Standing At The HelmUpon awakening each day a similar thought goes through my mind; what fun experiences lie ahead.  My intentions are to focus on these experiences and enjoy the challenges that accompany them. Reality, however, sometimes uncovers “energy draining” events that filter into many days that create such imbalances, it makes the whole day feel like an epic failure. These feelings of despair are often out of proportion. I have come to realize this when objectively evaluating what actually took place. I may have had 8 or 9 great experiences and maybe 1-2 “energy draining ones.” What makes our reality focus on the 1-2 negative events resulting in a “bad day” when 8-9 great experiences occurred during the same time frame? It is my opinion, this process is caused by an:

absentee “LEADER” at the helm.

We begin viewing ourselves as victims of unfortunate circumstances rather than “leaders” directing our own paths in life. This concept is important to understand because it provides an inner strength necessary to effectively balance the good and bad events that occur in our lives on a daily basis. Whether the events of a given day are as mundane as a leaky water faucet or as serious as a diagnosis of cancer, we can throw our hands in the air and blame destiny on fate or stand at the helm and navigate our way down a self directed path seeking the best possible outcome.

The following 5 minute video is an example of a person who decided to stand at the helm and approach the diagnosis of cancer with clarity and a plan of action to overcome this imbalance (disease.) She viewed the chemotherapy treatment recommendation by her oncologist as too aggressive in nature requiring poisonous chemicals to attack her body and immune system. She didn’t believe the path to restored LONG TERM HEALTH was best achieved by KILLING HEALTHY functioning cells full of essential vitality along with cancerous cells. Instead she chose a treatment that followed a path that nourished HEALTHY cells while providing an unfriendly environment to cancerous cells interfering with their ability to thrive and survive. Please view her story.

Life is full of so many unknowns. There are circumstances certainly beyond our control. Regardless, we can choose to passively stand by and accept other people dictating our choices and directing our lives or


directing and utilizing those we believe possess knowledge, expertise and a willingness to compassionately offer their guidance and utilize their skills when making SELF DIRECTED choices in life.


  1. It is amazing to me how much potential lies in the medicines to be found outside hospital walls!

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  2. We have been trained to believe that health can only be restored through UNnatural healing (pharmaceuticals.) Rather than seeking healthy symbiotic relationships with our environmental surroundings, our health care providers believe good health equates with pharmaceutical DEATH to bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. This has resulted in mutations and the creation of “super bugs.”
    We have the tools that naturally strengthen our bodies and protect us from potential harm. Our biggest enemy is likely found within us. If we were willing to follow lifestyles that promoted healthy outcomes, our need for chemicals with residual negative side effects would significantly lessen.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m going to +1 this comment because you’ve said it and I know it’s your core philosophy. Keep beating this drum, doctor. We’re listening. xo

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      1. Thank you for your encouragement. Hopefully the words I write resonate in the minds of fellow readers encouraging reflection and consideration to begin following a path in life that creates purpose and meaning for those seeking a “new beginning.” There is so much positive in this world; we can’t let the “noise” of those incapable of adding value to our lives dominate our thoughts. As we develop the skills to tune them out, our ability to perceive sharpens making our choices in life simpler. I focus on the principles of health, but the concepts apply to life in general. Everyone has opportunity to grow as individuals if they are willing to learn from their own personal experiences in life. Adapting and modifying behavior as a result of these experiences helps us achieve further growth. Habitual destructive patterns become the greatest hindrance in this process. This is the battle I have chosen to fight. I believe it is worth every ounce of frustration I experience. If the people in this world aren’t worth fighting for, what is?
        Wishing you continued happiness on your path in life.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you so much. You’re doing excellent work.

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  3. Thank you for posting this. Where can I find this video? I would like to share this with my dughter’s mother who was diagnosed with cancer.

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  4. After you click on the video on my blog site you will see (on the lower right side) the words “You Tube.” If you click on those words, it will take you directly to the video on the You Tube site. You can copy the URL directly from You Tube. I hope this helps.


