Gate A-4

In a world filled with fear, anger, hostility and hopelessness we have a story that helps restore faith in people regardless of cultural diversification. This is a story you should keep and re-read regularly. David, thank you for posting this story.

Live & Learn


Gate A-4 By Naomi Shihab Nye:

Wandering around the Albuquerque Airport Terminal, after learning my flight had been delayed four hours, I heard an announcement: “If anyone in the vicinity of Gate A-4 understands any Arabic, please come to the gate immediately.” Well— one pauses these days. Gate A-4 was my own gate. I went there.

An older woman in full traditional Palestinian embroidered dress, just like my grandma wore, was crumpled to the floor, wailing. “Help,” said the flight agent. “Talk to her . What is her problem? We told her the flight was going to be late and she did this.”

I stooped to put my arm around the woman and spoke haltingly. “Shu-dow-a, shu-bid-uck, habibti? Stani schway, min fadlick, shu-bit-se-wee?” The minute she heard any words she knew, however poorly used, she stopped crying. She thought the flight had been cancelled entirely. She needed to be…

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  1. This is an awesome piece. What the author writes about here is the kind of thing that changes peoples lives. These scenarios are contagious too so the more acts of kindness that we can perform, the faster we can change the world. Positive thoughts, breed positive actions which in turn become our lives. Other people pick up the love energy. Some will pay it forward starting the whole process over again. That is how we make the world we want to live in.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing this post, it renews our faith in humanity.

    Liked by 1 person

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