SittingLet’s make this simple! Let’s reduce health to two categories; FOOD and DRUGS.

The fast food industry spends approximately:

4.2 BILLION in advertising to generate approximately 199 billion in sales.

The pharmaceutical industry spends approximately:

30.5 BILLION dollars in advertising to generate approximately 1 trillion in sales.

The largest health food chain (Whole Foods) spends approximately:

20 MILLION dollars in advertising to generate approximately 13 billion in sales.

What do these numbers mean?

FOR THE FAST FOOD INDUSTRY:  Great profits are created by using advertising dollars to promote their industry whose products continue to destroy the health and quality of life of the average consumer.

FOR THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: Even greater profits are created by using advertising dollars to promote their industry whose products are designed to be used (to a large extent) to maintain chronic disease (ex. diabetes, IBS, high blood pressure, cardiac disease, etc…) for the duration of a person’s life without any intent of FIXING the underlying cause of the condition.

FOR THE HEALTH FOOD INDUSTRY: Fewer available advertising dollars and greater out of pocket costs to the consumer creating a false sense of “lesser value” generating less profits for the industry.

We are more comfortable spending our money on foods that offer little nutritional value and destroy our health. We are more comfortable spending our money for prescription drugs that are not designed to fix our problems and commonly cause secondary side effects requiring additional prescriptions, because third party insurance companies are willing to pick up a large part of the tab. We are UNCOMFORTABLE purchasing healthy foods that nourish our bodies and provide our immune systems the information needed to help maintain optimal health because this expense is PERCEIVED AS HAVING LITTLE VALUE.




  1. It’s astounding how many pharmaceutical commercials there are now. They must pay A LOT of money to hire the best marketing wizards to create such pleasant sounding names, and happy people romping through fields, tending to their gardens, and running and playing with their grandkids. Apparently none of the folks in these commercials suffered any of the diarrhea, constipation, headaches, abdominal pain, etc… that are mentioned (at lightening speed) as side effects. Now, I’m seeing a prescription for a new “condition”: OIC. Really? Opioid Induced Constipation? So, we need another drug to counteract the effects of the main drug we are taking? The only people who are romping in the fields are the manufacturers….romping their way to the bank!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. People laugh at the side effects, because they do not believe they pose any serious danger to their lives. They’re WRONG! Every side effect was stated because they happened to countless numbers of people that wound up being recorded during doctor office visits. Can you imagine how many people (out of embarrassment) never scheduled visits with their doctors? How many people suffered side effects that went UNRECORDED? Pharmaceutical drugs ARE DANGEROUS! They KILL over 100,000 lives every year. People need to begin understanding their dangers and need to use them ONLY when appropriate and necessary. In most cases, they DO NOT FIX ANYTHING. At best, they maintain chronic health problems. In most cases they ultimately create secondary problems. Pharmaceuticals will NEVER effectively improve health, IF the patient doesn’t recognize their own responsibility in the process. Prescriptions DO NOT take the place of required lifestyle modifications. Living destructive lifestyles only competes with the prescribed drugs. Ultimately, the drugs (and patient) will lose each time.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I need to retrain how I eat. Over the years we got used to eating bigger meals, cleaning our plates (starving children, waste =sin) so spending money on organic seems like getting less. I cook our meals, but know there is less nutrition in some of the produce if it’s not organic. Need to subtly change, husband is old school meat and potatoes guy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s not only about less nutrition. It’s also about the dangerous pesticides, herbicides, fungicides,heavy metals, genetically modified organisms (GMO’s,)contaminated sewage sludge, antibiotics, growth hormones, etc… When we think in terms of more or less nutrition in food, value and cost become legitimate concerns. When, instead, we recognize the dangers in most non organic foods, we see and understand the health dangers which creates legitimate justification to purchase organic foods. This perspective might help you justify better choices.

