
Webster’s dictionary defines MEDICATION as, “a SUBSTANCE used for medical treatment, especially a medicine or drug.

Webster’s dictionary defines FOOD as, “any nutritious SUBSTANCE that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to MAINTAIN LIFE AND GROWTH.

We have a tendency to separate the two words MEDICINE and FOOD believing they are INDEPENDENT of each other. Hippocrates (the founding FATHER OF MEDICINE) quoted, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates understood that food provided the body an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT necessary to maintain healthy FUNCTION. He understood the body was under constant “attack” by environmental, emotional and physical factors and needed FOOD (as Webster’s dictionary states) “to MAINTAIN LIFE AND GROWTH.” He recognized that GOOD HEALTH was the body’s NATURAL STATE of EXISTENCE. Hippocrates understood that DISEASE only manifested when the body was unable to maintain its normal state of equilibrium (GOOD HEALTH.)

ee701998669833b0453ccffb7bc0f4c5What has caused us to lose sight of this understanding in modern times? We have transitioned from providing our bodies with natural HEALTHY foods to RESTORE HEALTH to using synthetic (man made) drugs to alter the body’s natural environment while forcing it to acclimate to this new UNNATURAL and UNHEALTHY SUBSTANCE. Worst of all, we use this DRUG as a FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE in an attempt to restore good health! We must understand these drugs (in most cases) were never developed with the intention of “FIXING” imbalances causing dysfunction. Pharmaceutical drugs attempt to CONTROL the body rather than aide it to overcome obstacles interfering with its NORMAL HEALTHY FUNCTION.

Today, the third most popular prescribed drug is for depression. There is no question these drugs often create change (whether chemically or through placebo) making the patient “feel more comfortable.” They are not, however, prescribed to “CURE DEPRESSION.” Depression is a SYMPTOM resulting in a “DISEASE” that alters the quality and function of the body. It is NOT SIMPLY A “CHEMICAL IMBALANCE!” A drug that helps a person “feel better” is certainly a temporary benefit, but is NOT a substitute for restoring good health.

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Now that we recognize the VITAL role that quality food plays as one component necessary to achieving good health, how do our medical physicians typically include this component in their treatment plans?

TYPICALLY, MOST DO NOT INCLUDE QUALITY FOOD! Their curriculum limits their nutritional training to 0-1 hour of class time during their entire medical education.


How do they address the lifestyle components of depressions allowing the body to restore itself to functioning in a NORMAL, healthy manner (in addition to prescribing medication?)



It is important to understand this same concept can be applied to many SYMPTOMS (often confused with the word DISEASES) people face today including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, certain types of diabetes, obesity, vascular symptoms and even cancer. It is important to understand that pharmaceutical drugs certainly play a legitimate role as ONE TOOL capable of being used within a TREATMENT PLAN to help a patient overcome obstacles interfering with their ability to RESTORE GOOD HEALTH. It is not, however, the END ALL “solution” to ANY DISEASE!


If an individual chooses to RESTORE GOOD HEALTH and MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH, the FIRST MEDICINE they must turn to (unless it is an acute life threatening condition) is FOOD. It is not an easy concept to believe that food offers real legitimate healing capabilities because we have learned to view food for its entertainment value. We base its consumption on flavor and taste and have discarded its important contribution to immune function (and autoimmune disease,) brain function (dementia,) cardiac function (blood pressure, cholesterol and vascular disease,) liver and gall bladder function (detoxifying and fat metabolism) gastrointestinal function (digestion and ABSORPTION) and so many other system requirements for healthy living.



