to have a better life than I had growing up.”

We already know Type 1 Diabetes in children (a form of diabetes classified as an autoimmune disease) is growing at a rate of 3-5% PER YEAR WORLDWIDE.

“Increasing numbers of (childhood) Type 1 Diabetes cannot be explained by a change in genes in such a short period,” says Giuseppina Imperatore, who leads a team of epidemiologists in the Division of Diabetes Translation at the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.”


(REFERENCE: Diabetes Mystery: Why Are Type 1 Cases Surging?)

I completely agree with this assessment! So what steps have been taken to INFORM THE PUBLIC about potential environmental factors that may be contributing to this rise in childhood Type 1 Diabetes?

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Yet we claim:




The following bullet points show the rate that childhood autism has risen since the 1980’s:

  • 1980’s: Two studies (1987 & 1989) found 1 in 2500-3000 U.S. children had autism.2,3

  • 2000: American Academy of Neurology and Child Neurology Society estimate 1 in 500 U.S. children had autism.4

  • 2003-2004: Study (2006) revealed 1 in 188 U.S. children had autism.5

  • 2007: CDC states 1 in 150 U.S. children had autism.6

  • 2009: CDC states 1 in 110 U.S. children had autism.7

  • 2012: CDC states 1 in 88 U.S. children had autism8

  • 2014: CDC states 1 in 68 U.S. children had autism9

  • 2014 (updated:) Changes in the National Health Interview Survey used by the CDC states 1 in 45 children had autism.1

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated Prevalence of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Following Questionnaire Changes in the 2014 National Health Interview Survey. National Health Statistics Reports Nov. 13, 2015.
2 Burd L, Fisher W, Kerbeshian J. A prevalence study of pervasive developmental disorders in North Dakota. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1987;26:700-703.
3 Ritvo ER, Freeman BJ. The UCLA-University of Utah epidemiologic survey of autism: prevalence. Am J Psychiatry 1989; 146(2): 194-199.
4 Filipek PA, Accardo PJ et al. Practice Parameter: Screening and diagnosis of autism. Neurology 2000; 55(4): 468-479.
5 Gurney JG, McPheeters ML et al. Parental Report of Health Conditions and Health Care Use Among Children With and Without Autism National Survey of Children’s Health. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2006; 160(8): 825-830.
6 Hitti M. CDC: 1 in 150 kids may have autismWebMD Health News Feb. 8, 2007.
7 Associated Press. 1 in 110 children have autism, study finds. NBC News Dec. 18, 2009.
8 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Estimates 1 in 88 children in the United States has been identified as having an autism spectrum disorder. CDC Press Release: Mar. 29, 2012.
9 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders Among Children Aged 8 Years – Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network 11 Sites, United States, 2010. MMWR Mar. 28, 2014; 63(SS02): 1-21.


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Populations VIOLENTLY RIOT when discrimination is the headline. Where is the NON VIOLENT PROTEST among our society when statistics like these are revealed about the deteriorating status of our children’s health? Where is the evidence our government and health care system is addressing this CRISIS in ANY kind of meaningful way?

The defensive scientific health care response simply argues more children are being “lumped together” with this diagnosis. Rather than defending our unwillingness to face this disease, we choose to deflect responsibility by claiming statistical inaccuracies. Yet EACH OF US accepts this exponentially growing rate of aberrant neurological function called AUTISM while claiming:

“I want my child to have a better life than I had growing up.”



National rates of childhood obesity were first recorded in 1963. NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) has been the gold standard used to measure these values.

    • 1963-1965: 2-5 yrs old- (NOT REPORTED)

    • 1980: 2-5 years old ( 6.5%) (***could not find NHANES data for this year.) (REFERENCE: Childhood Obesity in the United States)

    • 2014: 2-5 years old (9.4%)

    • 1963-1965: 6-11 year old (4.2%)

    • 1980: 6-11 years old (7%)

    • 2014: 6-11 years old (17.5%)

    • 1963-1965: 12-17 year old (4.6%) ***{their research used 17 instead of 19 years of age in the 1960’s}***

    • 1980: 12-19 years old (5%)

    • 2014: 12-19 years old (20.5%)

(REFERENCE: How Much Have Obesity Rates Risen Since 1950?)


