picture-cropped-600DIABETES is a DISEASE most people simply view as a “CONDITION.” It is certainly not FEARED like CANCER. This misconception is based on the belief that diabetes is CONTROLLED with prescription medication. This has proven to be an UNRELIABLE approach to addressing the underlying mechanisms of this disease and entirely incapable at reversing it LONG TERM.

What has science proven to be the MOST RELIABLE METHOD to PREVENT and REVERSE PRE-DIABETES?


This study proved that LIFESTYLE was more effective preventing pre-diabetics from developing full blown diabetes than prescription medication (specifically, Metformin – one of the most commonly prescribed pre-diabetic medications.) This study was actually STOPPED 1 year prior to its intended end date. Why? The LIFESTYLE group showed such a dramatic reduction in risk compared to the PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION group (58% lower risk of developing diabetes in the LIFESTYLE group compared to 31% for the PRESCRIPTION group on Metformin) that they decided to terminate the study early. These statistical results were based on a follow up with participants 2.8 years later. If the study was lengthened to 10 years, the difference in percentages would have likely been even higher. Few people maintain healthy blood sugar levels taking metformin alone over a prolonged period. Most are required to take MULTIPLE medications in INCREASING QUANTITIES to keep blood sugar levels in desired ranges. The LIFESTYLE group, however, successfully prevented a significantly larger percentage from ever developing diabetes. This meant:




In general, people believe they can choose an unhealthy lifestyle and maintain this unhealthy lifestyle as long as they take their prescription medications to “control” their “problem(s).” Any good qualified physician would tell them these drugs are NOT SUBSTITUTES for healthy foods, exercise, proper rest, stress reduction, hydration, etc… These medications are designed for SHORT TERM USE to create a stable internal environment. Once achieved, LIFESTYLE CHANGES provide the body the tools needed to PREVENT the recurrence of PRE-DIABETES and the manifestation of other DISEASES.

People FALSELY assume these medications are “keeping them healthy! These medications offer NO HEALTH BENEFITS.

Long term use of medications often cause toxicity to the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract and weaken other organs. Secondary side effects from these medications frequently require additional prescriptions to counter these unwanted and unintended side effects.



With 9 out of 10 pre-diabetics UNAWARE they are headed toward becoming Type 2 Diabetics, the “incentive” to modify lifestyle habits is missing. Just KNOWING the steps necessary to achieve GOOD HEALTH unfortunately does not produce the NECESSARY changes. Even when health problems develop, people continue to want to believe that medication will restore and/or create A HEALTHY OUTCOME. Wishing, dreaming and even praying (in and of itself) is usually not enough to reverse and/or restore GOOD HEALTH.


to reverse and/or prevent pre-diabetes as well as a myriad of other diseases including CANCER!


Don’t turn to prescription medications for lifelong use in place of CORRECTING YOUR UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE HABITS. Believing they offer LONG TERM SOLUTIONS when in fact, they can destroy one’s quality of health and life, makes AWARENESS and PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT that much more important.

Prescription drugs are capable of SAVING LIVES and restoring stability during acute trauma and acute diseases.

This is an important role and function. They are NOT, however, REALISTIC LONG TERM SOLUTIONS to conditions


Until the consumer is willing to face this REALITY, they will continue to sacrifice their HEALTH and QUALITY OF LIVING while increasing their need for greater financial resources to satisfy medical expenses.



  1. I’ve grown up knowing I’m st risk for diabetes. It hasn’t helped that I’ve been told that my ethnicity is prone to it. Following along I’ve come to realize it may be because we eat modern portions of our ancestors food using “easier” ingredients while living a sedentary life and consuming modern convenience food.
    I now no longer consider myself at risk for diabetes but having a really good reason to continue to grow in my healthy lifestyle

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree with your thoughts on the subject. I was interested (ONLY if you are willing to share) why you no longer consider yourself at risk for Diabetes? Is it because of LIFESTYLE or because of lifestyle AND blood profiles INCLUDING (1) A1c, (2) blood glucose levels (3) INSULIN LEVELS?
      I capitalized this last one because this can have a greater impact than the first two IF they are normal. Most people have no idea what their insulin levels are. This is a critical component that rarely is tested!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Blood profiles have always been clean but I had this understanding of being predisposed. As though it was a set eventual fate rather than something I could actively strive to avoid