For those tired of relying on prescription drugs to simply “get by” or get through another day, it might be time to consider returning to the BEST MEDICATION ever known to mankind; QUALITY FOOD! It requires more than simply adding some fruits and vegetables to a current lifestyle. It will likely require professional guidance; similar to the guidance needed when people hire investment counselors to help manage their lifetime savings. For those willing to commit themselves to this idea, the benefits will far exceed the cost and side effects prescription drugs taken for indigestion, diabetes, cardiac conditions, obesity, etc… are known for CAUSING. If you are not convinced, I suggest you ask your own family physician if he or she believes that regularly eating QUALITY FOODS while incorporating reasonable exercise, proper rest, stress reduction, proper hydration and quality social interaction (with family and friends) can potentially remove most if not all need for synthetic prescriptive drugs! If they happen to disagree, ask them if THEY REGULARLY EAT QUALITY FOODS while incorporating reasonable exercise, proper rest, stress reduction, proper hydration and quality social interaction (with family and friends) IN THEIR LIVES. You just might be surprised by their response and answer!



  1. I am living proof of this whole post. I changed my diet and my whole life changed. What a gift!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am so glad for you Kathy. You are living proof that translates my academic message into real world reality. Thank you for sharing your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I think one of the best things about this change is that it’s a lifestyle change that can actually end up with you eating food that tastes better and you enjoy more – that can’t be a bad thing at all!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s funny how people assume eating healthy is equivalent to eating foods that taste like cardboard! Quality foods can easily satisfy the palate as it satisfies the needs of the body.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Even more so in some cases – you’re actually tasting the food when you have high quality ingredients, not the things they are doing to cover up the flavorless and bad ingredients in the other stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. The benefits to living with this focus on health far outweigh the efforts of doing so. Excellent post again, Jonathan! Thanks for all the inspiration!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This article seems to have elicited varying opinions. I am glad to see this, because sharing different perspectives helps educate all of us and develops new and better ways to approaching these concerns.
      Thank you for all your kindness as well as your ongoing support.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. We must understand these drugs (in most cases) were never developed with the intention of ā€œFIXINGā€ imbalances causing dysfunction.

    You say this and then reference selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Drugs that specifically block the reuptake of an imbalanced substance causing an imbalance.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. SSRI’s are certainly not “FIXES” for depression. We can’t even measure serotonin levels in the brain to determine whether this or any other neurotransmitter is at adequate levels. Measuring blood levels does not prove whether brain levels are sufficient. In addition, we don’t know if the lower blood values are the cause or result of depression (chicken and the egg scenario.) Regardless, improving mood and attitude does not qualify as a FIX or CURE for depression, although it certainly can provide temporary benefit for the patient.

      My concern is that healthy options are excluded from treatment plans in favor of exclusive use of pharmaceutical treatments. When imbalances cause aberrant symptoms, pharmaceutical options (especially in chronic diseases) are rarely if ever used as short term solutions. If the medication is able to help the patient achieve temporary stability, the patient should be provided specific instructions to incorporate a healthy lifestyle to see whether this addition is capable of restoring long term balance (GOOD HEALTH.) Instead, if the patient seems satisfied, the prescriptions continue to be written and filled. In my opinion, this approach limits good viable options the patient should be entitled to choose from.