  5. What a wonderful story of hope and positive thinking! Our mindset and attitude has so much to do with our healing. Her commitment to change and eating the right foods took discipline, but the results were fanstastic. Very inspiring.

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    1. Passing important information on to readers without seeking any form of compensation is a mission I have chosen to undertake. There is great joy in helping others; especially those people without resources. It is important for all readers to experience credible ideas without concern for hidden motives. I realize, however, that real people suffering real conditions offer an added level of credibility and value that I can’t portray in my writings. This was the purpose of including this video. It bridged the words of advice I offer through my writing with the action steps taken by this courageous woman to address a horrible diagnosis.
      Readers need to be exposed to real people using rational healthy approaches to addressing diseases including cancer that achieve positive outcomes. These are NOT miracle cases; they are people who have chosen an applied natural approach to help the body overcome a state of immune compromise. This approach works because it provides the body the tools needed to return itself to a state of balance. Sometimes I think the simplicity and beauty in this approach causes those marred with financial interests to create fear and skepticism in order to maintain our current often inhumane system of health care.

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  6. This video is amazing. What a wonderful gift this women will be able to share with hundreds if not thousands of people she comes across. It reminds me of Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God meant it for good, to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”. Thank you for sharing this video and post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Pamela. I hope many people have a chance to watch this powerful video. We must never fear the limitations others (including health care providers) impose. Good options can usually be found with a little due diligence. By opening our minds to new ideas and new approaches in life, we reap the benefits that so few afford themselves.

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  7. Do you know book she was referring to? I’m sure that you do! I am going to read it while I’m off. It makes me sad that I only met you AFTER my dad died from his cancer treatment (I’m sure it was the radiation that killed and weakened him). I wasn’t aware of any of this and I wish that I had been. To be honest, I doubt he would have believed me and he would have went through with chemo/radiation anyway, but I could have at least tried. I want to be informed in case this awful disease ever comes knocking again (and I sure hope that it doesn’t).

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    1. I’m not certain which book she references, however, it’s the concept (not necessarily the specific book) which is important. Gentle detoxifying (while HEALTHY) makes the most sense to me. There are Liver, Gall Bladder and GI tract cleanses using NATURAL FOODS and PRODUCTS that effectively do the job. Detoxifying should be done under the supervision of a qualified licensed professional, because there are possible negative side effects.

      Many people have heard the phrase, “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.” If something is impaired, but functioning, should we consider it broken? I do. I believe the best form of care is an ongoing nurturing form of care. Provide what is needed to restore and maintain maximal function and performance BEFORE more serious complications develop.

      If a weakness persists and permits disease to overtake the body, we must address the CAUSE (which might be as simple as recognizing STRESS as the culprit weakening immune function.) Our first response in most cases is to place “something” (OTC meds, prescriptions, etc…) into the body to cause change. Unless the condition is acute and life threatening, we must provide our bodies the tools necessary to heal itself. If this doesn’t solve the problem we step up the approach with the next LEAST INVASIVE approach. Ultimately, there are situations that require pharmaceutical intervention. It is my belief that this is the best approach and most practical use of pharmaceuticals.

      People are fearful of CANCER. They turn to the only sources they know; the oncologists. It is important to realize that good options exist outside of western medicine. When people are willing to allow REASON to dominate FEAR they are ready to pursue various effective non medical approaches (sometimes congruent with medical treatments.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I should have read this response before I replied to the other one! Thank you 🙂

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  8. Oh, and which detoxes she is referring to as well…I assume they are in the book!

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    1. I mentioned in the last response that Liver, Gall Bladder and GI tract are the three areas most commonly discussed. Kidney flushes can be performed as well especially if people are prone to infections.

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      1. Do you believe in detoxes? Doesn’t the body naturally detox?