      One strategy to get the husband onboard is to ask his primary physician about his “nutritional needs.” Husbands are more prone to follow their doctor’s advice than their spouses. Improving his food selections will simply be following the advice of his physician. I was used by MANY spouses for this purpose while in practice.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. donutsplace · · Reply

      Most of the foods they call “organic” now are not really. But they don’t want you to know that.
      And the sneaky thing is now the labels are all saying that and of course..non gmo…right.
      They can change packaging labels real quick, but NOT the product, whether it Is meat or vegetables.
      Did they grow these things roght overnight?
      No I don’t think so. No.
      If you can, buy local. But even then, you have to know the person who grows it. What do they feed their animals with? Feed from the feedstore? And…that has what already in it? Yes that. And corn usually which is raised how? Big M is most always sprayed on that.
      I saw a farmer guy planting his nice little veggies in the dirt. BUT, before he planted them, it was sprayed with roundup….what does that tell you?
      Choose your grower wisely.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. you have to be soooo vigilant!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. That is true, but not really surprising. I have found most things of value in life (like one’s health) require hard work, discipline and persistence. If we aren’t willing to put the effort into our own health, where is there greater value in life?

          Liked by 1 person

        2. donutsplace · · Reply

          True. Just because they “say” organic, doesn’t mean It really Is! It makes It harder to tell.
          Well, to me, if it is a BIG company and all of a sudden it says organic, that raises a red flag to me.
          They can’t grow them overnight.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. What an eye-opening post. Thank you !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Lynne. This is one reason we need to see your healthy recipes. We need to show the world that delicious healthy options are available that satisfy taste AND nutritional needs of the body.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. So much advertising is directed at children too (in terms of fast-food and other junk food). There have been some measures taken to address this but not nearly enough.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I agree with you completely. Major industries that have been impacted negatively in the U.S. are taking their products to the emerging markets and attempting to increase profits in these areas of the world. This will only create greater disease including Obesity in these countries while generating new sources of revenue for these major industries. At what point do ethics and morals find their way into the minds and hearts of those powerful industry leaders?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. donutsplace · · Reply

        Most of these countries have no moral ethics.
        Even our chicken goes to another country and then back to ours. Ever wonder what they do to it?
        Plus some countries use DDT there in their country and ship it to ours. Because it is banned here. For now.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sounds like you have done some research. Many truths are withheld from our society. Getting the consumer to listen to these facts without being accused of “conspiracy theorists” is a challenge. We need to objectify our comments without letting emotions overrun us. We must “share” ideas rather than “impose” them. I hope this blog site helps awaken minds willing to respectfully challenge controversial topics.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d never seen these numbers – they are incredible (not in a good way)!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. People need to be exposed to reality if change is going to occur. It takes persistence as well as patience to win people over and gain their trust to try new paths in life. Anger and frustration with the current system can help tip the scales in favor of healthier living. We live in an amazing world with unbelievable opportunities, but these opportunities require GOOD HEALTH!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. donutsplace · · Reply

      Read on the internet. And not the mainstream news. They will not tell the truth to you.
      All this stuff started way back..and is getting worse everyday.
      Even your pet foods are at risk. They even change where they are from on the labels. And they can get around it by the wording of it.
      I read somewhere about the barcodes. The numbers tell where it is from. Unless they have even changed that now.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Ahhh. Thank you for that. I never thought about asking our doctor, we are so lucky, only each of us on low dose bp meds. He thinks he is still 17

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad to hear your prescription needs are minimal. I’m not as young as you husband. I think I’m 28 (even though I’m more than double that! 😀 ) Get your doctor involved and witness the new changes your husband will accept (not love, but accept) regarding better food choices.
      Stay healthy and happy!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. After reading these alarming statistics it is easy to understand how Americans and citizens world wide have fallen prey to poor eating habits.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The question becomes, is knowing these statistics enough to get people to question current unhealthy patterns of behavior in favor of healthier choices? By exposing these truths, hopefully the urgency for needed change will be realized.
      Thank you for always sharing your thoughts.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. donutsplace · · Reply