  5. I believe that everything is a tool and useful for creating a balanced and healthy life. I work in mental health. Many of my patients are genuinely sick, and I do not believe that their schizophrenia was caused by a poor diet. I do believe that stress, social isolation and illicit drugs contribute to its higher incident in industrial societies. However, treatment should include medication, diet, exercise and stress reduction. The more parts of oneself that are used to recover, the better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The answer to health maladies whether physical or mental will never be found in any ONE SOURCE (be it food or prescription drugs.) The benefits that quality food offers, however, is an essential TOOL as well as a necessary COMPONENT that is often excluded from ANY medical treatment protocol. For example, blood sugar imbalances have been implicated in mental health disorders. “It is clear, however, that the prevalence of diabetes and its risk factors is much greater among patients with serious mental illness. For example, patients with schizophrenia are more likely than age-matched control subjects to lead a sedentary lifestyle, consume fewer fruits and vegetables,14,15 and have other cardiovascular risk factors, in particular, tobacco use.16 Additional studies have found the prevalence of both diabetes and obesity to be two to four times higher in people with schizophrenia than in the general population,17,18 with overall prevalence estimates for diabetes among patients with schizophrenia ranging from 16 to 25%”. (Source: Many studies corroborate these findings, yet food remains excluded from treatment in favor of pharmaceutical intervention. There is no question these drugs offer value in altering aberrant behavior, but do not offer FIXES in and of themselves. Yet protocol remains unchanged even though science has proven the role FOOD plays in helping restore multiple levels of balance to the body. My point is NOT to emphasize the use of pharmaceutical drugs, but rather the lack of use of natural healthy approaches that should be INCLUDED in physical and mental disease. Like you state, “treatment should include medication, diet, exercise and stress reduction.” Unfortunately, this is not the case which means our patients are not receiving the best options available.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, all avenues to optimum health need to be used. I find that due to the internal preoccupation, my schizophrenic patients have a harder time with self-care and frequently, even as they age, they require a lot of supervision for even the most rudimentary self care, like taking a shower. They are beautiful souls, who truly suffer. Healthy, wholistic living is a true aid. When I put my daughter on the Feingold diet, it changed our relationship. Even she noticed. But, once she hit a certain age, I couldn’t get her to cooperate.šŸ˜•

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Isn’t it amazing that even positive change (as you explained in your relationship with your daughter) isn’t enough to combat destructive patterns people fall back on in times of difficulty. I’m sure you did everything possible. Ultimately, it becomes the responsibility of the individual when they reach maturity. Even realizing this, when you love someone, it is difficult to watch them follow a destructive path.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. When she hit a certain age, she wouldn’t cooperate. I am hoping that once she matures, she will be more open. Even so, I don’t buy anything with dyes, additives or preservatives.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. You have an amazing balance. I know you are a STRONG person possessing a STRONG personality, yet you balance this with an honest sense of compassion and caring. I am thankful to have met you through this writing experience and appreciate you and all that you offer this world.
              Stay healthy and happy (and free from dyes, additives and preservatives! šŸ™‚ )

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Thank you for your kind words. Blogging has turned out to be so much fun. I had no idea.šŸ£

                Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve been told that the best way to get our nutrition is from food, I think that’s very true!

    Vivienne X

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I agree with you completely!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wonderful post, Doctor Jonathan. Great insight into the Hippocrates quote. There is no question that once we get straight the function of food in our life, the more intelligently we will eat. It’s not just a matter of filling up on the stuff that tastes good with no thought for the consequences. Stay healthy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tony. It’s a “hard sell” to convince people the importance of quality REAL FOOD. You’re absolutely correct; it’s NOT “just a matter of filling up on stuff that tastes good.” I think people are simply unaware just how addictive unhealthy foods can be. Hopefully, seeing these types of messages over and over again will get them to consider seeing the reality and modifying their ways.

      Stay healthy and happy!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think you are doing a great job of selling the positive aspects of good health which are, sadly, not exciting to most folks.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Reblogged this on One Regular Guy Writing about Food, Exercise and Living Past 100 and commented:
    This is absolutely worth reading.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Tony, for sharing this message.


  10. In a sane world, I would object to the Ayurvedic proverb as seriously oversimplified. But we inhabit an insane world whose many delusions include the notion that a pill or procedure can put the toothpaste back in the tube, so I can wink at the oversimplification. The other quotes are spot-on, even for a sane world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes simplicity creates a moment of awareness that technical verbiage and details hide.
      Hopefully you found the content of the article informative and at least as satisfying as the quotes I simply inserted. Thank you for sharing your opinion.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, the content is informative and satisfying (not to mention invigorating and nutritious). It’s just that I am a laconic old Yankee who only comments when I have something specific to add about a particular post. Otherwise, I just click the [Like] button.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Fair enough. Being a yankee (I’ll leave the word OLD out to humor myself) I understand the sentiment! šŸ™‚

          Liked by 1 person

  11. This post is outstanding and something I am very passionate about and always talking to people about.

    The thing I always hear is a complaint about the expense of eating nutritious food. My logic is eating properly is far cheaper than the cost of being ill and taking medications that offer no nutritional value to the body. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It seems we share the same perspective about this topic. Eating nutritious doesn’t always mean eating to satisfy the palate. Consumers are much more concerned with flavor and taste than nutritional value. They have a difficult time accepting the concept of “starving the body” while they continue consume too many calories.