Childhood Obesity is a MAJOR FACTOR contributing to a multitude of serious life threatening diseases as children age including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, liver disease, gastrointestinal disease and depression. Once again we see a rising health threat starting in the 1980’s with limited evidence of intervention by our government and our health care industry. Where is the “cry for help” for our children? Where is the evidence we are taking this disease seriously? How has our our technology and academic knowledge been used to overcome this growing epidemic? Where is the PUBLIC OUTRAGE on the “spectrum of concern?”

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Yet each of us continues to claim:

“I want my child to have a better life than I had growing up.”

“Our children are our future.”



In reality, we only want more for our children:

  • if it’s easy.

  • if it doesn’t cost too much money.

  • if it doesn’t cost us time.

  • if it doesn’t interfere with our personal wants.

  • if “someone else” will solve the problems for us.

These problems have been on the rise over the last 37 years. In reality, our children are NOT A PRIMARY CONCERN although we feel a need to express they are. Our WORDS without ACTIONS  lack SUBSTANCE AND VALUE. They create fragile sentences that fall apart when challenged with the phrase:


Our society is so self centered and insecure, we CHOOSE to be more concerned about our peers viewing us as “caring parents,” “caring educators,” “caring adults” and “caring doctors” than accepting our FAILURES and moving forward in search of REAL SOLUTIONS. This lack of sincerity based on our obvious lack of commitment will continue UNLESS each of us accepts responsibility for the growing crisis our children face.


  1. It starts with adults LIVING THE LIFESTYLE that produces healthier outcomes their children will naturally emulate. What child doesn’t innately look at their parent as an omnipotent being; a source of strength, guidance and support? What type of example are most of us setting for them?

  2. It starts with schools incorporating REAL HEALTH STUDIES that realistically teach the various components needed to achieve healthy outcomes (as part of the school curriculum.) This requires parental involvement in school board meetings and a willingness to ORGANIZE to help ensure policy changes.

  3. It starts with doctors accepting greater personal responsibility to make certain their patients FULLY understand the importance of REALISTIC HEALTHY LIFESTYLES. This requires doctors to utilize professional resources to offer necessary guidance and education to adults AND children.  Handing out prescriptions (in place of) lifestyle changes can no longer be an acceptable option.

  4. It starts with community coalitions developing, promoting and supporting youth programs that reinforce healthy lifestyles. Leaving children with their smart phones, computers, Xbox 360s or Playstations is not a substitute for organized group socialization providing HEALTHY environments for growth and development.

  5. It starts with explanations about ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS that scientists and researchers never DEFINE AND QUALIFY. They’re quick to deny environmental factors such as GMO foods sprayed with increasing quantities of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides or preservatives and adjuvants found in vaccines,  but never seem to offer tangible answers to environmental factors contributing to the CAUSES of these CHILDHOOD DISEASES.

Since the 1980’s childhood Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2,) Autism and Obesity have ALL dramatically escalated. Watching these numbers skyrocket has only hurt our children. We, as individuals, haven’t even considered to  question the changes BIG PHARMA, BIG AGRICULTURE and the MEDICAL INDUSTRY have introduced since the 1980’s that might be influencing the rise in these childhood diseases?

Do you really believe when BILLIONS OF DOLLARS are at stake, BIG BUSINESS will sacrifice itself knowing that society has already turned its back on their our children? It’s time we face the TRUTH!



It is NOT MANDATORY to have a child to participate in the SOLUTION!

Are you willing to become part of the answer by taking ACTION and participating in one or more of the 5 solutions listed above, or are you going to continue to use “WORDS” in place of ACTIONS to demonstrate your “LOVE” and “DEVOTION for our children as they CONTINUE TO SUFFER the health consequences of our NEGLIGENCE?


