The Ticking Time Bomb

LFTH_heartdisease_476x284Lub Dub, Lub Dub, Lub Dub, Lub Dub is the normal sound the heart makes when auscultated (listened to with a stethoscope.) The number one cause of cardiovascular disease is known as C.A.D. (coronary artery disease.) This causes more than 600,000 deaths annually in the United States. Approximately 1 out of 4 people will develop this condition. The most common early symptom experienced from this condition is NOTHING. Slowly, arteries begin thickening as plaque builds up decreasing the circumference of the artery the blood passes through. As the artery narrows, pressure in the blood vessel increases (similar to placing your thumb over a garden hose.) This resistance in the blood vessel makes the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the body. Since the heart is made of muscle, this increased energy requirement causes it to enlarge over time. As it enlarges, it thickens making it less effective at doing its job. Over time, the heart’s ability to perform its task diminishes, preventing people from pursuing their dreams and desires in life.

When we overwork a muscle, we must give it a chance to heal before it is capable of full function without restrictions. Unfortunately, the heart doesn’t have the luxury of taking time off to recover. As the plaque continues to accumulate inside the arteries, oxygen exchange that occurs in the lungs becomes hampered. Oxygen is a chemical compound needed that fuels the cells of our body necessary for everyday living. As we begin to deprive the body of this chemical compound, all systems become affected and function below par levels.

At this point in the disease process, SYMPTOMS COMMONLY DO NOT EXIST. The liver begins losing its ability to filter toxic substances which begin to accumulate in the body. Increased blood pressure in the kidneys begin damaging structures that allow protein to spill out in the urine. This shows evidence of kidney disease. The immune system becomes compromised because too many organs are permitting too many toxins to be released into the body too quickly. Various infections begin to slowly accumulate in the body weakening the immune system. At this point in the disease process, SYMPTOMS COMMONLY DO NOT EXIST.

At this point in this article, you have read 353 words that demonstrate the reality of cardiovascular disease, yet SYMPTOMS HAVE NOT BEEN PRODUCED. I have provided only a few examples of the hundreds of damaging effects that cardiovascular disease causes WITHOUT necessarily causing any symptoms to the recipient.

What do most people use to determine their status of health?


This is why this prevalent disease kills so many lives annually. The good news is, you can dramatically reduce your chances for developing this disease and prevent contributing your name to the statistics. Interestingly, where the degenerative disease process that kills over 600,000 people may demonstrate NO SYMPTOMS, the preventative approach to healthy living creates plenty of SYMPTOMS. They are as follows:

  1. Anger – Dietary habits need to encourage healthy patterns of eating by consuming the right foods to nourish the body and maximize its ability to function. Most people do not want to change their lifestyle. This makes them angry. I encourage the realization that healthy quality living provides many more opportunities for happiness and fulfillment than diets that promote disease and death.

  2. Frustration – People must learn what changes they need to make to promote healthy living. Our society likes status quo. We have spent years in primary and secondary school, possibly college, possibly graduate school and now are being asked to once again learn information that will reduce our chances of killing ourselves in a painful meaningless way. This begins to feel more like a new source of stress than a solution to disease. Once we realize the benefits far outweigh the cons, the ability to change becomes more palatable.

  3. Resentment – Living in the United States grants us many rights including the freedom of decision making. We believe that no one has the right to tell anyone else how they should live. By law, they’re correct. Where is that fine line between personal choice and personal responsibility. Many of us have spouses, children and extended families that rely on us physically, financially and emotionally? Are we truly resenting being told what to do or resenting the fact that our lifestyle has placed us in a situation aiming us toward an early grave?

Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your view on HEALTH. Maybe symptoms are not the best criteria to determine whether changes in lifestyle are needed. Maybe the EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS experienced when changing to a healthy lifestyle are worth seeing your children grow up or celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary. Maybe we have to prioritize our lives differently to help motivate a new self reliant behavior; one that seeks purpose and meaning rather than fries and a coke. Maybe it’s time to stand in front of that mirror with unyielding conviction and commitment to reverse the course of disease that has likely begun WITHOUT NECESSARILY EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS!