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  9. I absolutely understand EXACTLY what you say about 1 or 2 shitty thoughts consuming and overtaking the many other good things that happen in a day. This woman really is amazing. Firstly to have the strength to change her life through following her beliefs and secondly for saying what she said because you can guarantee there will be many pissed off “Cancer” companies when they hear this….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She is brave AND fortunately NOT UNIQUE. There are many more people turning to PROVEN methods that address the imbalances our bodies experience allowing for all sorts of disease processes to occur INCLUDING cancer. The media does not support these efforts very often. I suppose the billions of advertising dollars pharmaceuticals invest in media cause a conflict of interest . Even so, more and more people are being exposed to this wonderful approach to HEALTH achieving marvelous outcomes restoring and maintaining restored health to the body AND mind.

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      1. The media should get behind EVERY possible chance of a cure.
        End of story.
        Advertising be damned.

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        1. I mirror your feelings as well as your frustrations, but need to find a better solution that takes into account the political and financial conflicts that honest objective media reporting creates. There are solutions, it just takes some creative thinking.

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          1. I agree with that. I know form small acorns do mighty oaks grow but I find there is so much head banging against the wall and getting tired of the sound of ones own voice it is a wonder where we might even start…..

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  10. The information you provide your readers is so valuable! Thank you so much for all the hard work you do in writing your very informative blog. You are always spot on. Cheers

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your words of encouragement are always inspiring. For me, it’s all about PASSION and PURPOSE. I have great passion for health, life and people and want to help those interested in seeking a better path in life to achieving THEIR goals. This, I believe, is my purpose. This is my definition of “living the dream.”


  11. great post and amazing video…..thanks…..

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  12. Thanks, Kat. It’s nice to know we are not as limited in our choices to face intimidating diagnoses as some of us may think. GOOD options are available and need to be offered to the public. The health care system does not have the right to dictate any form of treatment. It is their responsibility to share options to provide the patient with proper informed consent. Leaving out qualitative natural options offered by some licensed physicians is both immoral and unethical. It is stories like this that adds another level of credibility to options often left undiscussed between physicians and patients.


  13. Inspiring! I was diagnosed with high stage 3 colon cancer January 2011, had surgery and was told had to start chemo immediately, to make a long story short after 2 rounds of an 8 round protocol over 6 months, I woke up blind for about 5 seconds(later found due to steroids), that was it for me, I was done with chemo, started doing research and now over 5 years cancer free, my life is totally changed. Have not consumed red meat in 5 years and don’t miss it, 70% of my diet is raw fruits and vegetables, most importantly dedicated my life to Christ, and really started paying attention to what the Bible had to say about the way we should eat! As it relates to my mental well being I look to Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart does good like medicine…”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are another wonderful testimony showing all readers that options truly exist outside of pharmaceutical exclusivity. The medical approach is just ONE of many options patients diagnosed with cancer have to choose from. My concern with the traditional medical approach is the arrogance it portrays. Our system dictates care and places unrelenting fear in the patient if they do not follow this protocol creating the impression good alternative options do not exist. This is BOTH, unethical and immoral.
      Stay healthy and use ALL tools available to maintain a balanced life.

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  14. I really love your sentiment here; grab the helm and take control of your life! We can’t prevent bad things from happening of course, but we can sure choose what and how to think about them.

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    1. There are certainly factors we can’t control, but that doesn’t mean we have to passively wait for life to pass us by. It is up to each of us to decide whether we choose to live life or simply be entities in life. There is no right or wrong answer UNLESS you choose one, but live the other.

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      1. Very true. 🙂

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  15. I too make health decisions that are unpopular with the medical profession. They have a need to be omnipotent so blast patients with all guns blazing …

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    1. Ironically, we (the patients) are the EMPLOYERS! If they are not LISTENING and working WITH US to help US decide the best path to take, I suggest we fire them! There are plenty of good doctors; we simply have to interview them until we find a good match.

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  16. Absolutely, my father always said if you’re not getting good service then go elsewhere! I tried three GP’s in the same practice until I found one that would actually Listen to me … they thought I was doctor shopping? The arrogance, others may have the learning but struggle to communicate and every single relationship we have is really about “Communication”!

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