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  3. An honest, interesting, and inspiring post. To think that just by changing your lifestyle and your habits, you can literally change the outcome of your health – that is truly amazing… And I’ve seen it first hand within my own family and among a few friends. Not everyone takes diabetes seriously and it can be frustrating when people don’t take care of themselves.. Or take responsibility for getting healthy when they are able to do so.
    Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Part of the problem is a lack of awareness; part of the problem is a belief that doctors are responsible for correcting health issues. Many people want to remove themselves from the equation. This belief is in direct conflict with the REALITY of restoring and maintaining GOOD HEALTH. Those who choose to live damaging lifestyle, I can’t help. Those who are simply UNAWARE, I can. This is my target audience!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well said. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Great points, Jonathan. It just comes down to day-to-day healthy choices for so many things, doesn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it does. Part of the problem, however, is:
      1. People don’t believe their lifestyle choices will really produce results that ALIGN with their habits.
      2. They believe medication “FIXES” their problems. They don’t truly understand that synthetic drugs are designed for SHORT TERM USE. This is because our health care system doesn’t explain this and has a conflict of interest in doing so.
      Thank you so much for adding your opinion to this post.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The medicine “fix” is the lazy choice too. Just pop a pill..
        Healthy food and exercise are commitments.

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        1. If people are unwilling to VALUE their own lives, how much and with what degree of sincerity can they truly value OTHERS?

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I agree. Healing has to come to the individual in all areas before that person can spread good things to others.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Right to the point!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I’m diplomatic, but I’m not known for “pulling my punches.” 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  5. Wait, you are suggesting that people are responsible to take care of their health 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dare I make such a claim! 😀

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  6. There are some wonderful medications out there that do truly save lives, but it is so true that these often end up becoming permanent crutches for those unwilling to make meaningful changes to the way they live their lives. I continue to be discouraged at how many physicians support these behaviors. Thanks for continuing to “swim upstream” and remind people that in many cases living a healthy life is the best medicine!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Swimming upstream” simply improves cardiovascular function and muscle tone. Every challenge in life has a “bright side” if we are willing to use a little creativity.

      One of the reasons I will never give up is because I have chosen to focus on those people seeking help and willing to place the effort necessary into achieving RESULTS. Those who wish to argue and FAIL, certainly have that right, however, I will not be their sounding board. There are too many people who care to waste my time on those who don’t.

      Keep up your good work as well. You add great quality to the many topics you write about.


  7. My last A1c was 9.9 which is less than 10.4, but still at risk for complications. PCP raised my Glipizide to 20 mg per day and my Januvia to 50 mg a day. I can’t take Metformin. He ended our session with a “follow a low carb diet”

    Now I am slowly working towards a healthier diet. Lowered soda intake (strong addicted to it and caffeine in it), Added fresh vegetables. Increasing water slowly since I suffer from incontinence.

    I have to take my numbers to see if this med combo is doing any good. He said laughing that he should just put me on insulin since I am so hard to treat. He is the one that didn’t care at all. I had to beg him to start treating me seriously.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to see you’re moving in a positive direction. Everyone has to start somewhere. The more you recognize the value in yourself, the more motivated you’ll become to achieving better outcomes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you.

        I was just looking at clothes I would love to wear. The weight has to go for them to fit. I have been spending time in the past when I wore small sizes and weighed 86 lbs. I know health-wise that probably isn’t possible to attain again, but at this rate I would be happy with 25 lbs.

        If I get these drugs out of my head, I might be able to attain things I would like to do and wear, etc. I have warned my family to watch my moods and such because this might not be a good idea going off my mental disorder’s drugs.

        I have to start checking my blood sugar again as well.


  8. Those statistics to start this post are shocking.

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  9. People just don’t realize. This is a serious problem that is not being taken SERIOUSLY. So many lives will be impacted before a wake call is experienced. Just trying to share the REALITY with those who are willing to open their eyes and their minds.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Funny enough, I feel like more and more people are thinking of diabetes almost as a death sentence without really understanding what the symptoms mean. As with any metabolism-related diseases, if left untreated, it is likely to cause other issues that would require even more medication and treatment.

    The first step should be making baby steps into a healthier lifestyle. In my opinion, THE best medicine is exercise since it has a positive effect on insulin sensitivity among other things.

    So in a way maybe diabetes should be treated as a death sentence for an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe Diabetes should be viewed as an IMBALANCE. Rather than treating a SYMPTOM (Diabetes) it makes more sense to treat the PERSON by correcting deficiencies. This could include, exercise, nutrition, stress reduction, hydration, etc… Focusing on RESTORING BALANCE corrects most of life’s SYMPTOMS (including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc…) and returns homeostasis to the body and mind.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. People should take this seriously..never prescription can be a replacement for a better life style..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you completely. Thank you for sharing your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. The stats are shocking Jonathan ! My husband has a work colleague that is a diabetic, who has to inject herself before meals. This woman’s lifestyle has not changed one bit since her diagnosis! Okay, she does seem to avoid desserts and sweet things (but not 100%), but that is not enough. What about exercise, she refuses to do anything! She is getting larger and larger! I don’t expect her to run a marathon, but just something and then just to eat healthily. I must say it is so frustrating being around her, I feel I want to shake her, in order to wake her up and smell the coffee. She is only giving herself the death sentence!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You must wonder what her doctor’s advice is. Does he or she focus on her blood sugar levels or restoring QUALITY HEALTH to her body and mind? I have had to deal with people like this all of my professional career. Getting REALITY understood is a challenging task. It requires getting people to VALUE their lives; something most of us take for granted!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. i feel u

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  13. Good morning. 🙂

    Ahh, the world’s secret shame (I almost said “America’s secret shame” but it’s bigger than us): the quick fix…the magic pill.