Has this article created a new perspective on HEALTH and a new understanding that SYMPTOMS are a poor measure of HEALTH?


  1. Yes! Can feel your passion here! Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much. It is difficult to convince people that symptoms are a poor gauge of health. I do not think that most people understand the complexity and the interrelationship all the systems of the body have on one another. By demonstrating how much can go wrong without any symptomatic awareness, I hope people begin to recognize the importance that health maintenance plays in avoiding the path that 1 in 4 Americans travel.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s great that you are spreading awareness here. I’m 100% with you!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. billgasiamis · · Reply

    Great read. I have read many articles on the effect of anger on the heart, Many studies have found that anger can lead to an increased risk of heart disease.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Anger is all part of that sympathetic nervous system responsible for the “flight or fight response.” Prolonged stimulation weakens the body and its immune system and permits all types of opportunistic diseases. Cardiac function can be dramatically altered from unresolved anger issues.
      Thank you for taking the time to add your commentary. It is important that people be exposed to this information.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good stuff here and I completely agree that by the time actual symptoms emerge much damage has been done. I like your idea of better explaining the benefits of being around longer and in good condition for your family. Sadly it usually takes a health scare for people to start seeing the light, no pun intended…;)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree with you. I hope this article creates better awareness of how much damage can occur without any symptoms. I do not think the average person realizes how much our bodies adapt and compensate before they no longer are capable. It is important for people to modify lifestyles (not seek perfection.) The healthiest and happiest people I know continue to work on creating balance in life. Thank you so much for your added contribution to this article.

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  4. The United States has huge issues around heart disease and Australia is not far behind. As you state, it’s often too late after the symptoms manifest, which makes it so important to remind each other as you have, to remember how vital awareness of our body, mind and spirit is. Each time I listen to my body and feel my feelings, including anger, grief and sadness, I create space and flow into my heart.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You have great wisdom and intuition which provides awareness many never experience. You provide your mind and body with the elements it needs to survive and thrive. I wish more people cared about themselves as you obviously do. Wishing you continued success, good health and happiness.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Great article 🙂 Thank you for sharing such valuable information 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for commenting. I’m glad you found it useful. I hope people seriously consider the ramifications and make a conscious decision to MODIFY (not make perfect) their lifestyles.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. This is particularly disheartening news for those who might turn things around, if they thought the damage wasn’t already done and permanently established. I believe there is recovery from much of the damage we do, when we turn from our destructive ways and change our approach to food and exercise. Do you believe the same? I read an article once that purported the damage done to lungs form smoking to disappear after two years quit. It convinced me to stop smoking. I wanted back those pink and vibrant lungs more than I wanted to continue to fit in with my smoking friends/peers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Conditions can dramatically improve if changes are implemented. I wanted people to realize that damage to the blood vessels in the heart cause damage to MORE than just the heart. Our bodies are integrated. They need to be viewed as a whole complete person. Modifying lifestyle is an important solution to the problems we have caused ourselves (with or without symptoms!) There is absolute hope for those willing to put the effort in.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. Again another excellent article… Thanks for all your hard work..Kathy

    Liked by 2 people

  8. A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with cancer. She has just finished chemo and is now moving to radiation. Unfortunately, given the location of her tumor, one of the arteries in her heart will be lost as a result. She is 30 years old and will be seeing a cardiologist. I think at my age (28 and counting!), many people aren’t thinking about their hearts, but they should be. My friend won’t be able to do anything to solve her problem, but many of us can take action now to take better care of our vital organs.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I am truly sorry that your friend is having to go through her current medical dilemma. I wish her a successful outcome.
    I will continue to gently voice the message that changing one’s habits in life needs to be based on intelligent decision making rather than symptoms. If we know a behavior is dangerous or unhealthy, we need to be smart enough to change this behavior. Waiting for symptoms is like playing “chicken.” We only have one life; why gamble it away?

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