  1. I agree….where is the outcry. We have to stop purchasing these chemical laden foods and the food like substances. Get back to eating real food that nourishes and sustains us. Work on rebuilding our low stomach acid, eliminate candida overgrowth and parasites, flush out the heavy metals and other toxins.

    We will either pay now or regret and pay later.

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    1. Food certainly play an important role. These diseases, however, are likely based of a multitude of factors as well as toxicities introduced to the body. LIFESTYLE is the BEST DEFENSE as well as BEST OFFENSE to promote better health and quality living.
      EVERYONE must get involved on some level to change the current status and future direction our children face. Hopefully, this post helps “strike a chord” that elicits a CALL TO ACTION.

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  2. I kept my mouth open 3/4 of the time I was reading this ‘no sugar coating’ article. Coming from you, oh my makes it so genuinely soulful. You ain’t a parent but you are a PARENT! This brings to mind the guest post I shared with your noble platform last month. You equally said in that post parenthood was a result of our ACTIONS and we owed it to the Children our sex or love making produced, to offer them a “real best” in concrete life and not in ‘fairyland’!!! As a mother of 3, I can’t appreciate you enough.

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    1. I’m empathetic and compassionate, but recognize that REALITY must sometimes be presented in a format that impacts the SOUL of an individual.

      Who speaks up on behalf of our children?

      It is not for me to judge the love of a parent, but rather to point out the potential disparity between their WORDS and their ACTIONS which often goes unrealized. It is NOT that people are “bad,” but rather, consumed with ongoing stress that creates distance between perception and reality. My words are intended to bring people back to a place where they can OBJECTIVELY evaluate and judge their own ACTIONS or INACTIONS. Hopefully, the love I express for ALL children supersedes any defensive responses some may experience. The object is to enlighten and create an URGENCY for change even if some egos may be hurt along the way.


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      1. You say it all so right. I was defensive in a few lines but admit my ego was the one trying to fight back. The truth is, even I will love to do more, sometimes grumble about lack of time, and other time am LAZY truth be told. It is real just wake up calls you do with your posts you don’t tie no yoke on no one. Am so glad I discovered your site. The statistics may not be as alarming in Africa – they don’t even exist in some cases. It is for each parent/person to feel concerned and do what it takes. Shalom

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        1. Your willingness to share an honest response expressing a level of personal responsibility will help other readers face up to their own short falls. This is extremely important, because it helps open eyes and minds to the reality we face. We can’t solve problems if we don’t accept they exist!

          My goal was to share ideas so people could and would involve themselves to address this crisis we face. You said it well… “it is for each parent/person to show concern” to enable them to help change our current course. Assuming someone else will “deal with this” will only magnify the destructive path our children will continue to face.

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  3. Wow, Jonathan – don’t hold back, tell us what you really think! But seriously, great article. I think our society needs a lot more straight talking. Change is desperately needed and I applaud your consistent effort to try and bring it about.

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    1. Please do not take my response in ANY way as a criticism of you. I appreciate that you recognize my efforts as an attempt to create better awareness about various health care topics. I am simply sharing with you an observation I have witnessed about our general population. Please keep this intent in mind as you read the following. I have great respect for you and appreciate you as a reader of my blog site.

      It’s interesting, not one person responded in shock and awe to the STATISTICS I shared. There was lots of shock and awe to my delivery which was intended to elicit an emotional response to get people THINKING about the reality of our children’s health crisis.

      Unfortunately, unless a child within a family is DIRECTLY affected by these afflictions, parental, professional, educational and community involvement seems to place growing numbers of serious childhood health problems LOW on their PRIORITY LISTS. These poor children will continue to become larger percentages of our population causing emotional devastation within the family while adding to the financial difficulties our health care system already faces.

      Our “bury our heads in the sand” manner of dealing with this atrocity has only permitted these health issues to grow at alarming rates. Now that we see procrastination has not solved the problem, what options remain?

      I suppose NONE until people begin to PROVE they actually CARE! It might start with shock and awe at the statistics rather than shock and awe at the author!

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      1. Thanks for the reply, Jonathan. Some really good and interesting points. I’m an avid follower and look forward to the next post.

