The American Liver: The Next Delicacy?

liver-foie-gras BIGGERFrench cuisine has retained a high ranking in the world of fine dining.  Rich taste and subtle nuances in each dish make it stand out among the finest. One of the specialties most of us are familiar with is Foie Gras (also known as pate or goose and duck liver.)  This delicacy is created by force feeding corn ( a high sugary starch)  through a feeding tube to a goose or duck causing the liver to enlarge up to ten times its normal size. This practice has been ridiculed because of the inhumane treatment of the animal.

If this treatment sounds barbaric, I completely agree with you. It seems cruel to feed an animal a high sugary diet knowing the end result is extensive liver damage and ultimately death. What type of personality would one need to possess to participate in such cruel behavior?

The answer might surprise you. Fatty liver disease affects approximately 90 MILLION American lives. This disease is NOT CAUSED by consuming too much healthy fat in one’s diet; it is caused by consuming too much SUGAR and REFINED CARBOHYDRATES in our diets. As parents continue to feed their children these foods throughout their formative, adolescent and teenage years, they inadvertently feed the metabolic process that gradually leads to the destruction of their own children’s livers.

According to Dr. Mercola:

  • Cases of pediatric non alcoholic fatty liver disease have been reported in children down to 3 years old.

  • Elevated liver enzymes (stress on the liver) are present in eight percent of adolescents tested in the U.S.

  • Among obese children and adolescents, fatty liver disease has been identified in 20 percent of American children and adolescents.

  • Fatty liver disease is strongly associated with insulin resistance and other classic symptoms of metabolic syndrome, and is far more common than many physicians realize.

  • Children with high abdominal fat have the highest risk for developing fatty liver disease.

Earlier I asked, “What type of personality would one need to possess to participate in such cruel behavior?” The answer is good caring personalities that don’t realize the SERIOUS DANGERS our Standard American Diet is causing our population. We are destroying our livers the same way French Chefs destroy the livers of ducks and geese. The only difference is we don’t use a forced feeding tube.We use the same sugary foods in high quantities causing the same type of liver damage and other diseases resulting (from this damage) including high blood pressure, diabetes, gall bladder disease and heart disease.

If you think it’s barbaric to force a duck or goose to eat large quantities of sugar to destroy its liver, why would you think it’s ok to feed our children this way? Because they like it? Why would you think it’s ok to feed YOURSELF this way?

crap-blast.jpgThere comes a time in everyone’s life when a hard decision must be made. If this explanation doesn’t cause you to “slam on the brakes of reality” and re-think a safer path to navigate, I would like to apologize for my explanation that clearly missed the mark. You see, I have to blame myself, otherwise I would have to believe



  1. That’s cruel and truly barbaric!!! I’m glad I stick with making my own chopped chicken liver – if and when I get in the mood for it. Or I simply pan-fry a slice of liver with onions. (You know – simple, easy and good.)

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    1. Although I wanted to share this “barbaric” practice with ducks and geese, my intent was to make people aware that our families are practicing this same “barbaric” acts by feeding their families the SAME PRODUCTS (SUGAR AND REFINED CARBOHYDRATES) that cause fatty liver disease. The Standard American Diet is creating the same end result to the health of our population as FORCE FEEDING these poor animals. It’s time we wake up and take some responsibility when it comes to the health of our children as well as ourselves.

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      1. Thanks to knowing you and Doctor Lynn, I cut that stuff out ages ago. I haven’t eaten this healthy since I lived at home with my parents !!

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        1. I am so glad you have chosen this path. The benefits are simply amazing.
          I assume your comment means I can place a “check mark” next to your name including you in the group of healthy eaters allowing me to move on to the next BILLION names I have in front me needing assistance! 😀
          Have a great Wednesday!!


  2. The production of Fois Gras is truly awful yet when served in the correct circumstances, it tastes so good…..
    I had never thought of the analogy of our own livers being just as bad but when you consider the amount of crap that humans are fed then it really is no surprise at all…..