      I would trust other certain countries..before ours. The countries that are burning food from our country. The countries that are smart, will not let them in.
      Seeds included.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Wow – these statistics are amazing. Thankfully, I learned early in life that ‘you are what you eat’. That said, it was only recently that I started going to an acupuncturist and she told me that I shouldn’t eat raw foods. It was obvious to her on our first meeting that I had problems digesting uncooked foods – something that my medical doctor simply wanted to medicate. After I removed raw foods from my diet – my tummy problems were cured.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Understanding nutrition is an important key to many health care imbalances (illnesses.) Without any training in this area, the medical field can only rely on the symptomatic care they typically provide. It must be incredibly frustrating to many doctors to provide treatments (prescriptions) that never address the underlying causes for the conditions their patients present with. Your case is a classic example. You didn’t have stomach/intestinal problems because of a prescription deficiency; your problem was based on a compromised digestion issue. Once your acupuncturist found the cause of the weakness, your body restored ITSELF to a healthy balance (equals no more “tummy problems!”) This is what I define as good quality doctoring.
      Thank you for sharing your story. Have a relaxing and fun weekend. 🙂


      1. donutsplace · · Reply

        Eating fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, saurkraut and some bread starters are so much better for you.
        Most of our problems start in the gut.
        Inflammation is a main cause for most illnesses.
        I know that sounds strange, but true.


        1. It sounds like you have some background in health and nutrition. As a physician it does NOT sound strange at all to hear that “inflammation is a main cause for most illnesses.” I couldn’t agree more!! There is lots of credible evidence showing the mind-gut relationship and its impact on health. The microbiome is a world we are first beginning to understand. It is a key to immune function and metabolic function.
          I look forward to future comments from you. You add great value to readers of this site. Thank you so much for contributing.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. donutsplace · · Reply

            Thank you for the compliment.
            I have been reading and studying about health and nutrition since I was 14.
            And about the games they play with other peoples lives. It is sad, but true.
            Back in the early days of disease, they found that just the simple act of controlling a plague or epidemic was washing hands. And how clean some things were. All down through history we learn ( or hopefully we do. )
            Today we have much more things thrown at us. More lethal things.
            But I still believe the cure for everything is still out there.
            They just have to get past the greed stage. Pharma knows the cure to cancer. So do some others. Unfortunatley those others were killed in order to prevent that knowledge to be known to others.
            I guess a person could say, “Greed is the killer in many things.”
            If we do not change, we are doomed. We are at the edge of it all collapsing. Earth and health.
            We do not need another planet to go live on because we destroyed this one. They would destroy that one too.
            First a person has to learn to take care of what you have. Including your health.
            IF a person could grow their own food, just think of the health benefits we would reap.
            Better food that is not processed or wrapped with chemicals. No fast foods that really do not offer a whole lot for us.
            I do know that some produce I the stores undergo many unhealthy “treatments.” Including our spices.
            It is best to grow your own and it CAN be done no matter where you might live.
            Common problem is most have lost the ways of growing food. Or they just don’t want to take the time.
            It doesn’t really take a lot of time, depending where and how you do it.
            Even in poor countries. 35 gallons of water can grow a LOT of food. But yet, that idea has not even been shared or told to them. Again….that would be greed and population control.
            Who told us that we could tell people to quit having babies and the world is over populated??? We are not God. He is the one who knows these things.
            I see many lands without people on it.
            I figure if a family had about 4 or 5 acres each and grow their own food, It Is sustainable. And can be.
            Verticle growing is also good for tiny places. Or even big places.
            Our job should be to teach each other the values of healthy living and most of all love. Caring for each other.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. You are consumed by wonderful expressive emotions. Teach the world your knowledge. I recommend, however, you do so in a manner that doesn’t add fear to a person already confused about life. I think many of your points are valid, but I am concerned that people may respond defensively unable to accept many of the facts you share. Please accept this opinion in a constructive manner because I think you are an amazing person who has opened her eyes to reality and committed herself to a better life.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. donutsplace · · Reply

                Yes, I realise what you are saying.
                It is what I call, “system overload.” 🙂
                Or…TMI ..too much..