      I offer REALISTIC solutions as options. It includes eating important nutrients AND satisfying the desire for “comfort foods.” It includes a REALISTIC approach to exercise calling for 20 minutes of exercise, 3X/week. It addresses the EMOTIONAL component often left out of the equation.

      The object is to start an exercise and nutritional program that can be maintained FOREVER. Eating 1000 calories and exercising 6-7 days a week is unsustainable. It is a plan of action designed to fail LONG TERM. People claim they need a “jump start.” This is language that means they want to see QUICK CHANGE. They may not like it, but I explain that “slow and steady, wins the race.” Those willing to practice patience while committing themselves to this approach will increase their self esteem, self worth and self value. They will become HEALTHIER and maintain this lifestyle for the LONG TERM while achieving wonderful SIDE BENEFITS including weight loss, blood pressure changes, blood sugar changes, cholesterol changes, etc…!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love that you provide realistic, simple and long term solutions! Keep up the excellent work Dr. Jonathan, it is truly appreciated.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you so much for your support. It is greatly appreciated.

          Liked by 1 person

  12. Another great post, have you heard of Gerson Therapy through detoxing and juicing??? kat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know the diet well. It is an effective NATURAL approach to addressing many different diseases (including many forms of cancer) as well as degenerative conditions, HOWEVER, uses a VERY STRICT protocol that may be required to follow for years. It requires a MAJOR commitment that very few people would be willing to follow. As part of the detoxing process, it requires coffee enemas (often) multiple times per day.
      Where does this type of therapeutic approach fit into your life?


      1. It doesn’t, it was just an interesting way to approach cancer and other diseases, in my opinion its an excellent way to get an upper hand on your disease…I had a friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer and was looking for alternative help, Gerson came up, she used some of the therapy, just not all…she is CA free at this time, even though she lost a breast, and she is on a much healthier life style too….I think that juicing and detoxing (not with the intensity they do) but diet detox , can’t hurt anyone….there are so many different levels of how to do this….I was just amazed at the Gerson way….it even demanded that you rid your home all toxic chemicals, detergents, even windex, it really opened my eyes to the products I use daily….I had already changed most of my household items to non-toxic along time ago but this takes it to a whole new level and for good reason….and yes I think the strict protocol is what helps…I think if I was faced with a life heartening disease I may use them….

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I agree with you. Giving one’s body a chance to detoxify as part of a preventative approach to better health offers real benefits.

          Liked by 1 person

  13. Great advice as usual Jonathan! I’ve been vegetarian and eaten well most of my life but recently well intentioned people have given me vitamins. They live fast hard lifestyles and top themselves up this way but my GP laughed and agreed that my bp, cholesterol, iron count, etc etc are clear evidence that show the dividends of living well. Sure I’ve had a few health challenges but nominal compared to most my vintage. SO grateful that I never had bad habits.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Following a healthy lifestyle typically requires fewer “aides” (ex. vitamins) in many cases. I am a vitamin advocate based on the processing of our agricultural goods today.

      GOOD HEALTH requires EDUCATION and ACTIVE PARTICIPATION. Those who have taken the time to educate themselves about the VARIOUS COMPONENTS that create a HEALTHY BALANCE in life are more likely to experience a chosen quality of life (such as yourself.) Keep up the good work and share your lifestyle so more people can see it ENHANCES rather than DEPRIVES one of quality functional living!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes thought I would clarify that as my life has been spent living healthy I have no need for supplements or medications.