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    1. Now, how do we translate ” when you consider the amount of crap that humans are fed then it really is no surprise at all…..,” into action steps to reverse this long term self abusive pattern! People need a reality check as well as SUPPORT to increase self esteem and self value.

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      1. 100% Reality check then 100% support to make the distinction the 100% support with changing. It is the only way.

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        1. Sounds good to me!

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  3. There is such a lack of knowledge. I am always in shock at what families have stacked in their grocery cart. But it is a very complex economic problem. It is easier (and sadly, cheaper) to feed your kids from the fast food dollar menu than to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Your liver analogy is brilliant and frightening all at once.

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    1. Hopefully I can become one voice OF MANY providing credible information to overcome this “lack of knowledge.”
      It is difficult to convince the consumer that it is NOT easier and cheaper to provide less expensive “food like substances.” First we must realize the “serving size” of a meal can be significantly REDUCED without sacrificing satiety if we use the RIGHT food choices. This can keep the cost of healthy grocery bills REASONABLE. Secondly, the expense required to maintain chronic disease over a lifetime because people believe that cheap foods save money is enormous. How many people declare bankruptcy because of medical bills? We must begin to look at the BIG PICTURE and ACTIVELY implement new lifestyles while creating budgets that satisfy our needs and goals.

      Thank you so much for your IMPORTANT comment. People need to see they are not the only one’s that believe healthy lifestyles are too expenseive. They need exposure to alternatives that will satisfy the physical and financial needs.

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      1. My father’s lifetime mantra….”I’d rather spend it on food than on medicine.” We were fortunate, living near the source. All our stuff came direct from butcher, poultry farm, farmer’s markets, local bakeries. Better yet…our own garden. ☺

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        1. Your father was a smart man! Our world has changed so much. The days of going to butchers, farmer’s markets and bakeries have been replaced by the 1 stop grocery store. Today, people want fast and convenient. What they don’t likely realize is the price they will pay for this lifestyle.

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  4. Another post with some scary statistics!

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    1. If you think statistics are scary, you should see the reality “face to face.” Over the years of practice, I have seen more UNNECESSARY disease and conditions than most people realize exists. It somehow is not real until it affects the individual. Then, it becomes the health care field’s responsibility to “undo” it! This model has failed us over and over again, yet the public refuses (to a large extent) to change behaviors and lifestyles to one’s providing the healthiest and happiest outcomes.

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      1. I imagine that the reality really is much worse – even just being out and about, you see plenty of people who obviously do not take care of themselves. Being a doctor, I imagine you see far more of it than the rest of us do just living our lives!

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        1. For many, until it directly affects their lives, they can’t associate (or don’t want to associate) the condition as a threat. A ticking time bomb isn’t dangerous …. until it explodes. The ticking sound is supposed to be a warning. People blind and deafen themselves to reality until it becomes too late. I hope sharing these truths touches people’s lives and provides them meaningful reason to alter their current destructive patterns. It would be so nice if other people cared as much about their own health and well being as I care!


  5. Another difficult message to swallow. To realize the damage we have done for so many years is disheartening. Can this damage be undone? Does stopping the consumption prevent further damage or is it too late?

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  6. Naturally, it depends on the severity; NOT THE SYMPTOMS!! The liver is an amazing organ that can be rehabilitated in many cases. Detoxifying (USING LICENSED PROFESSIONALS) with experience can help restore good health and function to the liver. If people do it incorrectly, the toxins they will release from the liver can cause SERIOUS health problems. To do this properly and gain the real benefits, the procedures are more complicated than a 3 day juicing or a 10 day shake complex.
    Understand how many years of damaging behavior we’re looking to “undo.” To believe it can be done effectively by using a few over the counter products is pretty unlikely.
    For those unwilling to go this route, the very least one can do is move forward by changing one’s lifestyle habits and minimizing our bodies exposure to life challenging toxins found in processed and chemically laden “foods.”