    I am thankful for the tenets I learned early in life to always choose healthy food and water over soda pop.

    Thank you for being a voice that goes against the grain, that pesky “conflict of interest” the medical professionals have when it comes to truly educating their clients/patients on medication.

    Powerful message. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, “Just Me.” Kind of feel like I’m thanking myself when I use your wordpress name. 😀
      Agree with you completely. It is a world wide (COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY) epidemic. It shows the lack of personal concern, VALUE and responsibility so many people face.

      In the U.S. we have a tendency to repeat poor choices rather than learning from them. Many are so unhappy in life, it becomes more important to satisfy IMMEDIATE “WANTS” than ACTUAL “NEEDS.” It shows that PAIN and SUFFERING is REQUIRED before a change in ATTITUDE is even considered. It also shows the destructive PATH we are heading and the sad state of EXISTENCE we IGNORE everyday.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. JM works. 😉

        Your capital words are a powerful message within themselves.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. I know people with a family history of diabetes who just refuse to make any changes in diet (they don’t eat well) and who are only mildly interested in exercise who are just waiting for diabetes to show up…and THEN they say they’ll do something (likely rely on medication). It’s the weirdest thing. They’re actively waiting to be sick instead of trying to head it off. I’ll never understand that way of thinking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are definitely right. Same goes for mental health issues – primary prevention seems almost nonexistent compared to treating the symptoms.

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    2. The thought process is twofold.
      1. “It won’t happen to me.”
      2. “If it happens to me, the doctors will take care of it.”

      There is no forethought in prevention. We need to stop thinking in terms of INDIVIDUAL DISEASES. “Named Diseases” are no more SYMPTOMS caused by various imbalances in life. They are typically the manifestation of deficiencies left unaddressed which the body can no longer compensate for.

      ProActive participation is the ANSWER. Convincing people to accept this reality, however, is the difficult part.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course everyone wants to turn the blind eye to anything bad that may happen to them.
        The “it won’t happen to me” -thought is definitely real in that sense. However, there is only so much that a doctor can do to save you if you are unwilling to make the change yourself.

        I’ve found that a lifestyle change is nearly impossible to teach. It has to come from within.
        Being healthy is not just living a life free of symptoms or diseases.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Your response is both important and so accurate. Doctors can (and should) only go so far to help people change their approach to health. For those truly missing resources needed to understand healthy lifestyle habits, change is possible. For those who wish to satisfy their WANTS regardless of their NEEDS, the exercise is usually counterproductive.

          ATTITUDE and MINDSET are the two greatest factors that determine which road most people follow in life.

          Finally, you are spot on when your state, “being healthy is not just living a life free of symptoms or diseases.”

          Liked by 1 person

  15. Angie and Alyssa · · Reply

    This is so good! I hope others see this post and realize what they are doing to themselves. Healthy is for everyone!


    1. I’m glad you saw relevance in this article. I join your feelings in wishing this post positively impacts the lives of many people.
      Thank you so much for taking your time to read it.


  16. […] “9 OUT OF 10 DON’T KNOW IT” […]

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    1. Thank you for including this article in your reading list suggestions.


  17. I think a big reason why people don’t make the required health changes that they need to is because it seems pretty overwhelming to all of a sudden start going to the gym, start eating healthy, start drinking more water, start taking multivitamins, etc. One of the best ways to get around this is to start small. One thing each of us could do is simply substitute your current breakfast for a fruit and vegetable smoothie every morning. This would for sure at least start you on a path to better health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Couldn’t agree more. People need one very important ingredient known as PATIENCE. Only those with patience are willing to take SMALL steps. Those with proper mindsets AND patience are much more likely to SUCCEED LONG TERM by making MEANINGFUL commitments to themselves.