                Liked by 1 person

  9. Very enlightening!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The statistics create a better understanding why we face the problems we do. Hopefully, people will reconsider their choices having better insight and a new understanding of the real dangers that exist.
      Your Frittata post looked delicious today! Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. donutsplace · · Reply

    Yes, it isn’t surprising to me. I learned much of these “certain places ” really did not care for a persons health when I was 15. And it steadily worsened as the years went by.
    I don’t know how many people are paying attention to these things.
    One example, tv food commercials show globs of artery clogging foods that also make a person gain weight. But….now “they” are blaming people for being overweight. Yes, it can do that to you. But, also the GMO foods will also make you gain weight. But not many are addressing that issue. They want to bury that one.
    So WHY do they allow all the fast foods and fat foods to be shown on tv IF they are that concerned?
    Because it makes others rich.
    And anything that has high fructose in it is terribly bad for you. And that is usually the second ingredient on the label.
    White four and sugar are two of the worst things you can eat. Yet they have many people addicted to it.
    If we ate right, we would have a lot less health problems.
    But they don’t want that. Not good for business.
    And even the “weather problems” are not helping.
    Some know who that is. Its not a conspiracy. It is a fact.
    People have to pay more attention to what is being done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like you have a lot of concerns to “lift off your shoulders.” I’m glad to hear you airing your concerns. Stress reduction is as important to health as quality eating.
      I share many of your concerns. This is one of the reasons I started this blog site. I hope to share a perspective with the world in a respectful manner to open their eyes to “happenings” they might not be exposed to. I will never impose my beliefs, but will work diligently to create greater awareness so people can make better informed decisions about their lives.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. donutsplace · · Reply

        I dont impose my beliefs. I just state facts form reputable sources.
        Whether a person cares or chooses not to believe, that is up to them.
        People need to be educated.
        Stress? I really don’t have a lot of stress. People can choose their own way of life. And choose to be either educated enough to know or not. If they chose not to be educated in health, then that person will have made their own choice.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I did not intend to suggest that you were imposing your beliefs. I was simply trying to explain my intent, because some may feel I am trying to “tell them what to do.” Like you stated, I am sharing information for those looking for alternative choices.
          I love your passion and your desire to help inform people about topics often avoided by our media. The more frequently people hear these ideas (from multiple people) the more they begin to question status quo. Keep up the good work. Change requires time, patience and persistence.

          Liked by 2 people

  11. donutsplace · · Reply

    Yes they pay a lot.
    And for all the new fantastic drugs to help you that is shown on tv….read the fine print and listen to the side affects. It sounds worse than the problem the person has. And it seems to mention suicide or death on many of these…certainly not a prescription I would want to take!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. People do not truly believe (to a large extent) the health risks and complications pharmaceuticals can cause. They feel if these drugs really produced these horrible results, they would not be on the market for use. THEY ARE WRONG! They are dangerous, although there certainly are cases where they qualify as a reasonable component when addressing certain health problems. Pharmaceuticals are RARELY the answer by themselves. People must be prepared to take better responsibility for their lives.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. donutsplace · · Reply

        I agree.

        Liked by 2 people

  12. Awesome Blog!…”Follow the money trail”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. For me, the term, “investing in your future” takes on a whole new meaning when the investing dollars come from large profiting companies whose products often destroy lives.

      Liked by 2 people


    Liked by 1 person

  14. Great post….but the picture is a little disturbing….I can’t help but think of all the joints that she is putting trauma on…LOL great post….I have been more than cautious with the food we have been buying here…living so close to the fields where they are being plucked from the dirt they grow in and being sold at the local fruit and veg stand along side the road gives you a false sense of fresh, and organic…anything but I am thinking….so soaking and washing to extra limits have been taking place in my house…I have yet to find organic anywhere but the grocery stores, (big box)…so I am not sure if they are real or not….I have no other means to get my fruit and vegies….thanks for the info….kat

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have switched to 90+% of my food coming from grocery stores with the certified organic labels. In my opinion, it is just too dangerous to consume the quantity of vegetables and fruits we are supposed to and expose ourselves to the toxic spraying of these products (or the genetically altered crops.) This is a serious concern of mine.
      Hope you had a wonderful weekend.