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  7. Thanks for this terrifying post :). I’m heading into a rather busy season at work and one of the first things to go is my healthy eating. The image of that poor animal is going to be what I flash on. If I can’t bear the thought of having it done to an animal why would i inflict it on myself?
    I think ML and I need to start some June meal planning ideas now to avoid making ourselves sick when the going gets tough.

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  8. You’re smart. Planning “before the storm” prepares you so much better and provides greater options in times of distress. I hope these images imprint on people’s minds to help motivate new behaviors with better long term outcomes.

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  9. I just feel better when I eat better. I grew up with the meat, potato and overcooked vegetable generation, plus “clean your plate there are starving children” So portion control is a big thing for me now. All this “super sizing” of food to make you think you’re getting a better deal but you’re really hurting yourself (and your taste buds).

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    1. Most people would feel better given a chance.
      “Super sizing” is marketing for “bigger value.” There should be a foot note adding, “cheaper food equals greater health problems, greater medical costs for treatment and loss of quality of life.” I wonder if people would still attribute cheaper food costs with value then?

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  10. I believe in eating real whole foods. I guess “we are what we eat!”

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    1. Since I just finished a baked sweet potato, I resent the visual imagery a ROUND sweet potato represents! 😀
      Seriously, food is so much more important than people realize. I hope my “redundancy” awakens minds and helps people achieve better quality lives.

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      1. I say, “practice and be an example.” I have no control over what other people do. I can only do my part. Still, I believe that everything we do and say has an impact. We are all connected.

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        1. I agree with you completely.

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  11. First great post…I put it on my Facebook page…also I loved the podcast, you did great…and thumbs up for the HENRY push….its a great Charity and our Cameron is a fantastic soul!!! Never eaten liver, never will…but sure as hell taking better care of mine these days, start each morning with a glass of water with lemon….my morning detox….thank you…Kat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I told Cameron a while back I was scheduled as a guest speaker for this podcast and wanted him to know I supported (BOTH) HENRY and HIM personally. He has been through quite a lot and has made a serious effort to turn his life around. In the process he has developed a desire to help the lives of others as well. These are the type of people I would work my heart out for.

      Nice to see you looking in the mirror these days and liking what’s looking back! All of us need a (gentle diplomatic) kick in the pants on occasion to get us back on track. We’re not perfect, we’re human. The trick is to recognize behaviors and re-direct our focus when we begin to fall back into old destructive patterns of behavior. Owning the truth takes strength and courage; both of which you have demonstrated. I promise the more you find happiness in daily life, the less you will need food for comfort. Addictions feed a need. Take the need away, the addictions follow.
      Stay healthy and happy!


      1. HAs anyone told you lately how wonderful you are?? Well you are!!! Are you going to link your blog up to the podcast??

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you as always for your kind words.
          Placed the podcast on facebook and twitter. Wasn’t certain the blogging community would sit for 30 minutes to listen to a podcast?


          1. you would be surprised!!!

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  12. I really can’t deal with any form of cruelty to animals….I always feel, there just has to be another way. We are being cruel to ourselves by consuming rubbish. Those stats you have are scary !!! Years ago there was a program on TV, called We are what we eat… I think we pretty much… ‘are’ what we eat.

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    1. I purposely placed the picture of the duck being force fed next to the boy “force feeding” french fries into his own mouth to see what kind of response it would elicit. Many comments were directed about the duck and the atrocity. No one shared an empathetic response for the boy and what his future would be.

      The problem is not that we’re heartless; it’s that we don’t truly believe our bad dieting habits will lead to life long chronic diseases. This food is so common for so many Americans it has become a “normal” part of every day living. It’s easy, fast, cheap,convenient and provides a “short term good feeling.” It doesn’t discriminate between rich and poor, black and white, obese and thin. Without knowing what I just described, how many people would think I was talking about recreational DRUGS rather than “FOOD!”

      To change this behavior, each person must experience an Ah-ha moment. Emotionally and consciously, they must relate to the dangers behind the foods they eat. They must understand their health is knowingly be compromised while Big Industries are monetarily profiting.