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  4. Heard too many times, it’s easier to swallow a pill than change a lifestyle. Need more funds allocated to preventative measures as people need a coach and motivation to persist with real change.

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    1. I think a coach is a great idea, however, the solution may be better addressed in the formative years of development. This is why I believe an important (partial) solution requires the educational system to accept greater responsibilities.

      We are “creatures of habit.” If we TEACH and IMPLEMENT healthy behaviors early in the process, we are more likely to achieve better LONG TERM outcomes. Getting parents on board is a second challenge to achieving results!

      We also need to re-organize our thinking to recognize the “pill” is only considered AFTER we IMPLEMENT and MAINTAIN a healthy approach that continues to fall short of desired results.

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      1. Great advice … hope they are reading!

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  5. It’s so much easier to swallow that pill then take responsibility for your actions. It’s easier to go get junk food then to try to actually fix foods at home. It’s easier to get pre-packaged foods then to cook fresh foods…all of this we all have heard. it’s time for us all to take responsibility to question everything we put into our bodies.

    We were talking about the rise in allergies and other childhood diseases at the table the other day with our kids (12 and 14 respectively). We were really trying to figure out honestly why all of these things happened. The things both of my kids said was food and laziness. Now given my 14 yr old is not as active as he should be but that was what he said himself. My daughter agreed it was more the food because she sees what kids bring from home to eat at school. We as a family eat mostly home cooked meals compared to most of people around us. The only reason I bring up this conversation is because if we want to change we have to include our children in the discussion of how to better ourselves as well as themselves. If we can teach them better we can change ourselves for the better as well.

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    1. What a great story. When children begin identifying the problems it becomes more realistic to get them to comply with solutions.
      Asking children questions in a manner to get them to identify and verbally express destructive lifestyle behaviors, is an exercise to help improve childhood awareness resulting in healthier outcomes.

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      1. Since both of our kids are getting older we try to keep them “in the loop” so to speak. We try to make them think. Sometimes they both can be a little headstrong but I was too when I was their age…Lol!!

        Btw…I have started keeping track of what I have been eating and it is making my choices easier. Thanks for the advice 😀

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        1. I think you’re wise to get them involved in the discussions. If you can design questions to get THEM to identify bad lifestyle habits, it becomes easier to help them discover healthier alternative options.

          So glad to see the nutrition “tracker” is seen as an asset rather than a “punishment.” I will never continue to enter my foods as long as I live. I believe it is that important.

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  7. I do enjoy your passion and think that it is well placed. I have a four year old child of my own, and am doing the best I can to pass on a healthy living mantra through my own actions and educating him about healthy choices. It is a constant battle to try and protect him from the lures of energy dense foods and the sedentary time spent coupled with technology and media. I cant help but feel helpless against the rising tide of corporate greed and government ignorance and the seeming lack of interest by society in general. When the number of people on deaths door, due to poor life choices finally becomes too much for the system to support, society might begin to listen. We are the ones that wield the power to make the positive change that’s needed. We are the ones that can dictate to the large companies that make these harmful products by spending our money on healthier options instead. Education and empowering people to make informed decisions is key.

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    1. Thank you for your comment. I have seen how difficult it can be to parent children in a manner to get them to conform with healthier necessary choices.
      You also point out correctly that our choices as consumers DICTATES the path that BIG INDUSTRY follows. As more and more people become convinced and educated about the importance of their decisions, Industry will likely conform to change. It’s a slow process, however!


  8. I have read the stats twice, and am horrified that there is an overall increase. Surely there should be a decrease. With all the knowledge known to mankind over the years, there should be a decrease. Am I just reading this incorrectly?
    The Children are the future. If our children aren’t aware and educated correctly from day one, what will the future hold…more diseases?
    Actions speak louder than words !

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    1. Unfortunately, we seem to be a society more inclined to act when the atrocities affects our own family’s lives. Our hearts do not seem to extend far enough to others to change the current path of childhood diseases.

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      1. Very sad !!!

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    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you again for sharing this message! It is so appreciated.


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