        Living proof that your crucial health tips do work!

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Doc, your posts will not run out of time or season and will keep helpimg others. I am from a country where ‘belief in modern medicine’ is actually being forced on people’s consciences through’FEAR’… and no advice or alternatives are offered of course. Before this, say some decades ago, we were still like the chinese using herbs and massage and other forms of therapy to heal, live healthy etc.

    Yesterday, my son had a very high temperature and some migraines which had been going on 3 days in my absence. Now, I thought to take him to a doctor for a proper diagnosis and some advice on a treatment protocol including a drug, food to eat, what to do and not to do etc. The doctor almost lost his nerves at my questions, and stopped at prescribing drugs and lab tests including to my amazement for Syphilis and HIV – my boy is 13 years. I returned home, went online to research natural remedies to rebuild your immune system in the case of malaria (the rapid test for that was positive). I then got lots of natural remedies like Cinamon leaves (for tea), ginger roots, oranges, beets and etc. In addition to the 2 meds I agreed to let him take, I am so proud to say he is already so better today, he is actually outside playing with his brothers. That doctor even wanted to hospitalize him and when I said no, he said my son was gonna convulse and he should not be blamed and I had to sign a form I refused an hospitalization. My comment may be long but I hope it impacts someone’s life. I also do it a practice to make us all eat and live healthy at all times and am glad the boys are begining to love the veggies and fruits + exercise like myself. What a transformation my life has been since making this realization over 5 years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Use all the words you need…. Your stories are important adding example after example of healthier approaches to addressing health imbalances/diseases. You have likely saved your children unnecessary hospitalization and pharmaceutical treatments that would have UNNECESSARILY exposed their bodies to chemical toxins known for causing secondary complications. Your children will likely have stronger healthier immune systems more capable of combating disease than those who have chosen to bypass their developing immune systems in favor of medicating their disease. You are a strong person; one who has chosen to accept personal responsibility for children’s health while utilizing medical recommendations when appropriate.


  15. Thank you for your input. I’m over my tiff with God and asked His forgiveness. I’d planned to write a blog today about it, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. Also, thank you for the follow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure God is used to it. After all, he has a lot of personalities all over the planet to contend with.

      Have a great rest of the week!


  16. johnpersico · · Reply

    Very good article with realistic and practical health advice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much.
      It doesn’t make sense to me to write about health concerns with solutions people are unlikely to follow. If a practical approach cannot be implemented, LONG TERM gains are likely to FAIL. This creates a vicious cycle in the wrong direction.
      I like to share ideas that people can mold to their personalities to make the concepts succeed for the long haul. It helps people understand their needs better and improves their quality of life.


  17. I agree our consumption of non healthy foods is one of the leading causes of diseases. Sometimes it is very difficult to avoid processed and chemically altered foods, in our normal lives. Learning to read labels and knowing the ingredients is key.
    We at Tego Tea, strive for a wholistic well being. Our tea helps to oxygenate the blood and aid circulation thus creating a healing environment. Our customers who drink Tego Tea love it’s benifits of lower blood sugar levels, and more energy.


  18. Ed Jackson · · Reply

    I haven’t seen anything about the health benefits of eating ORGANIC (and Non-GMO) much as possible, to avoid the many chemicals found in food grown with conventional agriculture in the U.S. The pesticides, fungicides, and many other poisons sprayed on crops are an assault on the body’s health in numerous ways.
    GMOs are another horror study, with glyphosate being the main culprit, but not the only one. I feel that our agriculture system is broken, compared to almost every other developed country. Our politicians are influenced heavily by lobbyists who represent the BIG FOOD corporations, lavishing “favors” in return for positive votes for allowing chemicals on food.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with much of your comment. Identifying problems is step one. What solutions to this dilemma have you designed to overcome this “broken system?”


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