      1. thanks….kat

        Liked by 2 people

  15. donutsplace · · Reply

    I understand. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. donutsplace · · Reply

    I think we can learn a lot form a acupuncturist. They have been doing this for centuries.
    I once saw a documentary on a open heart surgery on a man. He was fully awake, but was in no pain.
    I don’t think I would like to see my chest open, but the point is, they didn’t even have to administer anything to put him to sleep like our western doctors.
    Anesthesia can be deadly if not done right. But with this method, there was no need.
    I think we can all learn from different countries. How to eat healthy, have healthy bodies and feel so much better.
    Especially if eating junk foods or fast foods.
    It may take awhile, but try baby steps, one day at a time. And soon it will seem a normal way of life for us all.
    We have been taught wrongly, but we can undo the wrong. 🙂
    The good thing is the body can regenerate itself in many areas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are so many practitioners we can learn from. Homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopaths, ayurvedic, eastern medicine, functional medicine etc…. All these providers have value and skill. As a society, we would be so much better off having a “team” approach to addressing health issues. If only egos didn’t get in the way!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. donutsplace · · Reply

    I believe in these things.
    And I love essential oils too. I make tinctures for many uses.
    One I really like I make for my dog. She is allergic to fleas and causes her skin to really get in bad shape if I do not pay attention.
    It works better than what the vets charge and it is totally natural. And it also gets rid of the fleas as well as make the skin better. And natural.
    Cats are very different in what essential oils they can have.
    But I use the oils for myself also. They work. And they also can change your mood to being really relaxed. Same for herbal teas. And so much cheaper than going to a doctor.
    I have several books that are really good on the information.
    You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand it. Little by little, you can learn.
    Also, on the commercials for pesticides, what do they usually spray? A “weed”. You might know the one i am talking about.
    Did you know that weed is really valuable?? It is also for diabetics as well as for other things. It is edible in salads, and the root used for making a coffee or even wine. It is one of the most valuable plant that grows about everywhere.
    And yet this commercial wants you to kill it with their spray.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Big Industries aren’t concerned about the benefits our planet NATURALLY offers; they are concerned about selling products to generate revenue (in some cases, regardless of the cost to human lives.)


  18. donutsplace · · Reply

    I forgot to say this plant is a dandelion.
    When I drive along in the country, I see medicine.
    Other people see weeds. And where I live, they are everywhere.
    Even different mushrooms are valuable for your immune system. But, I would definitely suggest yout go with someone who knows them and have a guide. Because some can be deadly.
    Or you can order kits of them online, so you know what it is. Dogs can also take certain kinds of mushrooms too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for adding this. I assumed this was the “weed” you were referring to. Green Med Info. has written articles about this. This would be a good reference site for you.

      Hippocrates quoted, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” There is a lot of wisdom in your thinking.


  19. Advertisements crack me up. The warnings are even funnier. I don’t understand how anyone would want to take any medication with the warnings that say it “can” cause any harm…is beyond me. My family know me as the “research” girl. I research everything. It’s the best thing I can do for my family is passing on what I’ve learned. I want us all healthy and anyone that comes into my home knows this. My kid’s friends ask me for health advice all the time. Being healthy and staying healthy is what we should strive for and the key to good health is information. Thank you for being the information we can trust! Take care and be well! Koko:)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think I will make my next project the “Cloning of Koko” and placing you throughout the world so people can witness how to achieve balance among work, play, exercise, home remodeling, gardening and family responsibilities. I need more Koko’s to spread this important message.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That goes ditto for cloning you too! Doc, you made my day. Have an awesome one yourself. Take care! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Always appreciate your kind words, your limitless energy and your smiling face! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  20. I absolutely LOVE this post Doc. With your permission I shall re-blog as a post this week.
    It is totally the most ass backward society we are exposed to and it is up to the individual to make the changes but it is very difficult as you say when we are so bombarded with advertising that ensures the cycle simply perpetuates itself.
    Well written Doctor J 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I appreciate your willingness to share this blog with your readers. Anytime you see a message you would like to pass forward, feel free to do so. I write these articles to share this information with the world. Anyone that wishes to help is always appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay. I shall remember this and share whenever I am able. Thanks Doc.