      They must begin understanding the “land of opportunity” considers the individual no more valuable than grazing farm animals. Most of these animals are given poor quality food and drugs to alter their physiology (making them bigger in shorter periods of time.) Most Americans eat poor quality food and are taking multiple, multiple numbers of drugs as well. Sometimes I wonder if we are competing with farm animals to see which can live a more miserably unhappy life.

      It doesn’t have to be this way. I hope my messages over time begin to create greater awareness. I hope they inspire people to develop a greater sense of self value and self confidence and to stand up for themselves and our society as a whole to reverse this dangerous path we’re following.

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      1. I could not agree more ! My brother has been in the States for over ten years now, and he still is horrified at the way most Americans eat. His South African wife started on the ‘American’ eating band wagon just after they entered the States, and he put his foot down, stating there is no way his kids would be brought up like that…so all is good there now 🙂 .
        We, as humans have to take responsibility for what we eat, we do have the control !!! That poor goose or duck has no control, being forced fed by a feeding tube.
        Trust me, I am sure your message will get through to plenty of people, but this is an on-going mission to reach the masses.

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        1. Your brother is a wise man


  13. I’ve never understood treating animals badly for our “pleasure”. There are many foods we can eat and tastes wonderful, yet without being cruel. Sometimes I want to give up on humanity for their meanness. As for humans and their own cruelty on their bodies…If they want to do that to themselves is one thing, but I do dislike seeing kids so overweight. In some countries, “fat” kids are a sign of wealth. Strange as that may be. I don’t know the “how” to make people understand. I just know for me, health is number one. Yes I do eat “bad” things (Not foie gras) (So sad and now I’m sad about that…) Ice cream, cake, pudding…. but in moderation I can have the treats. Though those being “treats”, I do think a salad from my garden with a boiled egg and homemade dressing a treat too! I suppose the answer is education. But education to open ears. You can talk and teach and educate until your voice is gone, but if on ears that will not listen or hear, is the problem. I have talked and said and on and on and even in my own family, my voice falls on deaf ears (Mom for instance. I can send her vitamins and organic foods. I can stock her cabinets with things that are healthy and good. I’ve changed out all her cleansers and soaps for chemical free ones…yet….) I care Jonathan, but I’m not certain many others do. Please keep these articles coming. If not only to remind the ones that do care, that we are doing something right. Peace be with you. Koko:)

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    1. Thank you Koko. I promise the MISSION WILL MOVE FORWARD!

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  14. I never knew that is how they feed the ducks. How cruel. Thanks for the wake up call though. I find when I am working out my body craves processed foods less and less. Even though I don’t eat too much of it to begin with, its like it knows when I am in shape what can harm it and what can’t. I am always learning something awesome about my health on your posts. Thanks for your contributions and this awesome blog.

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    1. Ironic how most people view the barbaric, cruel behavior aimed at the duck and NOT THE CHILD. People consuming large quantities of SUGARY STARCHY substances (or worse) when it is “forced upon” children to consume is a MAJOR cause of Liver Disease. Most people felt bad for the duck but not the child. I wonder if this disconnect is part of the problem we face in addressing and correcting dietary needs?

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  15. The picture of the “healthy” and “sick” livers alone ought to strike fear into the hearts of us mere mortals. Excellent and important post, Jonathan!

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    1. Unfortunately reality isn’t believed until it afflicts the individual in many cases. What I find just as scary is people are outraged by the ravenous feeding of the duck but not the ravenous consumption by the child (side by side picture in the post.)

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  16. Great post! I agree. I cannot see animals suffering. It’s always very shocking to see how cruel humans can be. I think we don’t need that fancy food. Back to nature and back to a healthy natural lifestyle would probably be better.

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    1. We live in a round world. Doing shameful harm to others (be it human or animals) will eventually catch up with the “harm doers” resulting in some form of harm to oneself. It is just as easy (if not easier) to “inflict” pleasantries onto others as it is to inflict pain. Only those without quality of character choose the destructive path in life.

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