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  18. You have really hit the nail on the head here. There are far too many people who believe that one day the medication will get rid of their illness. They continue eating the same toxic food and just take medication after medication. We have lost the value of loving ourselves. We are so distracted that we have literally forgotten to take care of ourselves. We are so bombarded with life that we are not living and loving ourselves. We have checked out and left the care of ourselves in the hands of others. Not realizing that we are responsible for nourishing/loving ourselves properly. That means putting good nourishment in by way of thoughts, food and overall better self care. I just recently read an article last week, that shared that we are exposed to over 77,000 + chemicals through food, air and water. I was in utter shock by that number. We have to put real daily effort into taking better care of ourselves. The more I read I also am starting to see that genetics is not the issue. The issue is we genetically take care of ourselves poorly. From one generation to the next we pass down poor lifestyle habits…..knowingly and unknowingly. Along with the fact that when it comes to health there are far too much inaccurate information out there. Leaving people totally confused on what they should and should not be eating or doing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s interesting, many people claim not knowing where and how to start. It really doesn’t matter where or how; what matters is to recognize the current path isn’t working and to do ANYTHING differently to see if the outcome is any better. Mistakes are going to be made along the way. The object is to LEARN from these mistakes so they aren’t repeated. As fewer mistakes are made, clarity begins to shape future decisions. Following this path achieves a life of improved SELF CONTROL and SELF EMPOWERMENT. A healthier outcome is a natural result of this PROCESS.

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  19. I am flooding my Facebook page with all your wonderful post….I have been having family time for the last 3 weeks with my sister here celebrating her 65th birthday…LOL I can’t believe how much I have missed….this post touches my life up close and personal……I was pre-diabetic and worked hard to get my weight down and work on my health and I am no longer in the pre-diabetic #’s whooo hoooo ….I have put on some weight and am now working hard to get it off once again….great post…..xxkat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you as always for sharing my messages. It is so very appreciated.

      Make sure you send some birthday lovin’ to that “spring chicken” sister of yours! On behalf of the health care system, I would like to welcome her to the world or medicare! (LOL)

      You are one of the fortunate people. You discovered your pre-diabetic state. You discovered a “reason” to change behavior and become healthier (or as you say, lose weight.) Creating LONG TERM results is a challenging task. As you know, the path has plenty of hills and valleys. Time, patience, persistence and a driving force that never yields is all it takes to succeed. 🙂 I know you have what it takes and I know you WILL achieve the HEALTH and LIFE you desire.


      1. Thank you for the wonderful nice words and all the encouragement…..

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Thank you for this post, inspiring. I have tweeted it.

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    1. I appreciate the value you add to this post by forwarding it to others that value your opinion on Twitter.

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      1. My pleasure. SHaring is Caring.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I agree completely. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  21. thewanderingdiabeticblog · · Reply

    A very interesting post. I do think that more education about the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is needed. I did notice that you only mentioned type 2 diabetes once in this article, and simply generalised with the generic term ‘diabetes’ for the rest of your article. As a type 1 diabetic, I often find that I am being told that I can ‘cure’ myself with diet control… if only it was that easy. I hope you take this into consideration when publishing further articles. Enjoyed the read though! Aislinn.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your feedback. You are absolutely correct in pointing out the SIGNIFICANT difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. I didn’t even mention Type 3 Diabetes, LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults,) Double Diabetes, Steroid induced Diabetes or Gestational Diabetes. The intent of the article was to focus on Type 2.

      “Curing” diabetes (all types) through nutrition (alone) is a concept I strongly disagree with. I am a MAJOR advocate for proper healthy nutrition and believe it plays a vital role in good health maintenance, however, I also believe it is only ONE component in the PROCESS. Type 1 diabetes acts as a “thorn” in my side as a physician. I believe in approaching HEALTH and DISEASE from a ROOT CAUSE angle rather than a symptomatic angle. I research all types of health topics (regularly) attempting to gain greater insight into uncovering these root cause issues. Type 1 diabetes doesn’t fit neatly into any clear mechanism. Speaking without clear science backing my opinion, I believe that environmental factors (ex. GMO,) general dietary factors, the quantity and scheduling of vaccinations (along with the adjuvants and preservatives used,) as well as other factors influence the young child’s development and ability to properly handle these toxins. Some of these toxins are known to breach the placenta as well as the blood brain barrier. This may not be the CAUSE of Type 1 Diabetes (alone,) but may play an important contribution in altering function influencing the turning on and off of genes. Children’s underdeveloped systems are likely susceptible to these environmental influences. This type of opinion, however, never makes its way to popular media sources that consumers often rely on to base their decision making

      Rather than remove or modify these substances and toxins, our health care system chooses to attempt to maintain chronic disease instead. Until the consumer wakes up to this reality and refuses to accept this limited sub par approach to health restoration, the medical approach to auto immune (and other chronic diseases) will remain (mostly) unchanged. There is a huge financial benefit to treating chronic diseases with pharmaceutical drugs. Big pharma, Big Agriculture and the Medical industry is not about to sacrifice BILLIONS of dollars in the name of ALTRUISM!


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    1. I appreciate your willingness to help pass this important message on to fellow readers.


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