        Liked by 1 person

  21. Reblogged this on The worlds biggest fridge magnet and commented:
    Good Afternoon world and thanks for tuning in to another day here on Planet Magnet. I hope this hump day finds you as busy as me with no regard for it being a hump day.
    In fact there is little time for regard of much today although one thing that stopped me in my tracks this morning was a post by my friend Dr Jonathan at All About Healthy Choices.
    So much so did it stop me in my tracks that I feel that anything I could write today would pale into insignificance compared to this. To that end I have decided to re-blog his post (with Dr J’s permission) and let you guys read it for yourself.
    Even if you have read it already, please read it again and digest it because it is ALARMING to say the least.

    Any way, enjoy this post.

    ‘Till tomorrow,
    Stay out of the fridge.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. At the very least, we will get people to listen; at the very most we will help people take control of their lives and follow a course in life of their choosing. Thank you as always.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. So very true. I am not a clinician, but have worked in a large hospital organization for over 17 years. The model is changing – slowly. You are right, however, it doesn’t generate the income (which causes other healthcare fallouts) because we as consumers seem to be more reactive spenders instead of proactive. Great post! More need to understand.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much. I appreciate your added comment which helps readers see perspectives independent of my writing. I welcome your contributions anytime you feel inclined to do so. I also like the diversification in your blog site.
      Stay healthy and happy.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Wow! Eye-opening! I found myself laughing at the pics for a bit, too;)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Eye opening is more fun when a face can smile. It makes the harsh reality a little more bearable! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes it does:)

        Liked by 2 people

  24. Healthy Not Nuts · · Reply

    Definitely Ass backwards. We have run into instances including friends, family and acquaintances who refuse to spend money on good food whether it be at the grocery store or a particular restaurant. I just don’t get it, a lot of them have or make plenty of money but buying organic meat and vegetables is “too expensive” to even consider. Or, going to a nice restaurant that offers a nice atmosphere, good service and higher quality food is out of the question because they can buy the “same” meal at a restaurant that clearly uses the cheapest ingredients for under $10.00. Really, people? I can understand if money is an issue but in the cases I’m talking about, they are not hurting, if you know what I mean. Dominoes pizza every other night vs either making your own good food or if you are too busy, there is a great restaurant right behind our townhomes that has good, healthy options and they will pack it up if you want to take it home. I get so mad… Ok, I’m done ranting but thank you for providing the opportunity to rant on this subject. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This proves that people do not place VALUE on healthy food choices. In general, they do not “feel” the tangible difference between grass fed organic beef and lower cost ground beef. Internally they do not realize the damage and toxicity they are creating. Unfortunately for many, time will catch up with them and the cost will likely be high.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. I have to show my passion for your kind-heartedness supporting those people who absolutely need guidance on this particular concept. Your special commitment to passing the message along became pretty powerful and has continuously allowed others like me to attain their desired goals. This valuable guideline entails a great deal to me and substantially more to my office colleagues. Thanks a lot; from everyone of us.


  26. Thank you for sharing superb informations. Your site is so cool. I am impressed by the details that you have on this site. It reveals how nicely you perceive this subject. Bookmarked this web page, will come back for extra articles. You, my pal, ROCK! I found just the information I already searched everywhere and just could not come across. What a perfect web-site.


  27. I have to show my passion for your kind-heartedness supporting those people who absolutely need guidance on this particular concept. Your special commitment to passing the message along became pretty powerful and has continuously allowed others like me to attain their desired goals. This valuable guideline entails a great deal to me and substantially more to my office colleagues. Thanks a lot; from everyone of us.


  28. Thank you for every other excellent article.I’ve a presentation next week, and I have found what I can add in my speech. Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to have added something useful for you to share in your presentation.


  29. Some nice points there. Do not get afraid to spread your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

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